
Chapter 673 Heavenly City of the Alliance

Weirdly, the latter group seemed to be embroiled in some kind of struggle with finances, which didn’t make much sense as they were supposed to have almost limitless wealth stored up due to their many decades of dominance over Angaria.

Either way, all of the spies had decided to keep collecting information and putting it up for sale, and there were always were buyers, even though the situation regarding the trade families was strange and they couldn’t even investigate much into it as all means has been completely blocked off.

First, in Arafell, the kingdom had somehow obtained resources far beyond what they were supposed to have, and they had begun a project on a scale that was far beyond anything they had attempted so far.

A massive space where over 100,000 people could fit had been selected inside the kingdom, and extensive resources had gone into first landscaping it as it had all been comprised of arid land until then. That was the major reason why that spot of land had been empty in the first place, but after many, many formations were deployed, it started to take shape into something that would definitely awe the entire continent.

First of all, enchanted mats had been laid out on the ground in large swathes in order to first form the base for everything that would be constructed later on.

After that, thousands and thousands of people who had all been contracted by the government entered and began to construct various things.

Just like in the image that had been shown to the continent during the Queen’s address, it looked like a paradise was slowly taking shape.

Soon, it began to become clear that it would be beauty personified, and one that would live up to the expectations that had been born in people.

Seating areas were set up where those seated could gaze upon calm pools of water filled with beautiful lotuses that sparkled in the sunlight that had been constructed in various places, along with tinkling fountains that lifted up the atmosphere. Around them, multiple stalls were being set up which would serve all the delicacies of Arafell, such as skewered meat and a dish made out of wrapping meat in flowers and then cooking it in a globe of fire conjured by a mage. The latter was a specialty known throughout the continent, but in the gathering, it would be given to all who wished to taste it.

No expenses were being spared. It was as if each and every person who would be gracing the gathering were all important diplomats, and not normal people who had just been lucky enough to be in settlements outside the kingdom till now.

All the chairs were padded with cushions. Temperature regulating formations were being laid out that would keep the air cool and comfortable. Giants acting as brand ambassadors of the kingdom would be going around to welcome each and every one who arrived, while telling them that they had made the right decision by coming.

Clearly, the Queen was going all out.

Only, on the other side, the actions of the king surpassed the feeling born in those who were watching everything the Queen was doing.


It all began a day after the excursion of the king. Suddenly, a very large portion of the Palace had been completely isolated, and numerous mages and blacksmiths had gone inside.

It had seemed as if the king was adamant that no one could find out just what he was up to, as no living being was allowed to go inside or outside of this area for the entire week. The spies pulled out all stops, but they still failed in gathering any relevant information regarding the project that the king had embarked on.

On the seventh day of the week, a spy was casually sitting outside the Palace of Lanthanor disguised as a beggar.

Discreetly, he was listening to a news report on the actions of Queen Arafell, and he was idly thinking that there could be no way in which the king’s secret project could surpass the impressiveness of everything she was doing.

Indeed, a similar gathering spot had also been picked out in Lanthanor and a few steps were being taken to make it more suitable for a gathering to be called in, but that was about it. There was nowhere near the level of extravagance and luxury that was present in its counterpart, and it looked as if the Queen would be victorious if one were judging them both on the effort.

Feeling the ground suddenly shaking under him, the man hastily got up, allowing the course cloth he had draped on himself for his disguise to fall off and reveal the enchanted clothes underneath.

An amateurish mistake.

Scrambling to gather up the cloth again and looking around to make sure that no one had seen him, the spy hoped that he hadn’t blown his cover.

Alas, there were quite a few people around him.

Only... Weirdly, they were all looking up, as if they had no interest in the strange sight of a beggar suddenly revealing himself to be very well off.

Puzzled, the spy also looked up, and as his eyes instantly locked on to the oddity in the sky that was slowly rising higher and higher, his eyes went wide and the cloth, which he had just gathered in his hands, fell to the floor once more.

Taking a few steps back, he hit the wall behind him but he didn’t even notice.

The reason... Was that a humongous structure had just taken off from the surface from a spot inside the grounds near the Palace of Lanthanor.

It was made of some sort of light grey colored rock, and it was big enough to fit a medium-sized town that could hold more than a thousand people on top of it.

The spy couldn’t comprehend how something like this could fly, but that wasn’t his job.

Quickly, he grabbed the trinket that he had been listening news on and immediately began to transmit the information.

