
Chapter 416: I have been Waiting for that Finger

Chapter 416: I have been Waiting for that Finger

“This damned guy!” Wang Hao cursed inwardly, realizing what the Minister of Agriculture had done.

This sleazy guy seemed to really want Wang Hao dead, as he seemed to be egging on Wang Hao’s opponents to kill him! “You know that by you supporting me, you are supposed to protect me if I used my favor to ask for you help.” Wang Hao coldly said as he glared at the pensive Minister of Agriculture.

“Keep up with what you are doing now, and I will officially file a complaint regarding your behavior. Let’s see if you can wiggle out of punishment after I file my complaint.”

The face of the Minister of Agriculture crumpled, looking extremely displeased with Wang Hao said. But he had no choice in the matter, as he could not just disregard the will of the Yama himself.

“Fine, I will try to kill them. That is, if I can kill them.” The Minister of Agriculture, who looked extremely human-like except for a large hole on his forehead, split into a wide grin as he continued talking. “You know that in this planet, I can only restrict my strength down to the Fifth Stage. Even if I am an extremely talented practitioner, it will be almost impossible for me to defeat an Immortal and 3 Fifth Stage Godly Divine Beasts with my suppressed strength right now.”

The Minister of Agriculture gave Wang Hao a mocking smile as he said, “Do you still want me to kill them?” After hearing this, the eyes of the Old Man Yan and the Beast God Envoys lit up as they knew what the Minister of Agriculture said was right.

Even if they could feel a powerful death energy from the Minister of Agriculture, they could also feel that the Minister of Agriculture suppressed his strength down to the Fifth Stage, as that is the only way for him to appear in the Planet Thrae. With that kind of strength, there is really no way for the Minister of Agriculture to attack them, much less kill them!

Wang Hao shook his head wryly after hearing what the Minister of Agriculture said. Wang Hao seemed to be disappointed as he said, “I just said that I need your help to kill them, but I did not say that you will be the one that will do the killing!”

The eyes of the Minister of Agriculture widened as he digested what Wang Hao just said. Remembering their conversation earlier, Wang Hao really did not say that the Minister of Agriculture has to personally kill them. In that case, what Wang Hao really wanted was...

“Don’t tell me you want me to use my status to deploy IT?” The Minister of Agriculture replied with a dark face. “You know, even that seems to be too much...” “Quit yapping and just do your job.” Wang Hao snarled angrily. “I will really file a complaint if you do not help me now.”

“Fine!” The Minister of Agriculture said as he gave Wang Hao a smirk. “But I need to use 1 more favor that I gave to you. After all, I can only use this if it is really needed. I just hope He will agree now. So, just pray that my request will be accepted.”

Wang Hao gritted his teeth, realizing that if he proceeds on, he will lose 2 favors in a row, leaving him with only 1 favor left for the final trial. But after seeing the situation around him, he decided to just let it be as he gave a nod to the Minister of Agriculture. The Minister of Agriculture then closed his eyes, as if he was trying to communicate with something.

Old Man Yan and the Beast God Envoy managed to get the flow of the conversation, and they realized that from the looks of it, Wang Hao was about to make his move! “But you are too late now!” Old Man Yan laughed as he looked around him. “Even if you were to do something now, you can’t manage to do that with these many Gods around you.” While Wang Hao and the Minister of Agriculture were busy bickering with each other, Old Man Yan secretly used his divine sense to call all the Gods that he can call in the God Continent.

That was already enough, as right now, all these Gods convened at the Palace of the Gods! “What can you do now Wang Hao?” Old Man Yan gloated as he and the Beast God Envoys joined the newly-arrived Gods. “Can you and that summon of yours fight back against us?”

Wang Hao just shook his head, looking quite amused by Old Man Yan’s antics. “Hmph, you are just all talk now. Everyone attack!” This time, Old Man Yan does not believe that Wang Hao can withstand the attack of 50+ Gods.

Whatever skill Wang Hao had used to survive earlier, it won’t help him now! But before they could make their move, the Minister of Agriculture opened his eyes as he excitedly said, “Here it comes!” Everyone in the Planet Thrae suddenly felt an extremely chilly feeling, as if a great wave of cold just covered the whole planet.

As if on instinct, all the living creatures looked above them, and there they saw something that they will never be able to forget. They saw a finger piercing through the skies, plunging to the ground with an unbelievable speed!

The hand looked extremely ancient, with countless cracks covering its surface. Intense amounts of death energy covered this finger, as everything that got near this finger started to immediately die.

