
Chapter 378: Beaten Up Badly

Chapter 378: Beaten Up Badly

“Are you sure about this?’ Wang Hao muttered as he stared at Old Man glumly. “I could not believe you are making me do this.”

“Well, what choice do you have?” Old Man replied angrily.

“Destroy the egg perhaps?” Wang Hao replied quickly.

“Idiot!” Old Man shook his head, feeling disappointed with Wang Hao’s answer. “You have no way to destroy the egg. Do you think the ones who wanted the Jormugandr back to life did not think that anyone will try to destroy the egg? Of course they thought of that possibility!”

Old Man pointed at the runes around the egg while he scathingly said, “See those runes at the outer layer? They create a barrier that protects the egg from the outside. Attacking it will just strengthen the barrier. But this rune barrier is weak from the inside, so that the Jormugandr can leave the egg after it hatches. With our current state, we won’t be able to destroy this barrier.”

After hearing this, Wang Hao put a palm on his head as he let out a sigh. “From the records of his ancestors, Tian Yi must have also known about the security around the egg. No wonder he really is fine leaving me here.”

Wang Hao remembered the smug expression on Tian Yi’s face as they entered the Central Divine Plane. Remembering that expression made Wang Hao realize something. It was that Tian Yi possibly has a way to hatch the egg. Tian Yi must also have been planning to enslave the Jormugandr during this process, since it could be too weak to resist.

But with the words Old Man said earlier, it will be basically impossible even for someone like Tian Yi to enslave the Jormugandr after it was hatched. So, Tian Yi really should no be allowed near the egg. “Stop dilly-dallying now.” Old Man harshly said as he tried to prod Wang Hao with his soul body. “Since destroying the egg was not possible and just leaving it here is also not good, our only option it to take the Jormugandr for ourselves.”

“.....” This plan was already said by Old Man to Wang Hao minutes earlier. But even right now Wang Hao could not believe that Old man was actually making him do this.

“Hey Old Man... I thought that letting this egg hatch will spell doom for this planet and for us. Isn’t that why we do not want Tian Yi to get near the egg? And now you want me to hatch it? Talk about contradiction! Maybe the shock of seeing this egg made your mind wonky!”

“I am not crazy, if that is what you are implying!” Old Man roared, as he let out a hmph. “It will be only a disaster if it was hatched in wrong hands. The Jotunn? If they let the egg hatch naturally, they will surely use this planet as Jormugandr’s first food and then they will go back to Yggdrasil to end Ragnarok once and for all. As for Tian Yi? Letting him hatch the egg also amounts to disaster.”

“But.” Old Man pointed his index fingers upward as he slowly said, “Those people have evil intentions. Remember, an object cannot be considered to be good or evil. It all depends on the will of its user. A knife under good hands can be used to create delicious foods or even craft wonderful apparatuses. But under the wrong hand, and a knife can be used to end a life!”

“So Old Man, you are basically telling me that this Jormugandr is that knife and we two are the good hands?” Wang Hao let out a laugh from hearing this, as if he was finding this matter extremely funny.

“You seem to put a lot of trust in me Old Man. It’s extremely flattering me that you trust me, but I ask you once more, are you really sure about this?”

Wang Hao’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Old Man. “We have a low chance of succeeding here and its more likely that we will die. But even if we succeed, we two will be able to obtain Jormugandr for ourselves. Are you sure that I am trustworthy enough to have that kind of control?”

Old Man’s eyes dimmed after hearing this. He dipped his head as he muttered, “You, untrustworthy? Hahaha! You may be a little crook, but the reason I want you to have half the control over Jormugandr was not because I trust you, it was because I want you to restrain me if I ever want to use Jormugandr on the wrong things!”

“.....” By this point, Wang Hao was already sure that Old Man was from Yggdrasil. His abnormal knowledge about anything related to Jotunn and even the history of the war in Yggdrasil just indicates that Old Man was a native being of Yggdrasil.

As for how Old Man managed to leave Yggdrasil and actually become a Universe Sage was still a mystery to Wang Hao. But Wang Hao was sure in one thing.

If Old Man was the sole person to successfully tame Jormugandr, there is a possibility that he might use Jormugandr on Yggdrasil. The temptation was just too much, and it might entice Old Man.

Even if Old Man has his morals, he still knew that he might crumble from the temptation someday.

So, Old Man must have thought that having Wang Hao control the Jormugandr with him will be for the better. If they become both the owners of Jormugandr, they need to be in mutual agreement before using him.

This means if Old Man wants to use Jormugandr to wreck a place, he must need Wang Hao’s approval to do so. If Wang Hao does not agree, then Old Man would not be able to command Jormugandr to actually wreck the place.

This also works if it was Wang Hao’s actions that has to be restrained by Old Man. This mutual security feature made Old Man slightly secured. Wang Hao of course was slightly awed by Old Man’s train of thoughts.

