
Chapter 420: Tags: Mindbreak

Chapter 420: Tags: Mindbreak

Fang Yu shook her head a few times, and she blinked several times just to make sure that what she was seeing was right. “Oh s**t, Solomon really looks like her.” Fang Yu muttered while Genie on the other hand was also shocked by what she .

Now that she saw Solomon’s real appearance, she already realized why Solomon had a connection with Tang Li. “You... you are definitely related to Tang Li!” Fang Yu said as she observed Solomon’s appearance thoroughly. “Now that I see it, you look like...” Just like what they expected before, Solomon’s appearance was of a male, and he’s a handsome male.

Solomon’s body was lean while his long black hair reached the back of his ankles. Solomon’s beautiful face held a mischievous smile on it as he slowly approached Fang Yu. However, what was weird about Solomon’s appearance was that he looked like the adult male version of the talking baby Tang Li! If Tang Li was a male and was 20 years old, then Tang Li’s appearance will be like the appearance that Solomon had now!

This similarity in their appearance and the fact that Solomon can seemingly communicate with Tang Li brought Fang Yu to only one conclusion. “Solomon, you and Tang Li are a pair of twins right?” Fang Yu slowly said, as Genie let out a tired sigh. “But you two are not just twins... you two are a pair of Planet Devourer Twins!” Solomon just gave Fang Yu a smile and a nod as he started to clap slowly. “Bravo Fang Yu, you are right. We definitely are twins... but it is something that is different from being just twins.” Solomon let out a deep breath before saying, “Since we are already at this state, I might just as well tell everything that led up to this situation.”

Fang Yu took a deep breath too, as she realized that the current Solomon seems to not have any shred of fighting intent. He seems really sincere on telling his story. And of course Fang Yu is interested on hearing it. After all, how could Tang Li have a twin brother when Tang Li’s mother seemed to have given birth to Tang Li only?

Solomon also has to explain why he is a Djinn and not a Divine Beast like Tang Li. And why did Solomon turn from Tang Li’s twin brother to an evil Djinn slavemaster in the Future Timeline? Fang Yu had the feeling that Solomon will reveal the answer to all of these questions right now!

While she was waiting, Fang Yu saw Solomon pointing his index finger to her. Fang Yu slightly tensed, expecting an attack. But as it turns out, is was Solomon’s introduction of his story. “Fang Yu, you are the reason that Tang Li had a twin brother.” Solomon bluntly said. “Technically speaking, you and your master was the reason that I, Solomon, came into existence.”

“What do you mean by that?” This bombshell dropped by Solomon slightly rattled Fang Yu, but she only shook her head as she managed to recover from the shock. “Its just the start, and you are already giving me a load of bollocks?” “You think I am lying to you? Hahaha!” Solomon let out a raucous laugh as he slapped his thighs. There were tears at the sides of his eyes as he gave Fang Yu an amused look.

“In your Present Timeline, do you remember that your master Wang Hao awakened something in you months before you went to the Immortal God Sect?” “I know what you are talking about.” Fang Yu replied quickly. “I do not know how you knew something confidential like that, but how can that be related to your birth?” What Solomon was talking about was the time when Wang Hao awakened the Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast Bloodline inside Fang Yu. Fang Yu was not sure how something like this could be the trigger for Solomon’s birth. “Idiot!” Solomon shouted as he shook his head, looking quite disappointed. Solomon wagged his index finger at Fang Yu as he slowly said, “Let me tell you one thing: Tang Li’s soul was affected when your master Wang Hao awakened your bloodline!” “Don’t tell me...” Fang Yu’s eyes narrowed as she realized what Solomon’s latest words meant. “That my awakening affected the soul of Tang Li and as a result, you appeared?” “Correct!” Solomon did a check mark with his fingers as he continued walking towards Fang Yu. Before Fang Yu could give any retorts, Solomon suddenly started a lengthy explanation which Fang Yu was unable to stop, and this contained the rest of Solomon’s reasons. Fang Yu paused a little as she analyzed everything that Solomon said in that lengthy explanation. Minutes later and Fang Yu’s shoulders slumped. Fang Yu then let out a defeated sigh as she said, “I hate to say it, but I really am the reason for Solomon’s existence.” According to the lengthy explanation, when Fang Yu awakened her Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast Bloodline, it affected the soul of Tang Li who was the reincarnation of the Planet Thrae. It must be known that if the Planet Thrae wanted to advance as a Sixth Stage Planet, it must reincarnate its soul first as a living being. The one it reincarnated to was Tang Li, but Fang Yu’s awakening as the Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast somehow affected it! According to Solomon, after Fang Yu split up into the male and female bodies, some ripples of this separation process hit the soul of Planet Thrae that was inside Tang Li.