The appearance of this finger brought great alarm to both the Gods and Immortals in the Planet Thrae, but they did not dare to approach it, as they felt that getting near this finger will be certain death!

But the ones that were the most alarmed at the appearance of this finger was were Old Man Yan, the Beat Gods Envoys and the Gods around them. After all, this descending finger was heading right on their location! “Flee!!!” Old Man Yan knew with just one look that this finger was bad news, so he immediately instructed everyone to run away. “There is no way we can survive against something like that!”

Bursts of power could be felt as the Gods employed all the ways that they can use to escape. But to their dismay, they felt the space around them being locked down, preventing them from leaving!

The Gods looked behind them, and there they saw Wang Hao with his arms splayed wide. Countless streams of power erupted from his palms, covering the whole are around him.

“That aura... It’s quite similar to the Space Lock Formation!” One of the Gods exclaimed as he gave an aghast look to Wang Hao. “But there is no way you can do that! The Space Lock Formation can only be used by Sixth Stage Practitioners, and not by someone like you!”

“Well, I am a very skilled space mage.” Wang Hao replied cheekily. “I just looked at the real Space Lock Formation earlier, and I was able to use my skills to replicate it. But because of my limited cultivation, I can only keep this Space Lock of mine for 10 seconds... But, I think that time is already enough!” What Wang Hao said was right.

Even though this makeshift Space Lock that he used can only keep these Gods unable to escape for 10 seconds, that can be enough to hold them in until The Finger arrives!

Wang Hao ignored the shouts of desperation of the Gods as he looked at the Minister of Agriculture, who was looking at the Finger with reverence. Wang Hao shook his head, knowing that he was extremely lucky that he was actually able to let this finger descend!

After all, this finger was a finger attack by the clone of the Yama! Because of the Tenth Stage Power of the Yama, he was usually not allowed to interfere in the matters of the lower-staged planets.

For these kind of matters, it was usually his strongest clone that is doing the job!

Of course this clone of his usually does not do anything. It only moves when it needs to move! One of the times that this clone can make a move was when it receives a request from the Underworld Ministers.

The Underworld Ministers had a privilege given to them where they can ask the Yama Clone to use a single attack. This single attack can be used for anything, as long as it is within the scope of the power of the Yama Clone.

However, the Yama Clone will not just approve every single request of the Underworld Ministers.

Most of the times, these requests are rejected, and it is very rare to see the Yama Clone approving these requests.

In the long and illustrious history of the Underworld Realm, the number of times that the Yama Clone made a move can be counted within one’s hand! Because of that, no one from the current Universe Ministers made even just a single request to the Yama Clone!

This just shows that it is almost impossible to request the Yama Clone to make an attack. But Wang Hao was not unfazed with that, as he willingly used 2 favors to make the Minister of Agriculture send a request to the Yama Clone. The contents of the request was just simple.

[Exterminate all the Gods that are about to attack the Underworld Prince Wang Hao!] If that request was not granted, then Wang Hao had to rely on overclocking his Space-Time Gyroscope to give him a fighting chance.

But luckily for him, the Yama Clone actually made a move! Looking the descending finger that got closer and closer to the Gods, Wang Hao suddenly had a strange thought.

“This finger obviously had a power greater than the Seventh Stage. In that case, this finger should have not been able to enter the Planet Thrae!” Wang Hao knew that even someone like that Yama Clone could not just ignore the rules set by the Universe itself.

But then, how was the Yama Clone able to bring his powerful attack on a Fifth Stage Planet? Did the Yama find a loophole within the rules of the Universe itself? If that was the case, then Wang Hao really had to be the Yama successor, as he knew he will be privy to these secrets once he becomes the Yama Successor!

“You... how did you manage to make the Yama Clone attack?” The Minister of the Agriculture asked Wang Hao through the divine sense. “Is there anything in you that made the Yama Clone respond to my request?”

Wang Hao kept silent at this, as he saw the traces of greed within eyes of the Minister of Agriculture.

Wang Hao was not a kind person, and he will certainly not give any hint to the Minister of Agriculture who treated Wang Hao harshly before. “I am not in the mood for games Agri-Guy.” Wang Hao replied as the finger collided with its target.

Wang Hao made a grabbing motion in front of him as he said, “I need a lot of souls for the final trial, and I think gathering the souls of the Beast God Envoys and these Gods will be of great help to me.” “.....”

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