
Chapter 385: Mindception

Chapter 385: Mindception

Right when Fang Yu said these words, they felt the ground rumbling around them. Then out of nowhere, a scaly black hand reached out towards Fang Yu’s spaceship. Fang Yu and her companions could only let out a shout as the hand dragged them away.

Fang Yu and her companions started panicking as the hand dragged them. No matter what attack they did to the hand, it would not budge no matter what. The weapons of the ship were unable to do anything, and even Fang Yu’s bloodline abilities were unable to dent the hand.

Fang Yu also did not dare to unfuse and fuse her male and female bodies to escape this planet, as she realized that she must not let Solomon see her ability to travel the River of Time easily.

They even tried using the strongest engine on their spaceship to accelerate it greatly, but the land around them and the tight grip of the hand did not allow the them to escape.

They were about to lose their hope when Fang Yu noticed something. After some observations, Fang Yu realized that the hand’s speed in dragging them was just the same as the drilling speed of their ship earlier. This means wherever Solomon was dragging them to might take at least an hour and at most 4 hours to reach.

This means Fang Yu and her companions still had this time to find a way to escape. So instead of panicking, all four of them sat on the floor as they discussed their options.

“How could this thing happen?” Genie asked as she hugged Tang Li who was shaken by the sudden turn of events. “Isn’t Solomon heavily injured in both mind and soul?” “That’s what I thought too!” Fang Yu replied angrily. “But from the looks of it, those roars of pain earlier were all fake. Solomon just wanted us to think that he was weakened so that we will approach him!”

Andromeda took a deep breath first before saying, “Instead of worrying about what will happen later, I think we should be more worried about what is inside Tang Li’s head.” Andromeda concluded her words by pointing at Tang Li. “Since she said that she can hear Solomon, I think we should be thinking on how to deal with that voice inside her head. Who knows, this voice must have been spying on us the whole time.”

Fang Yu nodded her head, thinking that the Voice in Tang Li’s head clearly had ulterior motives. Tang Li was just a baby, so for her to spy on Fang Yu and others were fairly impossible.

Whatever Solomon put on Tang Li’s head, it must have been the one talking to Tang Li and spying on Fang Yu and others! “That slimy Solomon! He knows that Tang Li was an easy to trick person, so he must have thought that putting his ‘spy equipment’ in her head is the best thing to do!”

Fang Yu then gritted her teeth as she reigned in her anger. Her eyes then narrowed as she thought of one more thing.

“If Solomon really did put something inside Tang Li’s head, how was he able to do it? From what Tang Li said earlier, that Voice started talking to her back in Planet Thrae. That event happened in my Present Timeline! At that time, Solomon was stuck here in my Future Timeline! Technically speaking, it should be impossible for Solomon to place something inside Tang Li!”

Fang Yu pulled her hair in frustration as she muttered, “If we just know how Solomon placed the Voice inside Tang Li’s head, then we will easily have the way to remove it from Tang Li!”

Since they have nothing to do now, Fang Yu decided that their first goal was to remove the Voice inside Tang Li’s head.

That way, they will remove the very thing spying on them now. If Fang Yu could have just discovered the Voice earlier, then she could have found more countermeasures against it. But reality was not that lenient, so Fang Yu had to make do with the time they have now.

“S**t, what should we do here?” Fang Yu said as she turned to Andromeda. “Do you have something that scan the mind of a person?”

“Oh, you came to the right person.” Andromeda stood up as she went to a room at the far end of the ship. “Wait, for me, I will just get something here.” After a few minutes of searching, Andromeda came back and this time, she was bringing something with her.

“Hey, that thing is...”

When Fang Yu and Genie looked at Andromeda, what they saw within her hands was a helmet-shaped device.

They were countless metal tubes and wires sticking out of it, making it look extremely eerie and repulsive.

“This right here,” Andromeda tapped helmet slightly, producing a heavy sound. “Is a brain scanner. Just put someone’s head inside it, and this machine will scan everything inside that person’s head, including the appearance of their brain and their brainwaves.”

Fang Yu narrowed her eyes after seeing the brain scanner. She felt slightly worried as she imagined placing Tang Li’s head inside that creepy helmet. “Hey, is that thing even safe?”

“Yes of course it is!” Andromeda replied angrily. “It just sends out some sub-atomic particles on a person’s brain. These particles do no harm to the brain. The only thing they do it to reflect off the brain and be read by this scanner.”

“If you say it is safe, I will believe you. But I will be watching.” Fang Yu said before swiveling her eyes to Tang Li. “Tang Li, you heard what we talked about. That thing inside your head is dangerous, so we must have it removed.”

“No!!!” Tang Li squirmed out of Genie’s hug, as she placed both of her hands on her head protectively. “Tang Li won’t let you remove him!”

“Pit pat pit pat.” Tang Li then started running away with her small legs, but she stopped as she saw Fang Yu appearing in front of her.

