
Chapter 403: A Face-off

Chapter 403: A Face-off

There was a thunderous impact as the Nihility Orb collided with Solomon’s figure inside the cave.

“Hehehe... if you dared to take my Nihility Orb head-on, then you should expect to be injured!” Fang Yu muttered knowing fully well the power of her attack.

By letting the symbols of fire, death, and destruction combine into one attack instead of fusing it with her body, Fang Yu was able to optimize all the destructive potential of the symbols.

After all, some of the potency of the symbols were always lost every time she fuses them with her body to create the Destructive DeathFlame Body, which makes them fall short of their peak power.

But now that Fang Yu combined all these three symbols without any ‘obstructions’ at all, Fang Yu was sure that the damaging power of her Nihility Orb will be off the charts.

The word ‘Nihility’ means nothingness, and Fang Yu knew it was an apt name for her attack!

The unstoppable heat of her Pure Yang Universe Flame, the unescapable death and decay brought by her Θ(death) symbol, and the pure destruction by the ?(destruction) symbol are all contained inside the Nihility Orb.

All these properties make it obvious that anyone hit by the Nihility Orb will be blasted away into nothingness!

And now, Fang Yu wanted to see if Solomon would be the Nihility Orb’s first victim!

But just like all the expectations that Fang Yu had, it was also quickly doused cold by the reality.

“What a powerful attack. Even I felt slightly threatened by it. Its too bad that this orb would not be enough to kill me.” Solomon’s voice sounded out as Fang Yu felt her Nihility orb hitting its target. “Since you gave me this orb, I also have to give something to you. That’s the principle of gift giving right?”

Fang Yu then felt extremely uneasy, as she suddenly felt extreme wariness. As for the source of her wariness, it came from inside the dark cave!

She stepped back, with her mind calculating what defense she should use. With the way her fight was going, Fang Yu had no time to know if Solomon was affected by her Nihility Orb.

As long as Solomon does not show himself, Fang Yu will have no way to know about it.

Fang Yu could only pray that her Nihility Orb did something to Solomon before she felt the build-up of power inside the cave.

“Here comes Solomon’s first attack!” Fang You thought gravely as she gave a nod to both Andromeda and Genie, who also nodded back to Fang Yu.

All three of them were excited and scared at the same time knowing that this is the first time that Solomon will make an attack ever since he was heavily injured by the Goddess countless of years ago.

Fang Yu had no idea on what Solomon’s attack will look like, but no matter what he threw at her, Fang Yu will do her best to survive.

Genie and Andromeda jumped away from Fang Yu, as Fang Yu told them earlier that she will be the only one to deal with Solomon. Genie and Andromeda only has to guard Fang Yu from unexpected elements that might come in play.

“AI suit maximum overdrive.” Andromeda muttered as she amped the sensors of both her and Fang Yu’s AI suit to the max. With these, better observations will be made by the AI suits which will hasten the simulation of Solomon’s Nature Power.

Genie was no idle either, as she turned her body into a mist, with her eyes looking around her cautiously.

This is one of the forms of her Mist Nature Power, and it allows her to transform her body into the Mist.

Anything touched by her Mist Body will be immediately teleported to the Mist Room.

This ‘anything’ includes objects and even attacks, as long as these attacks were bearable for Genie.

If Genie in her Mist Body Form tried to absorb an attack that is too strong for her, she will suffer a backlash which will make her experience twice the damage from the attack that she failed to absorb.

But of course Genie was not an idiot who would do such a stupid thing.

With her using her Mist Body Form, Genie was highly confident that she can protect Fang Yu from any kind of attacks that did not come from Solomon.

“It’s all up to you now Fang Yu...” Genie muttered to herself as she roamed around in her Mist Body Form. “I wish that you will be able to last longer until we recognize Solomon’s power.”

Fang Yu narrowed her eyes as she felt the efforts and the determination of both Genie and Andromeda.

Having them made her feel warm, as Fang Yu realized that she had two comrades that she can trust right now.

Fang Yu gripped her fists as she thought to herself,

“Genie and Andromeda, I will not waste the opportunity you gave me! I swear I will survive!”




The hairs in Fang Yu’s skin suddenly rose as Fang Yu saw an extremely bright object coming out of the cave.

With her advanced vision, it took Fang Yu only a moment to recognize what this bright object is.

It was a pristine white chariot, and it was being dragged by 5 Skeletal Horses. The bright glow was coming from the chariot itself, which seemed to be made up of rare materials.

The chariot moved extremely fast, coming out of the cave and approaching Fang Yu so quickly that before Fang Yu could realize it, the chariot and the horses were already in front of her!

“Oh s**t!” Fang Yu cussed as she saw the chariot that was about to collide with her.

“Woosh!” Fang Yu suddenly disappeared from that spot, with her body reappearing at another location, 5 meters away from the chariot.

