
Chapter 109: Vibration

Chapter 109: Vibration

While Wang Hao and Eleanor were about to acquaint with the boss of the Raiders of the Night, they suddenly felt a baleful aura emanating from her. This aura was entirely focused on Wang Hao.

“Err.....” Wang Hao was not sure why the boss seems to be hostile against him, but he had to clear this up now.

“Are you pissed about my comment of your group’s name? Do not worry, Raiders of the Night sounds better than Night Raid.”


What followed after the painful silence was a full-powered strike of a Fourth Stage Practitioner.

Eleanor felt herself unable to stabilize herself as the boss who had been sitting earlier let out his/her attack.

The surroundings rippled as the particles around Wang Hao vibrated continuously. But this vibration was not the normal type. Wang Hao could sense that these vibrations were amplifying the next set of vibrations. This meant that the longer these vibrations could continue, the stronger they will be.

Wang Hao’s eyes lit up as he realized that the boss has a Dao related to vibrations. This kind of Dao directly amplifies the offensive and defensive power of the practitioner who learns it.

Any weapon imbued with these vibrations will have their performance considerably increased. For example, a vibrating sword will have its sharpness increased while a shield with the right amount of vibrations can dissipate attacks brought upon it.

Wang Hao also realized that the boss can disintegrate anything as long as he/she uses the right amount of vibrations. All in all, the Dao of Vibrations have many applicable uses.

From what Wang Hao can also see, the boss seems to be near on forming his/her Dao Domain

“This boss is actually good huh.” Wang Hao muttered to himself as he saw the boss let out his/her attack.

A set of waves formed spontaneously in front of the boss. This wave barreled on its path, heading straight towards Wang Hao. Upon seeing this, Eleanor tried to shove Wang Hao aside.

“Move damnit! You are about to die already!” But Wang Hao would not budge.

Eleanor could only close her eyes as she imagined Wang Hao rupturing from inside out.

A few seconds passed, and Eleanor heard no ‘pop’ or sounds of flesh scattering. She slowly opened her eyes, and she saw that Wang Hao was actually fine!

Why should Wand Hao be damaged by that attack? He had immunity against kinetic energy attacks, and that wave earlier was purely composed of kinetic energy. Wang Hao just straight up absorbed it.

“Wang Hao! Are you okay?” Eleanor asked worriedly.

“Yes, I am okay, but I am saddened by one thing.” Wang Hao shook his head sadly. “I am saddened by the fact that this boss has not fully realized the true power of the Dao of Vibrations.”


“Brat! I attacked you earlier because you insulted our group! You are lucky you survived it. I was actually planning on sparing you but after I heard what you said, death is not enough! I will torment you before you die painfully!”

The lights of the room turned on, and Wang Hao was able to see what the boss the Raiders of the Night looked like.

Instead of a bearded man with scars on his face, what Wang Hao saw was an eye-patched woman. She was the tallest woman that Wang Hao met, easily towering over him and Eleanor. She had long, black hair that reached her waist. Her body was slim with no prominent breasts, and her long legs were lithe and supple.

Her right eye which was not eye-patched looked at Wang Hao balefully.

“You said the way I use my Dao was limited? You are just at the Second Stage! How dare you lecture me about Dao!”

Wang Hao just shook his head, as if he was a teacher disappointed with a misbehaving student. He raised his left hand as he held up a stone.

Wang Hao then used the kinetic energy he had to force the stone to vibrate. With his perfect control over the kinetic energy, he was able to flawlessly induce his own vibrations.

The stone started quivering, but Eleanor and the boss felt something was not right with the stone. Wang Hao then beckoned Eleanor to come near him. As Eleanor approached him, Wang Hao said,

“Try to press your finger on this stone. Do not worry, it will now hurt.”

Even though Eleanor knew that Wang Hao was a pervert, she knew that he would not deliberately hurt her. She straightened the index of finger of her right hand. She braced herself as her finger touched the stone.

But to her surprise, her finger sank inside the stone! She panicked as she withdrew her finger back. To her relief, nothing seems to have been damaged. Eleanor then tried to dip her finger on the stone again, only to find that it can easily pass through the stone.

The boss looked astonished as she saw what happened. She realized that Wang Hao’s application of the vibrations were way more advanced than hers.

Her red lips trembled as she asked,

“What the hell is happening?”

“Hmph!” Wang Hao hid the stone as he straightened himself. He looked lofty as the boss was confounded by what he did.

“Your way of doing the Dao of Vibrations was actually right. But the Dao of Vibrations you have right now is still incomplete!”

“How can it be incomplete! Vibrations are repeated oscillations is space! I have done all the research necessary to completely unravel its mysteries!” The boss shouted shrilly as she stared at Wang Hao unbelievingly.

“Then how can you explain what happened earlier? How did Eleanor’s finger phase through the vibrating stone?”


The boss had no answer for that.

“Hahaha, listen well to what I say, for this will be helpful to you.” Even though the boss was pissed with Wang Hao, she listened obediently.

After all, seeking the Dao was the goal of all Immortal Cultivators. Personal matters can just be resolved later.

“You already started at the right path in vibrations, but you forgot something important. Right now, you are making objects vibrate in space, but did you realize that you can also vibrate objects through time?”

“Wait, time?”

“Why are you surprised? Space and Time are closely linked after all! After all, curvatures in space affect time flow. That should have given you the hint that if you can make objects vibrate through space, you can also make it vibrate it through time!”


“As for the stone I held earlier, I vibrated it one second to the past and one second to the future continuously. That meant I made that stone exist one second back in the past and one second into the future. That was the reason Eleanor was not able to touch the stone. The stone earlier did not exist at the present. It was vibrating from the past and future.”

“If that’s the case, then how can we still see the stone? And why did it not pass through your hand too?” The boss started to become an inquisitive student as she hungrily asked for answers.

“As for why we can still see the stone, it was because that was its after-image. Kinda like how you leave an image of yourself if you moved too fast. As for why the stone did not pass through my hand, it was because my hand is the one that vibrates the stone.”


The boss started her non-stop barrage of questioning at Wang Hao. Her previous misunderstandings were cleared by Wang Hao. Her eye glowed in delight as the she felt that she was ready to break through the Dao Domain Stage!

The boss then kowtowed in front of Wang Hao. “I am grateful for your guidance, Teacher!”

“Eh, Teacher?” Wang Hao was surprised from hearing this from the boss. He just used his insights on space-time and his energy manipulation to give some insights to the boss. He did not expect her to be this grateful to him!

“I consider you my Teacher now.” The boss said with a dignified face. “Because of your teachings, I felt like I can already reach the Dao Domain Stage already. Actually, I am planning to break through now.”

She then looked at Wang Hao as she said,

“But before I break through, let me listen to your request first. Since you are my teacher, I have to repay my favor to you.”

Eleanor then took this chance to narrate the story that Wang Hao had concocted for her.

“That damn Skydome Family!” The boss banged the table in anger as she stood up. She rang her bell, and the unkempt man waiting outside rushed in.

“What is it boss?”

“Tell everyone that I will break through the Dao Domain Stage already. Tell them to prepare all their weapons and talismans. Once I step in the Dao Domain Stage, we shall start our battle to free the Solstice Kingdom!”

“Yes boss!” The man saluted at the boss. He then ran outside, ready to disseminate the news.

Upon seeing all this, Wang Hao smirked evilly as he muttered,

“Just as planned!”

“Just as planned? I heard you formulating some escape plans while you were carrying me. You clearly were scared earlier.” Eleanor muttered after hearing Wang Hao’s line.


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