
Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Vol. 3 – Episode 19

This place was not the battlefield. It was also not within any region ruled by a god, which was why heroes could fight among themselves.


Even heroes lost their common sense.

Not only were heroes able to fight against each other, objects could be broken as before. Breaking the enemy’s boat to take away their transportation was only part of the plan. Sungjin had prepared for them to be chased down, despite having broken Rupellion’s boat.

He knew the priests could also use a god’s ability. After all, the High Priest Pedrian had divided the continent into two.

Rachel could raise the speed of the boat by calling forth the protection of the wind, so it was possible the High Priest could do the same.

It was so. The design of his plan not only aimed towards preventing the High Priest from moving but to drain his enemy’s strength. Sungjin had dug a trap using the knowledge that the island would sink once the fruit was taken. He had everyone wait under the cliff and was able to escape immediately after the appearance of the High Priest. This was his true plan, and the result was an astounding success.


The imaginary island that appeared every thousand years started to sink. The earth sunk beneath the surface of the ocean, allowing the waters to consume it rapidly. The island returned to the waters that it had come from. It became a death trap. He had waited for them intentionally, and they arrived right on time.

Good bye.

Sungjin smiled leisurely.

The upper echelon of the Holy Nation Rupellion had been sealed. If the High Priest with his absolute charisma and authoritative tyranny was to disappear, the city would fall into chaos, and it would become easy game for the rest of the country. His only remaining competition would be Eldorado.

In addition, the conspiracy to use the eight grand temples and the holy fruit with Rachel as the sacrifice would end. He still was not sure of all the details of the conspiracy, but if those who were on the forefront, as he predicted, the project was sure to slow.

The turtle that carried Sungjin and the rest of the team quickly began to swim far from the island.

“It’s a complete victory.” Eustasia smiled brightly at his side.

There was no point in fighting on a battlefield. Several victories would have been required to conquer all of Rupellion, but if he could succeed here all that was left were those lackeys whose fate had been sealed.

Before the gathering waters, the great priests had given up hope.

Are we to die like this?

The nearest island from there was 10 kilometers away. If the sea was calm, they could have swam there, if they knew how to swim, which they didn’t. But the seas surrounding them were violent whirlpools.

With the high risk of being swept away, what was the point of even trying to cross several whirlpools at once? Although they were level seven heroes, to nature they were only humans.

The High Priest stuck down his cane on the ground after seeing them on the ground with tears in their eyes.

“Get it together. It is in times like this that you should pray more fervently. Why are you like this?”

“Bu... but....”

“Our lives are about to be snuffed out after having walked into the enemy’s trap...”

“It’s not that we are saddened for our lives, but we are worried that we have not accomplished God’s will.” Even in their last moments, they reworded their thoughts, per their habits.

“There is no need to worry.” Disappointment resounded in his voice.

“When following God’s orders, how could a mere human’s plan interfere in his will!” The High Priest shouted unlike his usual self.

“We have not even accomplished our task given to us by God, so how could our God not give us strength when we pray with sincerity!”

The High Priest raised his hands towards the sky.

“You lowly humans, watch your powerlessness before God! God, bring down your holy hand and save us all!” The High Priest shouted at the top of his lungs.

This was not the shout of a human being. It was the voice of God shouting through a human’s body as a medium.



The eight holy temples constructed throughout the lands of Rupellion shook as one. The black flames, which had wound around the temples, shot upwards and made a pillar between the earth and sky.

It traversed the sky towards where the High priest stood. The power rocketed towards the High Priest. The power was a congregation of force beyond rules. The great priests could no nothing but quake in fear on the ground before the absolute power.

His Excellency...

Has finally released his powers...

Pedrian opened his eyes. He swung his cane up and down as he shouted:

“God Hand!”

Air exploded outwards. The ground split. A storm escaped above with a screech, and the ground ripped apart with a groan. The concentration of energy created in that moment was inexplicable by the rules and logic of nature. It was truly God’s miracle.


A large hand composed of black flames shot forwards from the High Priest. As the hand passed, the sea split, and a road was created. It was transcendental. The power of nature was something from a lesser world. Before God’s power, which had seated itself beyond the horizon, it could only grovel and make way.


The bottom of the ocean, which they could walk upon, was created between the waters.

“Oooooh!” The great priests cried at the moving scene.

He was right. What were they scared and worried about? What about the young lion of the south with a devilish strategic mind? They had their High Priest who stood on behalf of their God. So their enemy had burned their ships with a surprise night attack? Their High Priest could cross the ocean on a rowboat. Mother nature sunk their ship? Let them do so. Even if they did, their god would protect them. They slowly walked towards the neighboring island. The seas could not approach the path God’s hand had passed.


“He...split the ocean?”

Before the extraordinary amount of power, even Sungjin became speechless. It was the High Priest. Sungjin estimated he would have quite some power. So he dug two traps. He had tried to use the imaginary island to submerge them under the ocean.

Although I didn’t know my prediction was way off.

No one else could speak for a few moments.