Because of the suddenness of the chariot attack, Fang Yu was forced to use the teleportation power of her ●(space) symbol.

This made Fang Yu wince inwardly, as her use of teleportation is not unlimited like what Wang Hao does. She cannot just use it to keep dodging the chariot, which will surely continue chasing her!

And Fang Yu could not just let the chariot hit her, as she instinctively felt that even in her current state, she will still be heavily injured once she was hit by that speedy chariot!

“What the hell is this attack?” Fang Yu thought as she stared at the white chariot and the horses warily.

“With my Demonic Unicorn Power, I am sure that the chariot and the horses are not illusions. That just means both of them were real objects!” Fang Yu bit her lips as she saw the chariot and the horses locked in on her again!

“If these chariot and horses are Solomon’s first attack against me, then what kind of attack are they?” Fang Yu thought panickedly as she retreated quickly, trying to lead the chariot around.


But that effort of Fang Yu was useless, as the chariot’s speed made it appear in front of Fang Yu again!

This time, Fang Yu was unable to react as the hooves of the horses kicked her chest.

“Guh!” Fang Yu was catapulted backwards by the force of the impact. Blood spurted out of her mouth as she felt her insides roiling from that kick.

“Force is mass multiplied by acceleration. These horses has normal mass, but their horrific speed makes each of their blows extremely ‘forceful’!” Fang Yu thought as she wiped the blood from her mouth.

Fang Yu had a cramped smile as she realized that Solomon just used one attack, and she had been injured immediately. Meanwhile, Fang Yu was still not sure if her own attack was able to affect Solomon!

“Speed! These horses and chariot represent speed!” This is the only thing that Fang Yu realized from that clash earlier.

Fang Yu felt slightly relieved that at least by now, she somehow gained more clues about Solomon’s real power.

“Are you okay Fang Yu?” Fang Yu heard the worry in the voice of both Genie and Andromeda as they hastily called out to her.

Both of them saw the otherworldly speed of the horse, and they also saw the Fang Yu being pushed back by the horses!

Genie and Andromeda knew that Fang Yu had countless abilities that will allow Fang Yu to defeat the horses quickly.

The problem is that these abilities, even the fastest ones, required around 1 second before they can be activated.

Against a normal opponent, that kind of speed is enough.

But with their unfair speed, the horses will be able to stomp Fang Yu multiple times before Fang Yu could cast any of these abilities!

This ridiculous situation can make someone say that Fang Yu’s greatest strength had been neutralized by the overwhelming speed that the horses had!

“Tsk, seems like I am already cornered here...” Fang Yu murmured as she glared at Genie and Andromeda, who was about to swoop in and help her.

“Do not interfere! If you help me, the horses will surely attack you two! Genie, I felt the power of that horses’ stomp earlier. I can guarantee that even your Mist Body will not be able to absorb that attack! As for you Andromeda, you already knew that you have the weakest body here, so just one stomp from the horses will kill you!”

This made both Genie and Andromeda pause, as they realized that what Fang Yu said was right.

“Don’t worry, even if I am like this, I know I can somehow find a way against these horses.” Fang Yu then looked at the horses, who strangely enough, did not pursue the injured Fang Yu.

The horses stared at Fang Yu instead, with their eyes filled with derision.

“These bastards...” Fang Yu gritted her teeth realizing what the horses were doing.

“These skeletal horses are looking down on me!”

There have been many times that Fang Yu have been humiliated in her life, both in her male and female bodies.

But this time, she was unable to swallow and endure the humiliation she received from the skeletal horses.

“F**k!” Fang Yu knew that the horses were not attacking her right now as they were waiting for her to make a move.

This time, the horses will attack Fang Yu once she attempts to make a move.

That means that if for example, Fang Yu attempts to don her Red Martial Aura, the horses will swoop in and stomp the living c*ap out of her before the Red Martial Aura could cover her body.

The horses will be doing this as they want to give the statement that,

[We can kill Fang Yu even if she tries to attack! If she makes a move, we will be able to kill her faster than she could even use that move!]

The audaciousness of this was enough to make Fang Yu extremely pissed.

“Oh, so that is what you want huh? A face-off? Well then, I shall happily play with you!” Fang Yu growled as she glared at the horses with killing intent.


Both sides were tense as they kept their bodies still.

The horses’ eyes were trained on Fang Yu, watching her every move. At the instant that Fang Yu tries to attack them, the horses will use their speed to neutralize Fang Yu before she could even try to attack!

Fang Yu on the other hand, was thinking of a different thing.

She knew that for her to beat the horses, she must use an attack that will be faster than the horses! Only this kind of attack will allow Fang Yu to win!

With the countless abilities that Fang Yu had with her, surely there is one combination that will give her what she needed, right?”

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