
Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Vol. 1 – Episode 9

Friends who played together, those who were kind to her, this land and the people that her father loved—she threw away the rest for these precious things.

A little bit of Heroic Power came back and blew off all the soot on her body. Her golden hair and emerald eyes sprinkled, their brilliance undisturbed under the sun and clear sky.

She really didn’t want to be queen. She didn’t like fighting. She had to give up the happiness she wanted. She kept moving away from her desired road. She didn’t have any natural talent and aptitude required for this...


There was nobody except for herself. She was the only one who could fight against the evil trampling on people. Therefore, she decided to hold on and cheer up.

“I threw away the happiness I dreamed of in my younger days, but I don’t regret it.”

Since that day where she swore by holding her father’s shield, she dedicated her life to the royal road without being shaken. That was why her resolution that was restated now, even though it was said calmly, had reverberated strongly once again.

“That is so that other people can be happy instead.”

This was worthwhile and meaningful, even though she was tired, sick and in pain. While watching other people’s happy smiles, she felt joy. Her smile, saying it was enough for her, was sorrowful but noble.

She held out her spear to Sungjin and declared, “So I will fight to the end against the Blood Ruler who sacrifices the people as prey to the magic sword. I could also give myself to you for nothing, but I would still keep the people from becoming victims of your lust. That way, they can be bound up with each other’s loved ones. I am thanking you for today’s matter. But I can’t yield at all.”

With the demidevil having such a fearful resource, it would only be right for him to give up a sexy woman to make the most out of his power in the political sense. But not even a single person could be sacrificed in the pursuit of the royal road; all she could give in return was herself.

“If you want a price for saving a life, please end it with me.”

“Ha... is that so?”

Sungjin sighed deeply as he realized that there was no lie in her defenses. It was the resolve that she had kept in the midst of a hard time.

He could now understand what kind of mistake he made. If their first impression was not so bad and he was not so angry about the broken promise between his competitors, then he would have known earlier.

I lost in this. Sungjin conceded the defeat.

He dreamed of becoming a world champion. He dreamed of the glory of victory. Although the highest level in this world was called an Arc Master, this was only a dream of greater victory and glory. To keep going continuously without succumbing to the oppression of the Ministry of Gender and Equality meant that he would pursue his dream. That could be said to be a cool ambition.

But... the princess in front of him... She had already been devoted to protecting as many people’s lives and dreams as possible a long time ago. She created a way to save a life while risking hers even though Sungjin’s calculation said to give up. The weight of the sacrifice she had made was much heavier.

This girl fought to protect the lives of all people while he pursued his own honor and glory.

“Love is for the people, not for me.”

Her words, which were not of a heartless royal maid discarding love for ambition, were the dedication of a girl who gave up her own happiness for that of others.

This was his defeat.

“I see. I must have misunderstood you,” Sungjin replied calmly.

“What kind of misunderstanding did you have?”

“I’ll withdraw the old conditions for borrowing my strength in the fight against the Blood Ruler. I will show you another proposal.”

“What if you say it’s a new offer?”

Ereka tilted her head slightly.

“After defeating the Blood Ruler, I have only the right to stake half of this country on my next victory, and all the rights for an actual ruler will remain with you.”

“What? Why...?

“If you don’t understand, you can play a final game between us after the battle with the Blood Ruler. But even if I win, you should keep on governing this land.”

Ereka blinked a few times.

“That is very hard to understand. Why are you suddenly switching?”

Sungjin’s conditions made no sense at all when you considered his behavior thus far. Was he the demidevil who wanted to take half of the country to steal away all the women?

“I told you, I misunderstood you. In fact, I was very angry at the fact that you kidnapped me and made me break my promise to some people without asking me. Afterwards, I heard that you would give me your body, and I had the impression that you were a woman who would do anything to take the throne.”


“But it wasn’t true. You’re a princess who seeks the royal road to protect people, and I’m a matchmaker who seeks a great victory.”

He wanted a victory that he could be proud of.

“It wouldn’t be nice if my victory took away the people’s guardian from them.”

She was literally a hardened edelweiss flower on a cliff, saying that she would live to protect the people while giving up her love and happiness as a girl.

He had already experienced how horrible it was to be trampled on by the powerful Ministry of Gender and Equality. He would rather die than to do the same thing to a girl like this.

No matter what strong enemy he met with, he only burned for a fight even more. So he decided to step aside from this pitiful and beautiful flower.

“So that’s...?”

Ereka thought over Sungjin’s words slowly.

She came to think again whether the impression she had of Sungjin was really right. Sungjin said he misunderstood her. But... as for herself?

Did she only consider the transmission process and summon without considering the other’s situation and seeking consent? When he pointed out that it was the same as a kidnapping, she was distracted for a moment. She thought of it as only an extension of the summoning magic, and it was done so naturally. But should she have thought about it more in the sense of summoning an actual body and not just its other self?

“Let me ask you, what is the name of the game hindered by me summoning you?”

“Well. Okay. I’ll tell you.”

Sungjin decided to explain it all and take this opportunity to clear up their misunderstanding.