The Blood Ruler’s awakened powers also caused destruction. But it was not to the point of splitting the ocean. They were in different leagues.

After a long while, Eustasia finally opened her mouth.

“We should be called the victors in claiming the fruit but...”

That was a level that made it nowhere near a tie.

If getting rid of the opponent completely was a victory, gaining the fruit also had meaning. At the very least, they had found a way to save Rachel and with that had gotten rid of any plans the High Priest had.

“Our battles ahead will not be easy.”

They knew this was not a level they could catch up to even with the current win under their belts.

“As expected...of the High Priest...I suppose.”

Ereka recalled her showdown with the Blood Ruler and shivered.

They had barely won, but it had truly been a bloodthirsty battle. Their victory was miraculous. But the enemy the Blood Ruler had to look up to and challenge, High Priest Pedrian, this power was the truth of his legacies.

Jenna could not speak but trembled her tail. If she was before that large hand, she would have burned to death with a single attack. Rachel hung onto Kuga’s tail and trembled in fear.


The God which helped the High Priest was extremely strong. Could the goddess which guided her be their god’s opponent? She certainly hoped she was. Dread settled into everyone’s thoughts.

And Sungjin...

Barely held in his laughter.

Ku. Kuhu. Yes. He is my new enemy.

A suspenseful fight was waiting for him. He looked at the High Priest who was walking between the waves. Although they were heading towards opposite ends, he felt as if their eyes had met. His heartbeat soared. His blood boiled.

He felt sympathy towards those stepped on by the High Priest, and he also felt a competitive spirit awaken within him. Pedrian possessed power that transcended others. He possessed powers beyond the Blood King. It was true his team had gained strength since then, but the enemy had grown stronger.

The fight in the future would be brutal. Was this not the fight he had yearned for every since he began to aim for Arc Master after being summoned to this world? In consideration of Rachel and everyone else trembling in fright perhaps he should not be so uplifted yet.


But these were his undeniable instincts. He knew of this. Therefore...

I must win.

He would also win the fight with the High Priest. He must win, for Rachel and everyone else. This was his responsibility as leader of the kingdom. He was also responsible for his emotions. Against the strongest foe with no certainty of winning, he would wage the greatest fight of his life.

It would be glorious.


The High Priest Pedrian looked towards Sungjin as he traveled across the divided sea. His cold eyes seemed to speak:

You need not be happy for escaping this place.

We will chase them down soon enough, and the power that splits seas will punish you.

You can have the fruit; everything is within God’s hands. I will take back both the sacrifice and the fruit. He closed his eyes halfway.

“We will first return to our homeland. And...”

A grave voice foretold:

“Afterwards, the enemy shall be punished in a most severe manner, and everything shall return to our God’s hands.”

The great priests bowed their heads as one.

“As you wish. Everything will be as God wants. Inshangra.”

The first battle between Sungjin and the High Priest Pedrian ended in a tie. Sungjin’s strategy moved the ocean, but Pedrian blasted away the ocean.Their meeting ended with a simple recognition towards one another. But that was not the end. It was only the beginning of the violent struggle that held Rachel hostage in the middle.


Returning on the back of the turtle, Sungjin gave Rachel the fruit.

“Now, use this to unravel the curse.”

Rachel looked at Sungjin and teared up once more.

“Thank you so much, Oppa...”

“Thank later and use it now.” Sungjin patted her head warmly.


Rachel swallowed the fruit.


Nothing happened.

“Huh?” Rachel tilted her head and looked at Kuga.

“Uh, how do you use this?”

“Mm.... pray.”

“Ah. Right.”

Rachel held the fruit and closed her eyes.

“Goddess, please lift the curse from me using the powers of this fruit. Please.... Please.”

It was a short prayer, but the desire in the prayer was real. She clung to her goddess to relieve her from the pain she suffered through every day. But there was no reply.

“Goddess? Goddess?”

Kuga frowned.

“Hmm...Rachel, I think the fruit is not ripe.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. It’s almost there, but it seems you need to wait a little longer.”

“Uu.” Rachel pouted in disappointment.

Even her infinite patience was disappointed by this.

“I wanted to use it right away.”

“What can we do? The goddess will tell us when it’s time.”


No one asked her to wait longer as the day to stop her pain was drawing near. They all knew very well what kind of pain each day brought. But there was nothing they could do about it.

“I suppose there’s no other way. Can Oppa hold onto this until then, so that the bad people can’t steal it?”


Sungjin took the fruit.


In the next moment, he was in an unfamiliar place. The peaceful environment felt counterfeit. There were flames, but it was dark. On the pillar where gold and silver ornaments hung, cold evil was all around. On the walls were heretical pictures of mocking gods and orders of renouncement.

The palace itself seemed the be the center of hell, and in the midst of it was a large dragon of black flames, evil but strong, corrupted but beautiful.

“You are... Ha. To see you again.” Sungjin grinned.

He was looking at the Ruler of Ninehell, the enemy of Gods, the one who once bore the name of the brightest morning star; although he had many names on earth, he held the most famous title: Lucifer.

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