
Chapter 88: Brat

Chapter 88: Brat

Then next day arrived, and Fang Lin woke up from his slumber. He stretched his body as he looked outside the window. Just across the street was the headquarters of the Mercenary Organization.

He sighed, feeling a little stifled as he prepared himself for the mission later. He wanted to venture the Forest of Death alone. But upon knowing the extreme danger the forest can bring to him, he just decided to go with the mercenary mission.

Who knows, he might find some good help from the other mercenaries.

He took a bath, ate his breakfast and went back on his room. When it was about to reach noon, he decided to go out and enter the Mercenary Organization.

He put the mercenary token inside his robes as he entered the headquarters. Once inside, he saw the mercenaries getting busy on getting their missions and rewards. Some of the mercenaries that Fang Lin saw climbed up towards the second floor.

From what Fang Lin knew, the headquarters had a floor for each stage of mercenary. First floor for the First Stage, second floor for the Second Stage and so on and so forth. The ranking of the mercenary did not matter here.

Once hearing this, Fang Lin thought that those mercenaries at the higher floors will snub people like him. He was fairly surprised.

It seemed like the brotherhood code of the Mercenary Organization was an iron-clad principle here. Those mercenaries at the higher floors did not treat him like a lackey of something else. They greeted him merrily as they told him some tips to survive in the Forest of Death.

After five minutes of nonstop hair tousling, Bloodspear arrived and managed to extraciate Fang Lin from the enthusiastic mercenaries.

“Now that you are here, we shall go towards the meeting area.”

“Wait, not here?”

“Not here.” Bloodspear gruffly said as he exited the headquarters. Fang Lin struggled to keep up with his fast pace.

“We are going to the outer gates of the Outskirts, that starts the road towards the Forest of Death. The 5 mercenary guards and the other maintenance mercenary were waiting there.”

Fang Lin and Bloodspear then continued traversing the Outskirts. From what Fang Lin knew, those under the Fourth Stage were not allowed to fly above the capital city. Because of this, the majority of the practitioners in the Mercenary City had to walk.

After walking for two hours (the Outskirts was legitimately huge), they arrived at the bronze-wreath gates of the Outskirts. The guards who were stationed there were idling as they watched a congregation of people just outside the gate.

Once they saw Fang Lin and Bloodspear arriving, they started to stand up and talk to them. But after seeing the token that Bloodspear flashed after seeing them, they smiled as they cleared the way.

What Fang Lin saw as he and Bloodspear exited the gates were 6 people milling restlessly. Five of them wore black cloaks as they whispered to each other restlessly. He saw that each one of them wore black masks.

Upon seeing Fang Lin’s puzzled look, Bloodspear whispered to him,

“Those are the mercenary guards. Just like us, they are also mercenaries. But their jobs are highly specialized only for guarding people or important objects. They have to wear masks to identify themselves from other mercenaries. Being a mercenary guard can be considered as a different kind of mercenary after all.”

After hearing Bloodspear’s explanation, Fang Lin then looked at the sixth person in the group. This person just stood at the side, seemingly not interested on interacting with the mercenary guards.

She looked about the same age as Fang Lin. She had a pretty face, but it had been marred by her lack of weight. She seemed to lack nutrition as her body was thinner that what Fang Lin had expected. He then scanned her whole body.

Instead of seeing a graceful, S-curve figure, what Fang Lin could only see was a straight, washboard figure.

Needless to say, Fang Lin was disappointed. If this girl just ate more, her beauty could have been appreciated more.

Fang Lin asked about this girl to Bloodspear. He just absent-mindedly replied, “Ah that girl? She actually joined the mercenary organization a day before you. She failed the fighting test, but she impressed us with the brotherhood question. So, we accepted her.”

“So when we were offered the maintenance crew offer, you made her the 3rd one?”

“That’s what went through my mind.” Fang Lin and Bloodspear then approached the despondent girl.