“In the world where I was, there was a kind of sport we competed in.”

There were kids who were purely fighting each other for their dreams and who were also trampled over. Even though their paths were cut off, they made a promise to fight with all their might without any prizes or honor, just for the sake of finishing the game.

Ereka’s face was changed by Sungjin’s explanation.

“I’m sorry. Now I know what I have done.”

“It’s all right. The past is in the past.”

Sungjin laughed everything away.

“But, if I don’t make up for my mistakes...”

“It is okay because you introduced me to a better battlefield than the one in my original game.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Well, those guys will be okay with me breaking my promise if I say that it was to save a kid like you,” Sungjin said mischievously.

Ereka turned her head, blushing slightly.

“Thank you.”

“Then shall we sign on this condition?”


Jenna, who was watching them, curled her knife tail up into the shape of a small heart at the two people who became friendly with one another.

This is different from the original plan, but the results are good anyway. But this guy... No, Brother.

As he had saved the life of the princess, Jenna decided to raise his title to “Brother.”

I can’t tell what a woman’s taste is.

It was great that he understood the princess’s desire to protect her poor people, but her tastes remained unknown in the end.

He is a man too? That is not a problem. I’ll be grateful If he is fighting together with her.

Jenna decided not to argue about the minor weaknesses of her new companion.

The fire of that day resulted in less damage than it would have given its original size. Ereka rushed to open the royal warehouse, and she handed out relief supplies and made temporary residences for those who lost their homes. The people praised Ereka, who opened up all of her private land in the royal castle for them, saying, “She is our princess.”

And Sungjin, who watched it all, signed a contract gaining only what he needed to keep the game going. He would gain so little... but this was the first time the two became a team.

* * *

Chapter 5

That night, Sungjin was guided to a new bedroom. The bed where four people could sleep was really large and colorful, but it only took up a fraction of the entire room. Moreover, there was a famous painting on the wall and an imposing statue on the other side, which ordinary people could not dream of seeing.

“Hey, this room...”

“As for the guest’s quarters in the royal castle, this is the best one now. Please kindly understand.” Ereka bowed her head, saying, “I beg your pardon.”

“No... I meant this is too good.”

It was Sungjin’s honest appreciation of the room bigger than his own.

“That’s too much. You are one of the VIPs who will save this country. And also, staying in the best condition is the shortcut to victory. Don’t refuse, please.”

“Okay, I’ll take it with gratitude.”

Sungjin accepted because he could no longer ignore his heart.

“And if you want anything at night, please pull the strap by the bedside. Then a maid will come at once.”

“That’s what that string was?”

Looking at the straps by the bedside, Sungjin admired them. He heard that the nobleman had enjoyed it in the past, and now he was going to use it.

I will not call at night, if possible. They will be tired, too.

“Good night! And... if...” Ereka trailed off.

“If what?”

“It’s a long night... if you need someone with you in the bed...” the princess said in a whispering voice, her whole face dyed red across her cheeks.

“At that time, please call me, not a maid... I’ll... my body... I’ll gladly...”

“No, I don’t need that. Absolutely not!” Sungjin cut her right off.

“But I heard that... men...”

“I don’t want to be a man who asks for such a thing as a price. Do such a thing with your lover. Don’t say that to me again.”

Sungjin drew a clear line because he didn’t know what else this princess would be up to. The purity of a woman must be kept for her lover. That was what Sungjin believed.

“I see. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Ereka bowed politely and stepped back.

What a strange man...

When a hero-class man stayed as a guest, it was basic etiquette for the host to prepare a woman for him. Of course, it was natural to prepare a more distinguished woman if he was higher in status. There would be some differences; tyrants ordered whatever they wanted, and sage kings would give the right compensation to those who wanted that job.

But... he understands the feelings of a woman.

Women who specialized in such things said that they would not have done this if they were able to meet their real lovers. As she knew that, she said that she would take care of him without asking anyone else to entertain him. But he didn’t accept such a thing, instead saying, “Do that with your lover.”

Far from being the demidevil of lust, he was really a kind man.

Then... I’ll have to entertain you in other ways.

* * *

Ereka went to the kitchen with Jenna.

“Right now, I’m going to prepare some food that Sungjin will eat tomorrow.”

“Wow, great! Please do a good job!”

“But this is Sungjin’s first time coming to this world, and he doesn’t know what kinds of foods and what region of foods he likes. I’ll prepare a buffet for breakfast. Everyone, let’s cheer up.”

“Yes! Princess!”

While Sungjin was sleeping, the kitchen was busy. Ereka was lost in thought as she was cooking some meat in a frying pan.

Whenever I have breaks between political affairs, I can’t give up my hobby of cooking. It’s fun to see those who like to eat, eat her food.

The man laughed satisfactorily while eating the food she had prepared.

“That’s delicious.”

“Would you like some more?”

“Yes, but now I have something else to eat first.”

Then the man got up and approached her.

“What is that something else?”


Then Sungjin hugged her and kissed her.


Ereka dropped the spatula. As if a stone had fallen into a lake causing a stir, a red blush slowly stretched across her cheeks.