“If you let us scan and remove that voice, I will give you life-sized action figure with special powers, and I will also make my action figure able to lactate milk.” Fang Yu said this with a straight face while Genie and Andromeda struggled to not laugh after hearing her offer.

“Really? You will give Tang Li life-shized toysh?” Tang Li’s eyes twinkled as she imagined how fun would it be to play with life-sized action figures. Her mouth went wide as she imagined all the beating up those action figures can endure. It will be fun!

“I promise that.” Fang Yu replied honestly. “Kay, let’sh do it now!”

What a merciless child! Tang Li just easily betrayed the voice which befriended her in exchange for some toys!

“Yosh, here we go.” Andromeda placed the helmet on top of Fang Yu’s head, but she had to make some adjustments as Tang Li’s head was too small compared to the helmet.

“......” After a few more minutes of adjusting the straps, they were able secure the helmet on Tang Li’s head. “Muuu.... It’sh heavy....” Tang Li complained as she touched her helmet. “Hurry up Sis!” “Hmmm ...” Fang Yu cupped her chin as she realized something. “Tang Li, is the voice saying anything to you now?”

“Anything? No Sis, the voice ish not talking to Tang Li now!” “Now that is weird....” Fang Yu muttered as she gave a confused look to Andromeda and Genie. “We are about to scan Tang Li’s brain, yet the voice inside her head is not panicking. If the voice was in any danger, it should be panicking by now.” “Now that you say it....” Andromeda casted a wary look at Tang Li, as if she was hesitating on continuing the scan. Since the voice was quiet, it could have been planning on doing something during the scan.

“Don’t worry, I think that voice can only talk to Tang Li and spy on us. Maybe it won’t be able to do anything else other than that, so scanning her will be safe.” Fang Yu said as she assumed a tense pose.

“But if that voice really does something, I will make it regret doing it.” “Ok then.” Andromeda took a deep breath, before she activated the helmet. The helmet let out a weird beeping sound for 5 seconds, and then it stopped.

“That’s it?” Fang Yu said as she saw what happened. “That’s how fast the scanning went?” “Well duh, this is something advanced, so 5 seconds is already to be expected. Besides Tang Li is still a baby so her mind is still simple.”

“Muuu.... Tang Li ish not simple, Tang Li ish intelligent!” “Yeah, yeah we get it.” Fang Yu waved her hands dismissively as she gave an expectant look at Andromeda. “So how did the scanning go?”

“Well....” Andromeda was currently holding a stack of papers which was coughed out by a machine near them. These papers mush have been the scanning results of the helmet. “Tang Li’s brain looks fine, so we can exclude any kind of implant on her head.” Andromeda said as she flicked her pages.

“Her brainwaves, on the other hand, has something weird going on it.” “What do you mean?” Fang Yu tensed visibly while Tang Li, who hardly understood what Andromeda said, started to look worried too.

“As you know, the ‘soul’ that you practitioners are talking about can be ‘read’ by technology. Brainwaves, they are actually the fluctuations produced by someone’s soul. By reading the brainwaves, one can identify an abnormality in one’s soul.”

Andromeda then showed the paper she was holding to Fang Yu as she said, “Look at Tang Li’s brainwaves. There are no erratic cycles or broken lines. This means her soul was not tampered with. But the problem with this reading is that there are two brainwaves shown, instead of one. That means that there are two souls inside Tang Li right now.”

“So one of these brainwaves is from that voice’s.” Fang Yu said as she also observed the reading. “So which brainwave is it?” “That’s the worse problem.” Andromeda replied grimly as she looked at the brainwaves. “As you can see, even if there are two brainwaves here in the reading, these two brainwaves are similar to each other! Look! There is no single difference!”

Now that Fang Yu could see it, the two brainwaves in front of her were so similar that even with her advanced eyesight, she could see no difference between the two brainwaves.

It was as if Tang Li’s brainwaves and the voice’s brainwaves were just the exact copy of each other. “Hey,” Fang Yu’s voice trembled as she tried to stay calm. “Is it possible for two different people to have the same brainwaves?”

Andromeda shook her head as her grip on the papers tightened. “It is impossible. Every brainwave, just like fingerprints, are unique for every person.”

“But from what we saw from this reading...” Fang Yu’s voice trailed as an unbelievable notion crossed her mind. “Don’t tell me....”

Andromeda suddenly looked at Fang Yu with anger, while Genie’s body became tense. “Muuu... Sis, tell me what happened!” Tang Li said as she puffed out her cheeks. “Tang Li wantsh to know!”

“Are you implying to me that Tang Li and Solomon are the same person?” Andromeda hissed as she bore down on Fang Yu. “Yes, their brainwaves must be similar, but you must know that Solomon is a Djinn and Tang Li is a Divine Beast! So, the two of them being the same person is invalidated by that fact!”

“But then, how can you explain the similarity in their brainwaves huh?” Fang Yu replied angrily. “Aside from being the same person, what else could explain that?”

“.....” “.....” “.....” “.....”

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