Yet, right before he did so, he spied a few gigantic words that were etched on the bottom of this floating city.

After waiting for a few moments, he finally read them, and as he did so, the breath that he had been holding till now instantly got knocked out of him.

"Heavenly City of the Alliance"


Meanwhile, the Queen had also just received the news regarding what had taken place in the Kingdom of Lanthanor.

"A floating city! Heavens! Is that even possible?"

Hearing the little girl inside her head say this, the Queen gritted her teeth for a few moments and then said, "Of course it is. In the age of the Empire, there were actually many cities which floated in the air, and these were usually the capitals of provinces. Although I don’t know why he made one, I guess it is for some plan regarding the gathering. I don’t know what he has planned exactly for his school and the healer’s academy, but whatever it is, it will definitely be just as impressive as the other schemes he set up."

Toward the end, she was talking to herself.

Indeed, the news of the king going to both of these areas wasn’t secret, as they were both public places. After receiving the news regarding them, the Queen had instantly figured out his game plan.

Normally, it would have been enough for victory.

Yet, in this case... She knew that if that was all he had planned, then he was doomed to fail.

The problem was that she could tell that even he knew this, which meant that he had something up his sleeve that she hadn’t figured out yet.

Initially, that had driven her crazy, which was when she had come up with a plan of her own the day after the king’s excursions.

For the entire week, she hadn’t allowed herself to be idle for even a second, working day and night to ensure that there would be no possible way for the king to win.

Looking at the minister in front of her, she asked, "Is everything ready?"

Seeing the man who was still in shock regarding how the Queen had dumped hundreds of Ker gems in front of him nod, she smiled and said, "Alright. We are going ahead with it. Begin."


"Daneel, we’re almost at the gathering site."

As Eloise said this while looking at Angaria below them from her position on the newly launched Heavenly City, Daneel looked up from the data trinkets he was going through and replied, "Good. Tell the mages to make it hover over the gathering site. This way, we can make sure that the gathering has shade. Without having to go for expensive formations, we can keep the area cool! Isn’t that great?"

Contrary to what people were expecting, the top of this heavenly city was completely... Blank.

Rather than ’Heavenly City’, it was more appropriate for it to be called a ’Heavenly Rock’, because that was exactly what it was right now: a rock that was somehow floating in the sky.

Daneel had launched this project, and although the others were puzzled regarding the reason behind it, the king had only said that it would be revealed later on, during the gathering.

Even now, the sovereigns who were on top of this rock were skeptical regarding its function other than as a placeholder for the headquarters of the alliance.

After arriving on top of the area where the gathering was supposed to be held, the entire structure slowed down and then froze in the air as if someone had fixed it there. If anyone walked on top of it, there would think that they were on solid ground, if they didn’t look out over the edge and see the sprawling continent of Angaria.

With this step done, Daneel took in a deep breath in order to tell the rest about his reason behind beginning this entire thing.

Yet, right before he did so, an expression of shock appeared on Kellor’s face, which made him pause and wonder just what news he had received.

Standing up immediately from the chair that had been bolted down to the ’rock’, Kellor exclaimed, "The Queen has just announced the date of her gathering! It’s... Tomorrow! She is also setting up multiple teleportation formations all over the areas nearby, to facilitate people to come directly to the gathering easily. It seems it is not a decision taken hastily... Which means that most people should be able to easily reach."

Hearing this, for a moment, panic appeared on the faces of the others, too.

Originally, the Queen had not announced any date for her own gathering, and it had looked as if she was preparing to hold hers after their’s so that it would have the most effect.

Their own gathering was scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

Yet, now... Her objective was clear.

She did not want to take any chances.

The former- waiting for their gathering to take place, and then going ahead with her’s displayed her arrogance that no matter what they did, she would emerge victorious.

That had fit with her personality, so that had all assumed it to be true.

But now, this plan showed her cunning mind, as they really had prepared a lot to counter the Queen’s gathering due to the assumption. Now, all that preparation would be for naught.

However, did it affect their original plan?

Instantly, as soon as this question appeared in their minds, the sovereigns, along with Daneel, burst out laughing.

Definitely not.

In fact, she might even be helping them out a lot by doing this.

Still, there were some things that they needed to change.

Still with that smile on his face, the king said, "Alright. All of you know what to do. Let’s go."

With those words, the heavenly city that was the talk of the continent instantly became deserted, while the sovereigns all left to carry out their individual duties.

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