
Chapter 264: Perks of being a Master

Chapter 264: Perks of being a Master

Fang Lin was stupefied on what he heard. He could hardly believe that this girl had the gal to actually watch him and his wife do it all night!

“.....” The masked girl flushed red as she looked down, avoiding Fang Lin’s scrutinizing gaze. Fang Lin sighed as he realized that this woman has some.... unique aspects on her personality.

“Did you enjoy watching that?” Fang Lin laughed sarcastically at the masked girl. “It looks like you were enjoying it! Are your fingers clean already?”

“Shut up!” The masked girl shrieked as she covered her face in shame. “I am really sorry for what I did. Please punish me now....”

With Fang Lin’s personality, he was actually close on forgiving the masked girl. Heck, Fang Lin was even turned on when he realized a beautiful woman was watching him do it with his wife!

But even if Fang Lin somehow liked the masked girl watching, how about Xue’er? How would she feel if she knew someone was watching them?

“I am sure Xue’er will be pissed.” Fang Lin took a deep breath as he decided to punish the masked girl for the sake of Xue’er.

That will be the only way to appease the rage that Xue’er will surely show to the masked girl after she wakes up.

“I have some punishments set for you.” Fang Lin abruptly said, which made the masked girl perk up and be alert.

“For the first punishment, you should tell me about your life and your so-called ‘experience’ with Princess Lilliana. Even though it might hurt you recalling those things, you still must tell those to me.”

As for the first punishment, that story telling served two purposes. One, it can be used as a punishment because the masked girl seemed to be not happy on recalling her past. Making her recall it seems to be a good way to punish her.

Second, if she’s really the former master of Princess Lilliana, Fang Lin needed all the information that he could have about her.

“...” The masked girl stiffened for a second before she slumped her shoulders in resignation.

“Can you let me wash up first? Then let me enter your place and I will tell everything to you.” The masked girl said quietly.

“Ok.” Fang Lin did not dare to imagine what part of her body the masked girl will wash up. “Just be quick.”

“Ok.” There was a series of scampering sounds, and the masked girl was gone.

After waiting for 10 minutes, Fang Lin heard someone knocking on the door. He probed with his divine sense, and he saw the masked girl, who seemed to be wearing entirely new clothes.

Fang Lin did not point out his weird observations as he let the girl in.

As for Xue’er, she became awake while the masked girl was washing herself up. Fang Lin explained what happened with the masked girl as they were waiting.

Because of that, Xu’e, who was wearing her snow-white robes, was currently glaring at the masked girl.

The masked girl did not say anything for she knew she was in the wrong.

She gave Fang Lin a hasty bow as she said,

“My name is Elissa, and I was powerful practitioner before.” She continued talking, and what Fang Lin heard was sort of intriguing.

According to Elissa, she was born with the peerless talent on space magic. With that kind of talent, she was able to reach high status in the Golden Tree Kingdom of the God Continent.

There, she continued her cultivation as a space mage. Then one day, she was invited by the King of the Golden Tree Kingdom to be the master of their only princess.

Elissa immediately agreed, since she knew the rumors about when this princess was born.

According to some rumors, the princess’ birth was accompanied by an auspicious sign in the sky. Everyone immediately regarded it as a sign that the princess will be a peerless talent.

But to the surprise of everyone, the Golden Tree Kingdom did not allow the princess to be out of the castle for 13 years.

Only when she became 13 years old that she was revealed to the public as Princess Lilliana.

Elissa was feeling happy at that time, for she thought that once she made Princess Lilliana powerful, Elissa will also receive praises and especially, money.

Fang Lin just ignored her seemingly obvious obsession with money as he continued listening.

But when Elissa started instructing Princess Lilliana, she felt something weird.

While she was teaching Princess Lilliana, Elissa felt that the princess was observing her every action, her every move, her very personality.

Aside from that, the princess would sometimes act as if they were close, with her suddenly hugging or grabbing Elissa when she was off-guard.

Elissa at that time just thought that people of royalty were just plain weird, with Princess Lilliana like them.

She ignored Princess Lilliana’s weird behavior as she continued teaching her. After all, the fame and the money she will get from this was all worth it.

But after 1 year of instructing Princess Lilliana, the unexpected happened.

Elissa suddenly woke up on her room just to find that her cultivation was all gone! Her law core, her abundant mana, even all her space spells and abilities were all gone!

Elissa naturally panicked, as she decided to approach the King of the Golden Tree Kingdom. She thought that since she was Princess Lilliana’s master, she might be helped by him.

But to her horror, when the King saw her, he immediately ordered her to be banished from the Kingdom!

According to the King, Elissa was found out to be stealing money from the Kingdom’s treasury since she started teaching Princess Lilliana. Of course Elissa did no such thing. But her pleas were ignored as she was exiled of the Golden Tree Kingdom.

She tried approaching her parents, but she found out that due to the banishment order, Elissa was not allowed to see any of her relatives at all.

Elissa gritted her teeth as she realized someone from the Kingdom wanted her gone! She must have been set up like this to make her disappear!

With no status, power or family, Elissa was forced to find ways to adjust and live her life as a mortal.

Because she still yearns to cultivate again, she decided to apply as a worker on the Immortal God Sect, which was the nearest Great Sect to the Golden Tree Kingdom.

Because of her former cultivation background, Elissa was accepted as a worker.

After 3 years of cruel, brutal and hard work, Elissa heard the news Princess Lilliana applying to become a disciple of the Immortal God Sect.

Even though she was highly pissed at Princess Lilliana for not standing up for her, Elissa still forced her way through to watch Princess Lilliana on the battle stage.

There, she saw the greatest shock of her life.

Elissa saw Princess Lilliana using space magic!

And what was worse was that this space magic was an original magic that can be only used by Elissa!

“This b**ch!” That was when Elissa realized that Princess Lilliana seemingly stole her cultivation!

“That slimy, despicable c**t just wanted to make me her teacher just to get my cultivation!” Elissa ended her story with more curses towards the princess.

“Wait, so you are telling me that all your abilities and cultivation were stolen from you by Princess Lilliana? Are you really sure about that?” Fang Lin asked carefully.

“I am!” Elissa said indignantly. “You see the meteor spell that she used earlier? That’s one of the original spells that originated from my core spell! Nobody can just replicate it like that!”

“Well...” Fang Lin’s queries were however destroyed when Elissa said,

“You know, before I lost my cultivation, Princess Lilliana’s affinity was only with Gold and Plant Laws. But after I lost my cultivation, she can now use Space Laws, which was glaringly identical to the Space Laws that I comprehended!”

“......” Fang Lin stopped doubting Elissa as he realized from what he heard that this Princess Lilliana seems to be highly dangerous and unpredictable person.

“So Princess Lilliana can somehow steal a person’s cultivation? Now I feel scared.” Fang Lin then shivered as he remembered the eagerness of Princess Lilliana to be close to him.

His eyes widened as he looked at Elissa, who nodded back at him gravely. As for Xue’er, murderous intent sprung from her eyes as she slowly muttered,

“If that princess tries to steal my husband’s cultivation, I will personally slay her!”

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