
Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Vol. 2 – Episode 24

Sungjin blinked his eyes.

And rubbed them.

But he had not mistaken it.

Eustasia was on his bed with a submissive pose that seemed to ask him to do whatever he wished with her.

Although her arms gathered her chest and her knees were closed together out of embarrassment, she was also prepared to be deflowered by his hands.

She had raised her head so as to face him confidently but her eyes kept sliding away.

Her lean muscles were exuding beauty in the way they enhanced her firm lines but were unbecomingly shaking.

Under the half-transparent cloth, she was trembling like a bow pulled taut.

The one called the best commander in the four kingdoms had transformed into a shy woman before him.

A sight only he could see.

She who none could imagine on a bed like so.

A grand commander who was turning into a woman before a man.

The fact that even her proud and noble self’s feminine secrets could be conquered by him ignited a deep desire within him.

A man was ready for his meal.

Sungjin grindingly found the stability of his desire to finish up that eluring forbidden fruit.

Wha...what is this?

To maintain rationality as a person who had entered their teenage years was inconsiderably difficult.

“Uh... you there.”

Sungjin wished to ask why she was on his bed in that position and in those clothes. But he could not speak.

It was only after he blanked his mind that he could see the woman, as though enjoying a fine scenery.

But in a situation where his desires were shaking...

Before a scene where the woman he thought charismatic and attractive was allowing him shyly...

He was in the end a youthful teenager.

Eustasia spoke first to him.

“I’m...ready...so do as you...no, as sir pleases.”

Her cheeks were dyed a shade brighter.

Her silver eyes closed gently as if to say she could not handle the embarrassment further.


Sungjin replied.

What did she mean to do as he wished?

Was it that?

He was dizzily overwhelmed by the smell of a ripe fruit.

The sea flamed his young blood under the burning sun.

“Well, if the victor wishes...it’s the fate of the one captured to pay the price...I expected this much...when I was saved...”

Frankly, she had faced him more confidently in her imagination.

But it was not so simple in reality.

She could fight bravely before all enemies, however.

But to think her heart raced when a man was before her in bed.

“I suppose I, too, am a woman...but still...if this is my fate...”

Sungjin had saved her with the consequence of an important advantage over the war.

As her life had been extended by his desires, she had to accept her fate as she had accepted her status as a captive.

Since the beginning...

Her fate may have been as such.

It was perceived that as soon as they had met, her fate was set to be broken by his hands.

What else could she do but to pay the price?

But was this truly something negative?

Honestly, she thought to herself before that if it was this man...

Didn’t she think of such thoughts several times.

Even if it was fate, it was the truth that she was not rebelling against it.

“Uh... you see.”

Sungjin approached her while saying so.

At the presence of a man, she clenched her eyes shut.

His hands wrapped around her shoulders.

Sungjin’s head whirled around.

Instinct went before rationality.

Stop any thoughts and savor this prey. Lure it. Such violent tendencies ran throughout his body.

His blood boiled in his body.

His rough breaths pressured her neck.


She reaffirmed her conviction.

Yet, at the same time her expectations grew.

Fear was not the only reason her body had tensed.


At the same time, Ereka silently raised her tea.

But sour tea could not reassure her tearing heart.

Beside her, Rittier was throwing her indignation out.

“Your Majesty, why did you help dress her before sending her to his chambers?”

It was so.

Before Eustasia entered the chamber, Ereka had provided the procedures of refining the body beforehand.

“This is about Sungjin, so I must provide the most attentive care, as moral dictates.”

“This is an entirely different matter! He has not even touched Your Majesty but had done so to that woman first, which is definitely a matter you could protest against, at least once.”

Beside her, Jenna blinked her eyes as if to show her innocence regarding those matters but slowly nursed her tail within.

This grandpa is finally saying something right for once in a while.

She was also unsatisfied with Sungjin’s attitude when he ran off to save Eustasia while leaving Queen Ereka behind, only to whisk her off to his chambers as soon as he had her in his grasp.

“To remind you of the facts, Sungjin has no responsibility towards me. Should we not be happy that he finally has a woman in mind?”

“But! Your Majesty also!”

“Well that...I...do find regretful.”

A small bead of dew hung at the corner of Ereka’s eyes.

It would be a lie to say she had no feelings of jealousy.

It would be self-delusional to think her heart did not hurt.

She wished she was the one who was called to his chambers this night.

Even that...

She would have accepted it if he had called both of them to his chambers.

If he had decided to abandon his mind about distancing himself from a woman, there was no reason not to receive her as well.

It was regretful and painful.

“But...lady Eustasia suits Sungjin very well.”

“Your Majesty has nothing less than her to compare.”

“That...Sungjin decides.”

Ereka swallowed another mouthful of tea.

To turn back the first meeting between her and Sungjin was the worst. Compared to that, Eustasia and Sungjin had gone on splendidly well since their first meeting.

His expression of joy in regards to that fact that he had met a good chess player was something she had never seen ever since she was by his side.

Was it only that?

Sungjin had wanted Eustasia the entire time.

He wanted her even if she was a loyal servant to her country and his enemy.


Compared to myself who would have run this country to the ground without Sungjin’s help, she is truly talented herself.

She was more confident and talented than her and was knowledgeable in the matter of warfare, therefore complementing him easily.

“She...would be a great help to achieving Sungjin’s wishes. And...I can tell, she honestly...also has a desire for Sungjin.”

She had only been his enemy as a loyal servant to her country; she had felt, as a fellow woman, that Eustasia’s mind had already been turned to Sungjin.

