
Chapter 350: Clear and Pure Mind

Chapter 350: Clear and Pure Mind

The change was so sudden that the parties involved were not able to detect it.

Only Fang Lin, who was currently under the surge of the Wrath Flames was faintly able to feel something breaking inside his head.

This was the seal that the Fang Clan Patriarch had painstakingly put inside his mind.

It was unable to resist the continuous battering of the Wrath Flames, which led to its breakdown in the end.

After its breakage, memories began rushing to Fang Lin.

Now, Fang Lin could remember everything.

He could recall all the ‘young master’ things that he did in the past, and all the bullying that he did.

And of course, his memories of the disaster that he unleashed were also released by the seal.

The Wrath Flames inside Fang Lin rejoiced, as they felt that his recovered memories were all highly ‘rage-inducing’.

Fang Lin started trembling more as he remembered the beasts that wreaked havoc at the Fang Clan, the scared members who were cut down by these beasts, and all the people who died because of him.

His mindscape began trembling, as he was not able to accommodate his regained memories that well.

“Noo....” At this point, Fang Lin’s body began to burn as his self-blame began to overtake his rage.

The wrath flames fed on his newfound rage happily, as they now started to consume his body to fuel his rage. By this point, his demise will come to him faster!

Even if he was in his normal state, the rush of these memories will still affect Fang Lin. After all, the arrival of numerous traumatic memories will surely be able to inflict some mental damage to a normal person.

And now that he was under the influence of the Curse of Wrath, his memories of the Fang Clan disaster have their negative effects multiplied, and now they were bound to destroy him!

It was at that moment that a sigh resounded inside his head.

“So the day that this seal will be happened now huh. Good thing I thought of this countermeasure.”

A faint figure appeared inside Fang Lin’s mind. This figure watched the onslaught of the Wrath Flames, which made the figure shake its long white beard.

“I knew that breaking this seal requires something mentally powerful. But a curse really? My disciple really had some weird opponents.”

This faint figure was Old Man, Fang Lin’s second master.

But this Old Man that appeared inside Fang Lin’s mind was not the original one. The real Old Man was with Illusion Fang Lin in Planet Thrae.

This Old Man in Fang Lin’s mind was actually an avatar that the real Old Man put on Fang Lin’s mind.

When Fang Lin took the Old Man as his second master, Old Man was able to detect and recognize the memory seal placed inside Fang Lin’s mind.

At that time, Old Man knew that he should not break that seal, since it might hide something that should have been not known by Fang Lin.

And the rush of these memories will surely deal some mental injuries to Fang Lin.

But at the same time, Old Man also knew that Fang Lin will not be really that complete, unless that memory seal was broken. For Fang Lin to be the real Fang Lin, he must recover those sealed memories!

These two conflicting principles made Old Man unsure on what to with the memory seal.

But in the end, Old Man still did not break the seal, because he felt that it was not right for him to break the seal on his own.

Old Man knew the power of fate, and he faintly felt that there will come a time and a person that will break this memory seal.

Old Man knew that he was not that person.

“What to do......”

But even though he knew that, Old Man still wanted to provide aid to his disciple.

Even if he could not break the seal by himself, he could still do something about the possible mental injuries that his disciple will get.

With that in his mind, Old Man started some countermeasure to protect Fang Lin’s mind once the memory seal breaks.

First, Old Man created an avatar of his. This avatar was created from a portion of Old Man’s soul force.

In fact, this creation of the avatar was what made Old Man undergo a heavy slumber, since the reduction of the soul force was tantamount to injuring Old Man.

This avatar was then secretly placed inside Fang Lin’s mind and was set into stand-by mode.

The function of this avatar was just simple.

It will stay asleep inside Fang Lin’s mind, and it will only wake up once the memory seal was broken.

Once that seal was broken, the avatar will use all the soul force inside it to temporarily suppress all of Fang Lin’s emotions and sensations.

That was done in order to protect Fang Lin from all the self-blame that he will feel after seeing those memories.

And since this soul avatar was created from the soul force of Old Man, who was a formerly powerful practitioner, its emotion and sensation suppressing effects were off the charts!

In fact, the effects of this soul avatar were so powerful that even the curses of the current Andromalius was useless against it!

If it was the peak Andromalius, then his Wrath Flames might be able to beat the emotion and feeling suppression of Old Man’s soul avatar.

But the current Andromalius was weakened, so his Wrath Flames were unable to do anything against Old Man’s avatar!

“Boom!” The avatar’s body burst apart, turning itself into a ball of purified soul force.

This ball then exploded, releasing this soul force inside Fang Lin’s body.

“Hiss.....” All the wrath flames residing Fang Lin’s body were extinguished, as Old Man’s soul force filled every nook and cranny of Fang Lin’s cells.

It was also at that moment that the Malediction of Love arrived and hit Fang Lin.

