
Chapter 388: the Insider of the Nine Great Cities Decade Gathering

Chapter 388: the Insider of the Nine Great Cities Decade Gathering

The next day, Lamo-Na volunteered to see Yuan Zhan for a talk.

Lamo-Na obscurely expressed her willingness to talk to Yuan Zhan alone, and no one else could participate.

But when Lamo-Na walked into the room, she found two people sitting first.

Yan Mo smiled at Lamo-Na and began to doze off with his eyes closed... The bastard beast had spent most of his evening on him last night, but when he was sleepy he was not allowed to sleep. The bastrd had to pull him up to meet the Great Princess. Obviously, she did not want to see him at all.

Lamo-Na looked at him when he closed his eyes, only when the mysterious Mo Da-Ren was doing something mysterious, such as that, after she saluted Yan Mo, she did not dare to disturb him again.

After greeting each other and taking their seats, Lamo-Na restrained all her emotions and said to them without any hidden meaning: "We Yincheng-Sound City and Tucheng-Earth City have the same intentions. I hope that the Jiu Yuan will consider joining Yincheng-Sound City. My Yincheng-Sound City will also give you a middle city status. Other conditions can be discussed in detail."

Yuan Zhan put his hand on the armrest of the chair and looked relaxed. "I remember Yincheng-Sound City is far from the Jiu Yuan."

Lamo-Na persuaded on: "compared with Tucheng-Earth City, we are far from the barren land where your tribe is located, Tucheng-Earth City forces in the South and Huocheng-Fire City forces in the north. Although there is no link with my Yincheng-Sound City forces in the east, sooner or later the land will be extended by both sides of us. If the Jiu Yuan is willing to join Yincheng-Sound City, I can agree on behalf of Yincheng-Sound City to take over the empty land that has not yet been occupied by forces. Give it to you for development."

Yuan Zhan sneer, although they have not extended their power to the east side of Heisen-Yuan, Yan Mo has walked with him, and the terrain there is almost clear. "There are lots of old forests and rolling mountains, and there are not many beasts and wild people in it. I think its not that the Yincheng-Sound City force does not want to occupy it, but is unable to occupy it."

"Does the Jiu Yuan want that land?” Lamo-Na hit the nail on the head.

How will Yuan Zhan be tempted by this, he said, "I will naturally take the land I want to take by myself, without having to be given a special gift, especially when it is already a land without ownership. If Yincheng-Sound City is sincere, then give us the manufacturing method of the sonic pool and the sonic gun instead."

Lamo-Na also laughed, "Okay, as long as you want to be my husband."

Lamo-Na finished looking at the teenager priest, but the eyelid didn\'t move.

Yuan Zhan raised his eyebrows. "Why, does Her Highness Lamo-Na want to marry into the Jiu Yuan?”

Lamo-Na turned her gaze. "No, it\'s the chief Zhan. You come to Yincheng-Sound City to be my husband. If so, the Jiu Yuan and Yincheng-Sound City are family members. I think my temple will agree to add sound pools and sound cannon to The Jiu Yuan.”

"Do you want to be a queen?” Yuan Zhan has a little appreciation for Lamo-Na. The status of women in the world is relatively low because of the value of strength. However, women have not yet been regarded as the weak people who teach their husband and son. This can be seen from the fact that the city forces make their daughters have the same inheritance rights, and the temple has priestess.

Lamo-Na asked, "Do you think I can\'t?”

Yuan Zhan laughed. “Of course not. To be honest, I think you are better suited to be Yincheng-Sound City\'s Lord than your brother.

"So is the chief interested in being the king to the upper city Queen?” Lamo-Na paused, adding, "As long as I have it, you will have it. If you want to expand your influence, the whole Yincheng-Sound City will be your strong backing.”

Yan Mo said that he will sleeps, but his spiritual strength now is as good as that he could not be disturbed by the outside world if he did not want to be disturbed. Besides, with Yuan Zhan beside him, he is not afraid of being harmed by anyone. He is very soundly asleep.

Yuan Zhan knew that the other person was really asleep as soon as he listened to the person breathing around him. After smiling, he naturally put his hand over his stomach, and the arm in the middle of the two chairs disappeared silently.

Yuan Zhan did it naturally, but Lamo-Na could see the corners of her eyes slightly. It was in action to tell her that he was not interested in being her male Queen.

Lamo-Na didn\'t want to insult herself, so she gave up the topic on his own initiative and said, "Whether you want to be my husband or not, if the Jiu Yuan joins Yincheng-Sound City, my Yincheng-Sound City will not be ungrateful to the Jiu Yuan."

"What if I don\'t want to?” Yuan Zhan said carelessly.