“Yes, that mutual agreement part was great and all. But for us to reach that part, we have to tame Jormugandr first.” By this moment, Wang Hao already knew that he had to follow Old Man’s plans.

Saving this planet was just a small part of the reason why Wang Hao agreed. What actually made Wang Hao agree on this plan was just because he thought that having Jormugandr as his pet sounds cool!

Imaging riding a freaking giant snake travelling through space. Even Fang Lin who sometimes question Wang Hao’s tastes will be awed by that imagery.

There was also the fact that Wang Hao’s bloodline, the Sizzling Snake King Bloodline, made him quite attached to Jormugandr! Both of them had connections to serpents, and this made Wang Hao feel as if Jormugandr was his junior brother.

“Just you wait my junior. I will let you escape that prison and I will show you that destroying Yggdrasil is no fun. Having lots of beauties chasing you and people praising you, that is the way that you should live!” Wang Hao thought righteously as he slowly approached the egg.

If Old Man was to hear what Wang Hao was saying right now, he would definitely try to whack Wang Hao on his head! After a few minutes of careful walking, Wang Hao reached his destination. He gave the egg a pitying look as he looked like he wanted to comfort it.

“Junior brother, I pity your sad fate. But do not worry, I shall make you experience the life of a young master along with me and Fang Lin!” Wang Hao then closed his eyes as he extended his palms towards the egg. “Boom!”

With his abilities, Wang Hao has stored countless types and amounts of energy in his lifetime. But due to the seal on his forehead, he was unable to access most of these energies.

It was lucky for Wang Hao that Fang Lin’s breakthrough unlocked the Fourth Petal on his forehead. Because of that, Wang Hao was able to access more unique types of energy he had on his arsenal.

“Hmph. Swinging by that place surely is worth it.” Wang Hao muttered as he recalled something from his past. Due to his foggy memories, he was unable to recall it perfectly, but what he can recall was enough for him.

There was a period in his past life where he left his clan and started to roam around. By this point, Wang Hao was freely travelling across the universe, having a carefree life that he had always wanted.

It was at one of these travels that he passed by Yggdrasil. Wang Hao of course tried to enter, but even he was unable to enter due to the power used by Yggdrasil to block any unwanted guests.

Wang Hao, who was easily pissed of at that time, decided to play petty. With his energy manipulation ability, Wang Hao shamelessly absorbed the life energy present within Yggdrasil!

With how massive the Yggdrasil was, it was unperturbed by what Wang Hao did. After all, it can still recover this lost life energy, and not letting him enter was more important than its life energy being absorbed.

With Wang Hao being the shameless person that he was, he took advantage of Yggdrasil’s kindness and he just continued absorbing more and more of its life energy.


Eventually, time came that even the Yggdrasil could not take it anymore. It was fine with all the life energy absorbed from it. What made Yggdrasil angry was Wang Hao’s shamelessness.

With its type of body, the Yggdrasil was extremely powerful defensively but not offensively. So it could not just chase Wang Hao away, especially since Wang Hao was mostly immune to most types of attacks. As such it could only send distress signals to other Ninth Stage Practitioners nearby.

Too bad for Wang Hao that it was his Elder Sister that received the distress signal. His Elder Sister was wandering also by that time, looking for Wang Hao as she was instructed to bring him back home.

Poor Wang Hao was beaten black and blue by his Elder Sister as he was dragged back to his home. As for the life energy he absorbed, Wang Hao kept it for himself obviously. Wang Hao suddenly shivered as he remembered some of the times his Elder Sister beat him up.

“How is Sis doing now.... I wish she is not looking for me...” Wang Hao then shook his head as he ignored the memories of his scary sibling. He still had a junior brother to rescue now, so he must focus on this matter!

The runes started to glow brightly as a greenish-white type of energy came out of Wang Hao’s hands, straight into the runes.

What came out of his palms was the same life energy that he absorbed from Yggdrasil. With its properties, it could not be used to attack, and this life energy can only be used to heal injuries or illnesses. But Wang Hao will not use this life energy to heal anybody right now. Obviously, Wang Hao was using this life energy to force the egg to hatch!


The rich quality and quantity of the Yggdrasil Life Energy was certainly effective.

If a mere sapling that Tian Yi had was said to be enough to hatch the egg, then the life energy that Wang Hao just fed the egg was more than enough! Seconds later and more cracks appeared on the egg, which made both Wang Hao and Old Man tense.

This tense moment lasted for a minute, before it was broken by a thunderous explosion!

“Boom!” The eggshell burst apart, as if they could not take the pressure that build up inside them. As for the runes around the egg, they all shattered as they fulfilled their purpose already.

Wang Hao’s body trembled as he felt an evil intent spreading out from the exploded egg. A figure appeared within the place where the egg was before. Old Man’s eyes widened as he stared at the figure with both wonder and horror.

“No doubt about it... this is the evil being, this is Jormugandr!” A cry then came out of the figure, which sounded out like a broken music to Wang Hao and Old Man.

“Waaaa... waaa... waa...”

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