To congratulate them as they finally joined together happily, that was what she should do to her savior and as a friend.

Ereka smiled with tears in her eyes.

“I’m fine if Sungjin is happy.”

“But...! Your Majesty is also a queen of a country. An undefeatable level seven knight with Aegis. If it’s about nobility, you would be ahead of her and never behind!”

“It is fine. I...”

Ereka wiped her tears.

“Whether Sungjin likes me as a woman or not...”

Even if Sungjin never saw her as a woman.

“I decided I would serve him forever. Compared to that, Lady Eustasia would hold regrets over the previous king if Sungjin does not affirm his relationship with her. With such a crack in her walls, she would find it devastating. This is the best situation for everyone.”

“Your Majesty...”

“My Queen...”

Before her benevolent mind, even Rittier had no choice but to close his mouth.

Even so, he thought there was no need for her to help a man she loved to get along with another woman.

But how could he change something she firmly believed was a rightful sacrifice.

“Everyone told me so. That there was no better rest for a hero than having a beauty in his arms. Than for him, who has saved the masses after battling for the entirety of last year, that rest must surely be needed...”

Although she would have been delighted if that was her.

Although it pained her to know it was not.

“I will still be happy and bless them.”

Before her seeking heart, it was more important for him to find his love.

More so than her wish, his happiness was at the forefront, which was why she would greet him a congratulatory greeting tomorrow morning.


Sungjin grasped Eustasia’s shoulder hard.

“Um. Well... I thank you for giving yourself to me.”

“You don’t need to enunciate, sir. It’s an obvious role of the captive.”

Eustasia made excuses by claiming it was a duty.

But she had no confidence to be sure, if she was asked.

In honesty, was she doing this because she was forced?

Or, was she trying to save her own reputation by claiming she was forcibly taken against her wishes?

“You are really... mesmerizing.”

“You overpraise.”

Eustasia peeked.

Sungjin’s expression was vibrant but his eyes were calm.

Hmm...he’s the type to speak gently and slowly set the mood.

He was not the type to pounce immediately.

Or was he going to continue this slow pace?

Perhaps he would change his attitude in a moment’s notice?

Her curiosity and fear rose rapidly.

“But I can’t take you in this manner.”


At her surprise, she forgot her resolution to speak respectfully.

To say he wouldn’t in this situation?

“I would satisfy my desires.”

He would have definitely felt jubilation.

“But would lose something else far too important.”

He should definitely keep to the rules that he would save these type of situations for someone who could truly love one another.

Sungjin suppressed his burning desires.

It would be the worst to hold a person he didn’t love under the name of a prisoner after all.

That would have been desire rather than instinct.

“What... What do you mean! Why are you stopping now! Then why did you call me here in the first place!”

Eustasia shouted as rage overtook her.

She could not place the exact reason for that either.

It would have been better as he could not have done so out of duty.

It would have ended with disappointing hope.

Was it because her pride was hurt.

Or... ?

“I never called you.”

Sungjin denied wondering what misunderstanding she had.

“You called for me!”

“When? And who told you so?”

“What do you mean who! You told me I was pretty earlier today?”

“Yes? Well... yeah, I did.”

What’s the relation between this and that?

Sungjin did not understand.

“When higher-ups call a servant pretty, it means that they want them in the night to see to their desires. Are you telling me you didn’t know that?”

At Eustasia’s nitpicking, Sungjin finally understood the true flow of this situation.

“That custom... exists.”

It was so.

That was the true story behind this situation.

Sungjin truly did not know the roundabout way the nobility called for those nightly errands and other rituals within the court.

He definitely possessed a brain that was different from others in warfare, and therefore used that upon reaching Valhalla to collect information regarding the current stream of wars but had no time to memorize all the petty mannerisms of the court.

He was truly a stranded high school student in a different world.

“You... really didn’t know?”


Even if it was a situation that stemmed from his ignorance, Sungjin apologised for putting a woman in such an embarrassing place.

“Eeeeek. Whatever! You’re the king here anyways!”

Eustasia threw the pillow at the king and ran from the chamber.

It was not the way a maid would have treated a king but Sungjin only scratched his cheek.

Ugh. Do I need to study court mannerisms too? I don’t have time for that.

Although he did get a nice view, thanks to his ignorance.

It was an embarrassing mistake he wouldn’t try twice.

Eustasia appeared before Ereka, who was wiping away her tears.

“Is it... already over?”

“It’s wrong.”

“What is?”

“He says he didn’t mean it that way.”

And she ran after leaving those words, as showing her attire in front of others was embarrassing as well.

After Eustasia disappeared, Ereka thought for awhile. And understood a moment later.

“Ah...I...I see.”

Ereka realized her mistake and rubbed her palms.

Oh dear. What to do? Sungjin must have been uncomfortable. I’ve made Miss Eustasia suffer an embarrassment too.

She should have thought that Sungjin was in the dark regarding palace culture.

She had simply proceeded as she had assumed, as it was a sensitive matter to inquire about.

Such a mistake...

But she did not know what to do with the relief and happiness from such an embarrassing event.

Ahh. I must be an evil woman.

To think she had placed others in such a place and rejoiced.

I should not be like this...

Rittier coughed beside her.

“Hm hm. I see...since he’s all so profound, I had not realized he had been ignorant of such minor details.”

“Um, is everything alright?”

Jenna blinked around as if to emphasize her innocence.

But she was waving her tail around in joy.

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