Lamo-Na did not answer directly, "Didn\'t the chief know about the Nine Great Cities’ ten-year reunion gathering?”

"I heard Curse-Witch Zhou Wu say something."

"I wonder if Curse-Witch Zhou Wu Da-Ren ever told you that every time the Nine Great Cities gathers, it will be a time for the subordinate forces and the new forces... to make deals?”

Yuan Zhan made a clear gesture with his eyes.

With the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu in the city, Lamo-Na dared not fabricate anything. She had to be honest, Lamo-Na said, "Every ten years, the Nine Great Cities will show their strength. Except Wucheng-City of Witches, which is not interested in expanding its power, the other eight cities actually have a strong or weak point. The strong can gain more territory, more population, and various advantages in trading, the weak gets the different."

Yuan Zhan pinched Priest Da-Ren and Yan Mo opened his eyes reluctantly.

"Please go on." Yuan Zhan smiled.

Lamo-Na did not know what the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu said, but could only consider obfuscating: "The Nine Great Cities also have rankings, rankings are naturally based on their own strengths, and the best way to show their own strength is to compete, which is divided into four categories, namely, the fight between blood warriors, weapon making test, drug test and the priests strength test. Because Wucheng-City of Witches do not take part in the ranking, the first place is always emptied. Ten years ago, Tucheng-Earth City, whose strength fell to fifth place, suddenly fell to sixth place, losing a midtown and all the forces and land under it.

"So is this why Tucheng-Earth City would rather honorably express his wish to end the hatred and make friends with our Jiu Yuan?” Yan Mo finally understood something he had not thought of before.

Tucheng-Earth City probably wants Yuan Zhan to take part in the competition instead of their blood warriors. No wonder five years ago they would choose to put forward a warrior challenge. Maybe they began to prepare for the ten years\' gathering back then in finding stronger warriors.

Lamo-Na listened to the irony in Mo Da Ren\'s speech and kept silent.

Yuan Zhan asked Lamo-Na: "shouldn’t there be many Yincheng-Sound City powerful warriors? Are you like Tucheng-Earth City in that you need me to take part in the competition?

Lamo-Na\'s answer is beyond two people\'s expectation. She also smiled when she said it. "No, I didn\'t understand the chief\'s strength before I came. Of course, if the chief Zhan is willing to join Yincheng-Sound City, and pass through Yincheng-Sound City internal test, it will be better for Yincheng-Sound City to strive for further ranking in the nince cities ranking. In addition to inviting the Jiu Yuan to join Yincheng-Sound City, another purpose of my visit is actually to be entrusted by my Yincheng-Sound City High Priest, who wants to trade several intermediate level and advanced level prescriptions of drugs refinery with Mo Da-Ren of your tribe.”

Yan Mo was dumbfounded, and then remembered that he had improved his prescription which can strengthen the soul by Yuan Zhan and they left it to Zhi Mu. He thought that Yincheng-Sound City might not have no better formula, but in order to be safe, he might want to collect as much as possible.

Yuan Zhan, "Your Highness Lamo-Na that is to say, you are here for three purposes. First, you hope that the Jiu Yuan will join Yincheng-Sound City; secondly, you hope that I will become your male Queen; and thirdly, you want to get my prescription for your priest. Is that so?”

Lamo-Na has another purpose. Five years ago, she was moved to learn from the mysterious Mo Da-Ren. Now, although this impulse has basically disappeared, her longing for Mo Da-Ren is still there. She wanted to be more close to him. If she could get the best spiritual advice, now the old Mo Da-Ren has become a teenager, and the teenager still has a lover relationship with Zhan the chief, which makes her want to ask for advice disappears completely.

Of course, she would not say what she wanted to say. Listening to Yuan Zhan\'s inquiry, she smiled and nodded, "The second purpose from what I can see is that you don\'t care. My main point is that I hope the Jiu Yuan will join Yincheng-Sound City."

Yuan Zhan, "So my question is which one do hope for, if we don\'t want to join any forces?”

Lamo-Na said lightly: "The new forces that does not belong to any force will be the object of contention for the Nine Cities. The stronger, the richer, the more attention will be paid to them." At that time, once the Jiu Yuan is divided into which forces is the strongest, even if the Jiu Yuan does not agreed to it, it will not be helpful, because you will then go up against more than one forces, but nine!”

Yuan Zhan also did not give a clear response to Yincheng-Sound City, saying only that it would take several days to consider. He would wait for the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu to come back and ask what the Nine Great Cities party was all about and its impact on the Jiu Yuan. Lamo-Ling knows a little, but not much.

Calculating the date, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu should be back soon.

Two days later, Yuan Zhan invited Yincheng-Sound City and Tucheng-Earth City envoys to participate in the biggest summer festival of the Jiu Yuan, the Qi Yao Festival.