Upon seeing the duo approaching, the girl shrank back. She managed to mumble, “Hello.” She then looked down as she fiddled her thumbs.

Fang Lin looked towards Bloodspear questioningly.

“You accepted her as a mercenary? How were you even able to hear her answer?”

“She whispered it of course.”


Fang Lin leaned down as he looked at the sullen girl. He then asked her gently,

“What is your name, little one?”

“I....am.... not little.” The girl then continued speaking. Her lips trembled as she struggled to let the words out. “Mi....na....”

“Your name is Mina?”

Mina just nodded in approval.

Fang Lin sighed and was about to continue talking to her when he heard the sound of three carriages approaching.

The carriages were polished black, as well as the horses pulling it.

The carriages were around a room in size, while the horses were around the same size as the normal horse. Fang Lin could hardly believe that these poor horses could even pull a carriage.

When the carriages all paused, the door of the frontmost carriage opened and Fang Lin saw two people stepping out from it. One of them was an old man. He had a stern look on his face as he looked over the mercenaries. Fang Lin thought that this man must be the one who requested the mission.

As for the other one, what Fang Lin saw was not a heavenly beauty. Instead, he saw a bratty boy around the same age as Shi Poyun. He held an blood-red apple on his hand that he munched merrily.

Wait, a blood-red apple? Fang Lin realized that this apple that the bratty boy was munching was the same apple that Shi Poyun loved. He then looked back at the boy.

He then realized that this bratty boy looked almost alike Shi Poyun! The only difference that Fang Lin could see was that this boy in front of him seemed to be prim and proper while Shi Poyun had this wild and savage aura with him.

“They can’t be twins right?” Fang Lin now knew that even Shi Poyun has a mysterious background too. Too bad he cannot ask that boy about this, since he was always with the Grand Elder.

“Hehehe, seems like almost any person I meet has a mysterious background.” Fang Lin then discreetly looked at Bloodspear and Mina. Both of them tilted their head, wondering on what Fang Lin was thinking.

But before Fang Lin could say something to them, he heard the bratty boy saying something with his irritating high-pitched voice.

“That guy looks good! Uncle, get him for me and make him my toy for this trip!” Fang Lin looked back, and to his horror, he saw the boy pointing at him!

“Of course, Young Master, your request shall be fulfilled.” The old man seemed to shimmer out of existence as he suddenly appeared in front of Fang Lin. Before Bloodspear could say anything, Fang Lin felt himself unable to move.

He slumped forwards as he was caught deftly by the old man.

“What are you doing!” Bloodspear’s enraged voice could be heard as he tried to approach the old man.

The old man just raised his hand and showed a token in front of Bloodspear. Because of his position, Fang Lin was unable to see what the token was. But Bloodspear did see it, as he stopped his tracks.

“Do not worry about this mercenary.” The old man said with his grating voice. It sounded like a rough rock being dragged on a metal slab. “This state of your buddy will only last until the end of the trip. We assure you some additional payment.”

Bloodspear just gritted his teeth as he said, “Can you just make him a doll during the night? We still need him for maintenance in the morning.”

The old man looked back to the bratty boy, who just nodded. The old man then waved his hand as Fang Lin felt that he was able to move again. He jumped back, retreating from the old man.

“Well then, just wait for your turn to be Young Master’s doll tonight.”

“So I am a commodity to be shared day and night now?” Fang Lin could only curse at himself bitterly.



Aside from Fang Lin, Fang Ya also felt the same amount of anger. She cussed loudly,


Tang Li, who had been sucking Fang Yu’s ‘bweastmilk’ since earlier, flinched as she heard Fang Yu cursing. She let go of Fang Yu’s left milk machine as she looked at Fang Yu.

Tang Li’s eyes teared up as she asked Fang Yu pitifully,

“Ish Sis angwy? Did I bwite too hard? Doesh yow nwipple hurt?”

“It’s not like that, Li’er!”


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