
Chapter 565 - G Virus Life Force Elixir

Chapter 565: G Virus Life Force Elixir

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“G virus... How is Sally?” After hearing the term “G virus,” Feng Luo intuitively asked Lin a question.

Because of the legendary hidden mission, Sally finished it before her treatment.

After Lin forcibly extracted the biochips, Sally followed Lin into the military hospital to accept treatment.

Although he knew that Sally was one of the main characters in Resident Evil and therefore should not be in huge danger, Feng Luo could not resist asking that question to the hardworking and sensible NPC.

“Because the biochips were forcibly removed, her cells developed uncontrolled abnormal division and growth...” Lin’s face turned a little colder.

“Uncontrollable...” After listening to this, Feng Luo frowned a little. Did Lin mean that her condition was very serious?

“It’s okay, although her cell division is not under control, based on the current observed situation, this only accelerates her growth and development. As things stand, she may grow into an adult in just a year or two.” Fortunately, Lin’s expressions returned to its original state.

“Accelerated growth? This situation had some connection to this biochemical crisis game.” When Feng Luo heard this news, he suddenly thought for a moment.

In the original game, the G virus-incorporated Sally had enormous regenerative capabilities, and the aging of her body stopped permanently at around the age of 20.

Although the opposite was now “accelerated growth,” Lin should be able to think of a solution within two years.

Perhaps, when the time comes, this game’s version of Sally would also have the powers of “immortality.”

“In addition to growth acceleration, there will also be a special life force reaction in her body.” Just when Feng Luo was thinking of this, Lin frowned and her eyes under the black-framed tech glasses were looking at Feng Luo.

“Special forces... The Life Force?” Feng Luo was stunned.

Maybe in Sally’s body, she had awakened the Life Force?

“Yes, I’ve got some understanding of the Life Force during this period of time. My guess is that it’s probably because the doctor’s behavior which led to the G virus, that hasn’t been completely removed, and her cells to be fully integrated, in some way activated the potential in her body.” Lin said with a nod.

“What type of Life Force?” Feng Luo asked.

“I’m still not sure.” Lin shook her head. “After nurturing and experimenting with her blood cells and the blood cells you retrieved, I learned two things this morning.”

Lin reached out to a virtual screen that popped up in front of her, and two three-dimensional red spiral tubes and a complex molecular structure appeared on the screen.

G Virus, Life Force Recovery Elixir (Experimental Type).

“After use, obtain 200 additional Life Forces and get 5 points of Life Force recovery per second, time of effect: 40 seconds, cooldown time: one hour.”

Base usage level requirement: 50

G Virus, Pseudo-Life Force Elixir (Experimental Type).

“After use, get 200 points of no attribute Life Force, time of effect: 40 seconds, cooldown time: one hour.”

Base Usage level requirement: 50

“The Life Force Recovery Elixir.” Feng Luo’s eyes could not help but open wider.

The first of the two elixirs on display was to increase the speed of the Force recovery. Life Force was very strong, but its recovery speed was very slow.

Feng Luo had the Life Protozoa, by Life Force amounts, he had a lot more than other similar-level players. However it was still impossible for him to continuously use Life Force on the battlegrounds.

Lin had created a Life Force Regeneration Elixir, the “stamina” he has in the future battles would definitely be one level higher.

“And the Life Force Elixir.” Compared to the Life Force Regeneration Elixir, the one which really made Feng Luo excited, was the second Pseudo-Force Elixir, as it could allow players to gain Life Force.

Although it was only a temporary gain of Life Force, and it was a no-attribute Life Force with no additional effects, this was still a gaining of Life Force.

Whether a player has Life Force, the most important point was not the large amounts of Life Force Gain increase from the awakening of Life Force, but whether the player was able to use the additional effects from the legendary equipment.

With Life Force, you would be able to use the abilities encompassed by the legendary equipment and be able to display the true capabilities of legendary equipment.

Was there any more to say regarding this point, and the players’ temptations?

Feng Luo mentioned this point because the Nine-Star Guild’s Ruins Wastelands event is tomorrow.

The star players of Storm City and North City, the vast majority of top players, would take part in this opener. Among these people, it is not clear whether most of them have legendary equipment, but there were definitely a few who possessed them.

If each and every one of these people had a Life Force Elixir and activated their additional abilities. I am afraid that the North City players are set to go.

“If in tomorrow’s battle, Storm City players win because of the Life Force Elixir, then future auctions of the Life Force Elixir would become a powerful advertisement...” Feng Luo’s brain was actively working.

Let’s say, if the previous intermediate Life Force Gain Elixir was only able to earn a little money. Then this “pseudo-Life Force Elixir” would be a huge hit.

Up to now, in the entire war season, a third person did not awaken their Life Force, and there were countless players who are staring at that grey additional ability in their legendary equipment who are hating it.

The degree of popularity for this elixir which allows the players to prematurely use their additional abilities, Feng Luo did not even have to guess.

In particular, in this competition between the players of the two main cities, the speculation of this event is really high. It was a good opportunity to advertise.

“However, from these two elixirs, is the G virus related to the Life Force? Back when William was injected with the G virus, he seemed to have Life Force almost immediately...” Feng Luo’s train of thought went a few rounds before returning to the G virus itself.

“Perhaps this type of G virus helps people awaken their life force?” Feng Luo asked Lin with some suspicion.

“I don’t know, in William’s lab data, there was no information about this. However, from what is happening to Sally, we should not exclude this possibility. However, we must verify this point. Maybe, in William’s cultured cells that you brought back, you are able to find something...” Lin’s expression changed as she fell into thought.

“William?” Feng Luo’s eyes shifted a little.

At that time, William’s Life Force happened to be the Dire’s “incognito” Life Force. It also revealed the evolutionary fluid that could awaken the “incognito” Force after death.

From Lin’s words, it seemed like that there was something special about the mutated William.

“I haven’t figured it out yet...” Lin shook her head, as she did not continue with Feng Luo on this topic.

“Well then, for these two elixirs, are you able to create some of them today?” Seeing how Lin was not ready to talk about it, Feng Luo did not probe further, but instead pointed at the three-dimensional picture of the elixir, as he looked at Lin with some excitement.

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