The Qi Yao Festival came from the Jiu Yuan Warrior Wife Selection Conference five years ago. Although the meeting was arbitrary and somewhat semi-coercive, it was the meeting that produced the largest number of couples, leading to the largest birth tide since the establishment of the tribe in the next year.

Although there was a bad start, because there were too many couples and the calendar showed that on July 7, Priest Da-Ren said that after a sacrifice to the ancestor god, God Father and Mother God had blessed him. From then on, the Jiu Yuan expressed should wishes to each other for unmarried men and women on July 7 every year.

"If on that day there is rains or clouds are the blessings of Mother God. If it\'s sunny, it\'s a blessing from Father God. Qi represents number seven which is the seventh month, while Yao on the other hand represents sunshine and happiness, so it is called the Qi Yao Festival. Wu Chen introduced the origin of the festival to the ambassadors of the two cities.

On this day, the Jiu Yuan people on the road were all smiles, and everyone ran to the outer city square. There was a bonfire from the evening till the second morning, and every unmarried man and woman could go there. More people went to see the fun.

There is a special steward who matches the unmarried men and women who want to get married that day. Both men and women have to go to a platform to show themselves. The person who looked at another person and liked them can offer flowers to him or her. If the person on the stage is interested in someone who offered the flower, then they will accept the flowers of that person.

Some people are shy, so they have to rely on their friends or family to help them. There are many jokes about it.

The Duo-Na Clan warriors, who were originally rejected, are famous for portraying of their love for their wives, good at catching prey and have strong force value, but now have becomes the most popular partner. The Jiu Yuan rule is monogamous, but the Duo-Na belongs to a special situation category. With the permission of the chief and Priest Da-Ren, the Duo-Na are respected as this is the tradition of this clan.

Because of the special situation of the Duo-Na Clan, some people still put forward that since the Duo-Na can be monogamous with three people involved, others can also be monogamous in other three people.

Lamo-Na could not help asking, "How did the chief and Mo Da-Ren answer that conundrum?”

Wu Chen laughed. “Priest Da-Ren listened and said, \'OK, as long as your second wife, like the Duo-Na Clan, is not only a compatriot animal, but also a beast, that\'s allowed.”

Lamo-Na chuckled, and she liked the atmosphere of the Qi Yao festival. She thought Yincheng-Sound City could do it like this.

Princess Miao Xiang peeked at Yuan Zhan and wondered if he would take advantage of the special festival of the Jiu Yuan. She always wanted to see Yuan Zhan these two days, but even if she did, she could not find the opportunity to get close to each other.

She-Dan silently observed the Jiu Yuan people. He was very dissatisfied with the fact that the Jiu Yuan had no slaves.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo didn\'t want to accompany their guests, but their status made it impossible for them to refuse such business. Fortunately, Wu Chen and Ye Xing were quick-witted and took over all the introductions and activities to revitalize the atmosphere.

The Winged Yingzhao\'s voice came from the sky.

Yan Mo felt something and looked up at the sky.

Then the Winged Yingzhao came down to them and said, "Little Mo, your Shifu is back! See what good things I have brought to you!”

"Shifu!" Yan Mo laughed.

When the Winged Yingzhao landed, the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu did not come down yet. Suddenly, he said in a strange voice, "Oh, is this not Tucheng-Earth City, who is it? Why did they come to the Jiu Yuan? A-Zhan, why didn\'t you kill them?”

Tucheng-Earth City, "..."

Yan Mo laughed. “Shifu, I haven\'t told you yet. The envoy of Tucheng-Earth City said that as long as the Jiu Yuan is willing to join them in Tucheng-Earth City, we will not only have a complete enemy, but also give us a status of a middle city immediately!\'

Yuan Zhan added: "It is said that without joining a force, the Jiu Yuan will be besieged by the Nine Great Cities."

"Baloney!" The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu jumped over from the Winged Yingzhao, scornfully cussing: "don\'t go on with them. Why do we the Jiu to join their bullshit forces? We could go fishing for ourselves for the upper city title."

Yan Mo raised his hands and agreed: "Shifu you are mighty!"

Yuan Zhan was curious, "How can we get it?”

The Curse Witch Zhou Wu waved with a big hand, "come with me, and let Shifu I talk to you well, so that you two don\'t get cheated!"

She-Dan and Lamo-Na were about to come and salute. They were glared at by The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu. They all stood where they were and dared not go any closer.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu whispered, "How dare you cheat my disciple while I\'m away, hum!" Fortunately, I came back early."

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan look at each other. It seems that the Nine Great Cities\' 10-year gathering has another inside story.

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