
Chapter 303: Obvious Schemes

Chapter 303: Obvious Schemes

“What are you talking about, hahaha....” Illusion Fang Lin said as he tried to look nonchalant. “I think you are mistaken or something.....”

“I am not!” Chi Xing said as she slammed the side of her hand on Illusion Fang Lin’s throat.

“Kehok!” Since Illusion Fang Lin does not feel pain, he was not sure on how he should react to that throat slam.

So he just grabbed his throat as he acted he was in pain.

Chi Xing jeered at Illusion Fang Lin who was ‘in pain’.

“Even if you transform here, I can still overpower you.” Chi Xing said slowly. “That’s the fate of any divine beats who faces the Celestial Phoenix.

“.......” Illusion Fang Lin did not say anything since he knew Chi Xing was just baiting him to say something about his bloodline.

Chi Xing then grabbed Illusion Fang Lin by his neck as he pulled him up.

“If you will not tell me your secret, then I will continue beating you up.”

“Why not just use your Celestial Phoenix power? Wouldn’t that be better?” Illusion Fang Lin replied cheekily as he patted Chi Xing’s shoulders.

“Your attacks do not hurt after all.”

“You!” That provocation by Fang Lin sent Chi Xing to the edge. “I don’t need my bloodline ability to beat you into submission, my fists will do!”

She then spent the next hour sending a flurry of punches, kicks and other attacks to Illusion Fang Lin. Half of them were even aimed at his crotch!

“Ha, ha.” Chi Xing said after an hour of non-stop barrage. “What the hell are you?”

Illusion Fang Lin realized that if he wanted to gain initiative of the situation, he had to appear as the stronger side.

And in order to do that, he had to show to Chi Xing that he was not hurt by anything that she did.

Since he can’t feel any pain, Illusion Fang Lin had no qualms receiving those attacks. Although those crotch attacks made him wince inwardly.

“My crotch, really?” Illusion Fang Lin said as he stretched his body. “You seem to want to cut off my bloodline so eagerly...”

“You are not even damaged at all....” Now, Chi Xing noticed that aside from not feeling any pain, Illusion Fang Lin’s body was not even damaged at all!

“You are just a fat middle-aged man! How could you have such a strong body?”

“Oh why should I tell?” Illusion Fang Lin replied cheekily. “Maybe if you beat me up more, I will talk...”

“Sigh.” After a minute of glaring, Chi Xing sighed as she slumped her shoulders forward.

“Ok you pass. I think you are not the spy.”

“The spy?” Illusion Fang Lin said as she looked around him. “What do you mean about that?”

“Don’t tell me nobody told you?” Chi Xing spun around, giving Fang Lin a glare.

“Err.... Yeah.”

Chi Xing put a palm on her forehead as she tried to contain her exasperation. She took a deep breath before saying,

“Because of the dangers against us Divine Beasts, the Palace of the Gods offered us residency here for the time being.”

“Huh?” Illusion Fang Lin cocked his head, evidently confused by what she said.

“That means this is a safehouse!” Chi Xing bellowed, much to Illusion Fang Lin’s displeasure. “Those formation you feel are there to prevent any enemies from ambushing us from the outside. They reduce the power of anyone inside the formation, which includes us. But anyone who will attack us will also have their power reduced. I think that’s a good pay-off to stay safe.”

Chi Xing then clapped her hands as she added,

“Oh and before I could forget, we are not allowed to leave this safehouse until five days later.


Illusion Fang Lin could not believe it. 6 of the Divine Beasts in the God Continent believed that lie of the Palace of the Gods about keeping them in a safehouse.

Illusion Fang Lin does not know whether he should laugh or pity these divine beasts.

“Because of those dangers, we fear that those who chase us might send a spy in here. So I personally screen newcomers to see if they pose any threat to us.”

“Then how about my secret?” Illusion Fang Lin asked as Chi Xing untied him. “Are you not interested in it anymore?”

“Everyone of us has secrets, and I think its up to you if you want to tell it to us.” Chi Xing said as she pulled Illusion Fang Lin up. “Welcome to the safehouse.”

Illusion Fang Lin then paused as he thought,

“Wait, if these people went here voluntarily, does that mean I am the only one that was kidnapped? This is weird!”

“These people seem convinced that the Palace of the Gods will protect them. That’s the first weird thing here.”

“The second weird thing was the fact that I was brought here with me having the knowledge that I was kidnapped. Don’t those officials fear that I will tell the truth to these divine beasts?”

Illusion Fang Lin’s doubts were immediately answered when they heard the door of the house opening from the outside.

“It’s Sir Froilan!” Chi Xing smiled as she rushed towards the door.

“Who’s Sir Froilan?” Illusion Fang Lin asked as he followed Chi Xing.

“Oh, he’s the person who comes here everytime a newcomer like you arrives.” Chi Xing said as they reached the door. “Sir Froilan will talk to the newcomer personally to know about any issues that he/she has.”

“Ha, I get it.” Illusion Fang Lin now knew why all the 6 Divine Beasts besides him seem to be docile and calm even in captivity.

Wang Hao taught Fang Lin before that he should be careful about some types of people.

One of those people included those who can manipulate memories.

Wang Hao guided Fang Lin on how to find small details that will identify someone as a memory manipulator.

And Illusion Fang Lin could say with certainty that all these details are present on Sir Froilan.

This means that this Sir Froilan was a memory manipulator!

“So that’s how it is.” Illusion Fang Lin thought to himself as he observed the memory manipulator warily.

Everyone of the divine beasts in this room must have been captured the same way as Illusion Fang Lin. The only reason they were calm was because their memories were manipulated to the point that they were thinking that they were here to be safe.

Then anyone who gets brought here will also be memory manipulated. And if that person manages to say something to the brain-washed residents, Sir Froilan will just brainwash them again.


With the divine beasts calm like this, there won’t be any need to use additional security features, which means more saved funds.

“Really, even the Gods wanted to be thrifty?” Illusion Fang Lin inwardly laughed as everyone gathered in front of Sir Froilan.

“Hmm?” It was at that moment that Sir Froilan paused as he gave the Illusion Fang Lin a wide-eyed look.

“Sorry, but I think there is something wrong with you.”

Illusion Fang Lin tensed, thinking that maybe Sir Froilan had seen through him.

Sir Froilan smiled as he steered Illusion Fang Lin away from the others. Once they were far enough, Sir Froilan said something that made Illusion Fang Lin shaken.

“From the way you looked at me, I think you already know that I can manipulate memories. I think you already know what will happen to you next. But I think you meeting me is a great benefit for you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Illusion Fang Lin replied as he felt his heart hammering at Sir Froilan’s statement. It was as if he became excited by what he heard.

Sir Froilan smiled as he said,

“With my skills, I detected something in your mind. It was a memory seal, sealing something from your memories in the past.”

“A memory seal?” Since Illusion Fang Lin was a perfect imitation of the real Fang Lin, even his soul and brain waves were also copied.

That means that if the real Fang Lin had a memory seal, then the mind of Illusion Fang had the same memory seal too.

“So how about it?” Sir Froilan smirked as he offered the Illusion Fang Lin a deal.

“I will unlock your memory seal and let you enjoy whatever was inside it. In return, you have to voluntarily be brainwashed after you digested those memories. That’s a great deal isn’t it?”


Even Illusion Fang Lin knows a scam when he sees one.

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