
Chapter 71 071: Eldritch Eyeballs I

Fade was a bad idea. Normally it shouldn\'t have been too hard for Cole to slip in between his enemies whilst invisible, however these creatures, could still see him. He jumped, rolling forwards to cover another beam before coming up under one of them. He shot it twice, before grabbing it\'s body and putting it in the direction of another beam attack.

The body exploded, showering Cole with blood and guts of different type he has never seen before or experienced. He decided to take a dive into his new abilities and activated [Shadow Dance] there was a hard modicum of light within the hallway, enough that vague shadows were being cast all over the place.

It was mainly brought instinct that Cole took himself from his current position, seemingly sinking into the darkness around and reappearing behind another one of the floating eyeballs. A simple shot brought it down, as Cole turned and blasted another before sinking back into the shadow underneath him.

The floating eyeballs quickly gathered in that location their light beams burning holes through the carpet and into the floor below in an attempt to get to him. He was not there and fortunately for him, they had gathered enough in one place for him to handle them at once.

A glowing orb of purple, blue and black energy flew overhead the eyeballs and rolled right in their midst.

[Chaos Blast]


Cole had given them enough of a distance as the Chaos Blast exploded. It did not just rip the creature to shreds but it had torn down quite a few of the walls, along with the doors that led into different rooms. That perhaps might have been a mistake as more of those eyes poured out in masses to fill the hallway, with Cole standing at the end.


*Yiyi Yi! Yiyi Yi!*

They rushed him, it was quite the sight and the center of their eyes were already glowing with their tell tale beams. Cole sank into the shadows once again, but this time he made sure to leave them a little going away present.

[Chaos Blast]


Another explosion, the Cascade of demonic energy and the shrapnel the skill created tore many of them to shreds. But there was still a lot of them in the hallways and what he just done had perhaps only taken care of 5 of 10 percent of the entire population of eye monsters in this wing. But Cole was ready, he hasn\'t taken any damage from them, but from what he could see they weren\'t too strong, they just had numbers that could overwhelm a party, especially with how narrow a space this hallway had.

Which more than made a point for Cole, this bounty was not meant for a party…. Or at least not a large one. As it stands he was more than capable of facing north against this horde alone, but there were caveats to it. There were finite resources that he couldn\'t use to deal with them, and example would be his bullets. Or his energy, so if he was going to defeat them all, he had to do this old school.

Cole appeared from the ceiling, looking as if he had been spat out as he landed on the back of one of the eyes, Black Malakai sliding into it\'s body with way too much ease as Cole got the feeling of stabbing a fork through jelly. The Eye let out it\'s weird sounding cry as Cole finally decided to make use of a skill he has been somewhat avoiding due to how dangerous it sounded, but now….it was time for a little experiment.

[Wrath Drive]

Black veins immediately spread from his sword all the way up his right arm, up his neck to his face. Then it solidified into an ominous looking black tattoos with red highlights. The world then seemed to slow down as Cole\'s mindset shifted to one of a singular purpose, a purpose that would not be shaken no matter what…. Carnage.

A beam was fired at him, but a quickly flick of his sword threw it to the side, deflecting the attack into another eye monster before he pushed his left hand outwards, [Gravity] utilized to push one of the eyes into the wall before Cole\'s blade found out base in the middle of it\'s face… errr…. Eye?

[Black Cut]

A black wave of energy was released from Cole\'s sword that flew through the hallways, cutting through steel and flesh. Multiple eye monsters expired as their bodies were cut in half, before it ran out of energy and splattered harmlessly off the body of another much large eyeball that Cole had not been able to notice.

But he didn\'t care, he moved forwards, dodging under tentacles strikes as he jumped up, kicked an eyeball in well, the eyeball, blasting it backwards as he used [Shadow Dance] to sink into the wall, then popped out the shadow of one of the monsters in order to attack another, then on another [Chaos Blast] he used [shadow Dance] to get to the opposite side of the hallway.

A few more of the monsters joined their peers in the afterlife, but Cole was completely absent from it. There was no sense of excitement and no sense of achievement, all he wanted to keep on doing was killing, and the more he fed that want, that need to keep up with the Carnage, the stronger he seemed to become.

Cole stood his ground as more and more of them came after him, but he began to weave and dance around their attacks and bodies. It was a fierce movement and it was wholly augmented by his skills.

At the back of his mind, Cole was paying notice to the fact that he has never been able to create such synergy with his skills and his movements before. He also knew that unconsciously [Wrath Drive] was making absolute use of the [Black Demon Swordsmanship] passive Skill that was attached to the Black Malakai. And then it was over… or almost over as Cole had systematically went through all of the rooms in the east wing, and slayed the monsters there, yet weirdly enough he had ignored the massive version, and it too had ignored him until finally it was just the two of them in the hallway, and then that was when it faded away.

[Wrath Drive Has Ended]

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