At that point, the soul of Planet Thrae was extremely weak and vulnerable, as mere months just passed by after it reincarnated. Of course because Tang Li was the daughter of the Grand Elder, it will be almost impossible for any soul related attacks to hit Tang Li, which in turn will protect the soul of Planet Thrae. The soul of Planet Thrae just had to wait for a few more months and it will recover.

However, Fang Yu’s bloodline awakening was extremely mystical, and the ripples of this awakening was not something that the defenses of a Sect can stop. Combine that with its weakened condition, and the soul of Planet Thrae was affected by these ripples. Just like what happened with Fang Yu’s soul, the soul of Planet Thrae split itself into two souls, one male and female. This soul split was imperfect unlike Fang Yu’s, so only one of the split souls can stay in Tang Li.

The other soul will be the unlucky one, as it will be left without any vessel. The female soul was the one that stayed in Tang Li’s body. As for the male soul, since it had no body to stay in, it started wandering the surroundings of Planet Thrae. The male soul at that time should do something quickly, or else it might die from the lack of a vessel!

This only leaves the male soul with only one choice, and that choice is that the male soul will be birthed by the Nature itself. Of course something like this will turn the male soul into a Djinn!

“Scan!” If what Solomon said was true, then his and Tang Li’s soul must have the same frequency.

Using her Glaistig Ability, Fang Yu confirmed that indeed, Tang Li and Solomon had similar souls! It was so similar that the only explanation for their similarity was the claim that Solomon made before! Fang Yu was basically tongue-tied at this point. Solomon smiled upon seeing Fang Yu’s current expression. He then turned his back on her as he started to talk again. “After I became a Djinn in your Present Timeline, a set of events dragged me away from Planet Thrae. Then I encountered some dangers which forced me to become a Planet Devourer!”

“And then during that time, you started to don the name of Solomon and you started to devour countless planets and enslave countless Djinns.” Genie venomously said. “What a way to live your life.” Solomon just shrugged his shoulders as he ignored what Genie said. “Anyways,” Solomon waved his hands around him as he stretched his body. “After I was separated from Planet Thrae, I rose in power using my Djinn and Planet Devouring Abilities. Life was great for me at that time.” “But...” Solomon’s eyes suddenly narrowed as he started to look greedy. Solomon gazed at Fang Yu’s storage feverishly as he said, “I know that I will never be complete because I am only half of who I am!” Solomon’s breathing started to hasten as he continued staring at Fang Yu’s storage with fervor.

“Because of that, I knew that the only way for me to get stronger is if my soul becomes whole again! Of course I do not want to just fuse with Tang Li. If I am to complete my soul, then I will do so by devouring Tang Li’s soul!” “So,” Solomon looked up as nostalgia flashed across his eyes. “4,000 years after your Present Timeline, I decided to gather my forces to invade the Planet Thrae so that I can devour Tang Li!” “But that attack was my greatest mistake.” Solomon regretfully said as he looked at Fang Yu once more. He gave Fang Yu a smile that was not a smile as he said, “When I invaded the Planet Thrae 4,000 years after your Present Timeline, you were the one who defended it. You are so powerful at that time that most of my Djinns died and even I was gravely injured.” “You, the Goddess, managed to defeat my invasion.” Solomon said with a relish. “Guess that explains why you looked like the Goddess right?” Now, Fang Yu understood everything from what Solomon said.

Fang Yu looks like the Goddess because the Goddess is the future version of Fang Yu! In that case, the Goddess Planet was the future version of the Planet Thrae! And Solomon invaded the Planet Thrae 4,000 years after her Present Timeline to devour Tang Li! After that invasion, the future version of Fang Yu disappeared and the Planet Thrae became a Stage 0 Planet. So all in all, the Future Timeline where Fang Yu is in right now is the timeline thousands of years after Solomon invaded Planet Thrae! But this gave Fang Yu more questions. First, where the hell is Wang Hao when Solomon invaded the Planet Thrae 4,000 years after her Present Timeline? Second, why is Tang Li looking a baby when Solomon invaded? Shouldn’t she look older since the invasion happened 4,000 years after Tang Li’s birth? And how about Shamaila? How the hell will she fit in the whole picture? Third, is the future version of Fang Yu still alive? And lastly, what is Solomon scheming when he forcefully brought Fang Yu at the Future Timeline? Is it to prevent his own demise? Or is he still aiming for Tang Li? Solomon smiled as he saw the sheer confusion on Fang Yu’s face. He spread his arms wide as he said, “Seems like you still have more questions for me. Go on, ask them all now. After all I am fully recovered now, so I am in still a good mood. Besides, with my current state now, there is no way for you to run! So I will entertain your queries before I start my business with you all!”

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