I—I—I—I don’t know what I’m thinking!

It was only an imagination. It was an imagination that she had while saying “maybe someday,” as she heard the maids talk about romantic love.

But this time... Sungjin’s face, which was always blurry, was very clear in this daydream.

I don’t have such a relationship with Sungjin.

Sungjin said before that there was no need for her to come to him at night. He was just an ally helping to deal with the Blood Ruler. That was just a daydream just now. It’s just that... it’s just that, he’s the only guy around her now.

“Oh, Princess, you dropped it.”

Jenna picked up the spatula.

“Thank you.”

“Mhm. Your welcome.”

Jenna was flapping her knife tail gently.

“By the way, Princess, you’ve got your wish.”

“What wish?”

“Serving breakfast to your favorite guy! You’ve always wanted to do it.”

“Je... Miss Jenna. You’ve misunderstood. It’s not like that.”

“Oh, a misunderstanding?”

“Yes, surely a misunderstanding.”

“Don’t you like Brother, Princess?”

“No, of course, I’ve come to respect him. But... what I told Jenna was a story of love between lovers. This is just tending to a guest, which is rare, so it’s something else.”

“Wow... is it really something else?”

“Yes. Very, very, very much different.”

“Huhum. It is a different thing. The other thing is between lovers.”

“Yes, it is. Understand? Don’t get me wrong.”


Jenna smiled and left for the warehouse to carry in the next ingredient. Ereka pressed down on her throbbing chest.

Miss Jenna... she’s a kid, so... she doesn’t know anything yet. How easy it is to say that Sungjin is good! I know it’s just the bias of a child, which doesn’t mean much.

As Jenna went out of the kitchen, she called the maids.

She was not a child at all. She stood with a hammer pressing into the ground and gave a stern look. She was a scary boss.

The maids stood in front of her in a state of high spirits.

“Were there any requests from the guest to bring a woman in?”


“Any requests to bring a man in?”

“That didn’t happen either.”


The end of Jenna’s knife tail straightened.

I’ve been sneaking around, and I know that Princess is attracted to him.

How about Sungjin, on the other hand?

It must be about time... He must have been a high class in his original world.

Jenna had never seen a man of such a high rank abstain from the desires of life.

“Well...” one of the maids started.

“Tell me,” Jenna commanded.

“I heard something by chance behind the pillar. When Your Highness asked him to tell her if he needed her, he refused and said, ‘I don’t do it without there being love.’”


“It’s true.”

The maid bowed her head in a hurry, and Jenna’s knife tail changed into a question mark.

Really? No, I don’t think there’s a guy like that who exists. They don’t even exist in novels. That must be an excuse.

Sungjin’s moral sense was unique among the hero-class men in this world. Hero-class men bragged about their privilege and naturally handled extras as they wanted.

The princess was naive, but not me. Maybe... Impossible?! I see him as a colleague, but it is different if he deserves to take the princess or not. I’m going to check him out thoroughly. I won’t allow anybody unless that man can make the princess happy.

Jenna clenched her fists.

It was morning. When they finished cooking, the large dining room was full of food. The sweet smell of appetizing aromas stimulated their senses. Ereka smiled with pride.

“Thanks, everyone.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“Are you all tired? Go take a break, please.”

Ereka fixed her hair, saying she was slightly dizzy due to cooking all night.

Rittier frowned at her.

“Your Highness, you are doing too much for an extra.”

“You still say that even after having seen his character and ability?”

“Since he came to Valhalla, he should be governed by Valhalla’s laws. He’s an extra now. You’ll lose your prestige if you get close to him.”

“Sir Rittier.”

Ereka’s voice got strong.

“Why do you act rudely to a guest who did not ask for anything other than a stepping stone for the next match? I can’t condone any more. Let’s have a separate breakfast today.”

“Your Highness.”

“Your present face at the reception of Sungjin has already been rude in itself. You now have time to reflect on yourself!”


“This is an order.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Rittier was forced to get up and leave.

Sungjin woke up, the fragrance of flowers filling up his room.

“Brother~~! Get up!”

With a jubilant yell like a puppy’s barking, a ticklish yet pleasant thing came to his cheek at this time.

“Ah. Jenna?”

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Jenna, who was clinging to him tightly and rubbing her tail on his cheeks.

“Yes! Brother!”

“Uh, yeah... by the way...”

Sungjin was embarrassed by their closeness, not just because of his cheeks being rubbed. Jenna’s leg, which was completely over him, kept on touching his vital parts, causing him to form a tent in his pants. He pushed Jenna aside, refraining from that strange stimuli.

“Ha-ha. I have already awaked. Stop, please!”

“Are you up now?” Beside the bed, Ereka greeted him with a sunny yet meek manner.

There was a vase beside her that was skillfully decorated with various colorful flowers. However, it was his first time being awoken by beautiful girls instead of an alarm clock.

“By the way, did you prepare those flowers?” Sungjin asked.

“Yes. I wanted to decorate the place where you stayed.”

Ereka’s face and a calm smile was more beautiful than the flowers.

Well... she does have a bright face if she smiles.

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