Just like the Wrath Flames, Old Man’s soul force repelled the effects of the Malediction of Love on Fang Lin. His body only glowed red for a second, before the soul force wiped the malediction out of Fang Lin.

“........” Fang Lin’s breathing began to stabilize as his eyes turned blank.

The current him was now emotionless under the effects of Old Man’s soul force. This saved him from the effects of the Curse of Wrath and the Malediction of Love!

Of course this emotionless state was temporary, since Old Man’s soul force inside Fang Lin’s body was limited.

Once the soul force was used up, Fang Lin will return to his normal state.

But that time should be enough for the emotionless Fang Lin to digest his recovered memories.


At his current state, instead of feeling all sorts of emotions, Fang Lin felt as if he was just reading a book as he viewed his traumatic memories.

These memories of his seemed to be just words flitting across his mind, which was unable to shake his heart.

His memories also just felt like gigabytes of date, which his mind just mechanically scanned.

“......” Silence prevailed, as Fang Lin quietly ‘read’ his memories.

“My body is injured...” Fang Lin emotionlessly said as he looked at his battered body.

The current him was unable to feel pain with the Old Man’s soul force suppression. Because of that, Fang Lin was now able to move nimbly, as he was not hindered by any kinds of stinging pain.

If Wang Hao could see Fang Lin right now, he might be saying,

“Oh, so Fang Lin became Robotic Fang Lin?”

Robotic Fang Lin looked beside him, and there he saw Genie who was also under the effects of the Curse of Wrath and the Malediction of Love.

But it seemed like the effects of the curse and malediction was weak on her, as Robotic Fang Lin could sense very few flickering Wrath Flames on her body, and that the red glow on her body was extremely faint.

“....” With his emotions and feelings suppressed, Robotic Fang Lin’s intellectual prowess exponentially increased. He could think faster and sense his surroundings better as he now lost all sorts of distractions.

With one look to Genie, Robotic Fang Lin determined that it was safe for him to carry Genie.

Robotic Fang Lin looked up, as he saw that the black cloth covering them disappearing.

Robotic Fang Lin’s mind began some quick calculations, which told him the approximate time of the arrival of their pursuers.

“It’s no use....” Even with his enhanced intellect, Robotic Fang Lin knew that even if he and Genie run away, the pursuers will catch up to them in no time.

Them running away will just be a waste of energy.

“30 minutes...” Robotic Fang Lin’s mind extrapolated the memories that he had with Andromeda, giving him an estimate of her attitude and behavior.

With that estimate, Robotic Fang Lin determined that it will take around half an hour before Andromeda could arrive to help them.

“If I continued running, I will just be easily killed by our pursuers.....”

Robotic Fang Lin’s mind flashed as he considered his current situation.

He was unable to use his abilities due to the presence of Beleth. As for the range of Beleth’s domain, Robotic Fang Lin estimated it to be at least as wide as the whole Median Layer.

If Robotic Fang Lin wanted to be free from his power, Fang Lin has to escape to the Common Layer.

But his current situation will now allow that to happen.

His storage was also inaccessible, which deprived Fang Lin on ways to escape.

“I know now.......”

Instead of trying to escape, Robotic Fang Lin decided to go for broke.

“At my current state, I will be unable to use any of my abilities. That stems from this body’s lack of power.”

Robotic Fang Lin knew that the only way for him right now to be freed from Beleth’s power was for him to gain additional power!

“According to my calculations, there is a low chance that I will succeed. But if I do it right, I can gain power........”

Robotic Fang Lin considered the variables present around him.

Multiple bodily injuries. Check.

Presence of hostile enemies. Check.

Inability to use abilities. Check.

Late arrival of outside help. Check.

“Time to execute ‘Operation Ragnarok’.” Robotic Fang Lin muttered as he closed his eyes in concentration.

“Crack!” A sickening sound was heard as Robotic Fang Lin resolutely destroyed his dantian!

All the dao pillars that he painstakingly created shattered as Robotic Fang Lin willed their destruction.

All the mana which was now flowing inside his body ‘shrieked’ as Robotic Fang Lin disrupted their flow.

Now, all this mana became chaotic and disorderly. They travelled inside his body wantonly as they damaged more and more of Robotic Fang Lin’s internal organs.

As for his Essence Cores, Robotic Fang Lin did not hesitate for a moment before he also willed them to be destroyed!

Robotic Fang Lin coughed blood as the Dual Marks on his palms disappeared.

His hair turned grey as he felt signs of weakening, and his body trembled from the sudden destruction of all the foundation that he had built before.

But at the face of all this destruction, Robotic Fang Lin seemed to be unperturbed.

His current state made him fearless, which removed the doubt and trepidation in his heart. His mind was clear, as he only knew one thing that he should do.

Right now, there was no hesitation in his voice as he said,

“Time to breakthrough......”

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