
Chapter 15 - 15 - The Escapee Rat

The next day scandalous news speared through tabloid and social media that the Bai family elders had caused the tragic deaths of the Fan family husband and wife.

The video clip was so clear that miss fan was still alive when the car overturned and she was suffocated to death by the Bai Xiaolin\'s father.

The police immediately arrested the old couple. Even Bai Xiaolin was not spared.

Fan Xui stood out their door and watched how they got dragged like a dog.

"You bloody blind basted, it was you!! You did this to us," old Bai shouted as he charged at him, but the police restrained him tightly.

Fan looked in his general direction. "You reap what you sow. you should have known this day would come when you strangled my mother to death. Sadly, my poor mum still loved and even in her last moments she begged me to forgive you.. Only for her words have I been quiet all along. But since you can\'t stay still, It\'s better for you to dance in a jail cell," he said with a wide smirk.

Bai Xiaolin was dragged behind them. He glared at him silently as he struggled from the policeman\'s hold. "Mark my words; I\'ll make sure you pay for this Fan."

Fan Xui silently extended his walking stick and waved at him. "We\'ll see how you manage to do that."

As she was getting in his car, he heard a person calling his name from behind. "Fan-ah, fan-ah," the sobbing person ran to his arm.

Fan swiftly sidestepped to avoid the collision.

The young man was stunned for a second. Wiping at his red eyes, he glanced pitifully at him. "Fan-ah, I didn\'t know. I didn\'t know that they had done this to you~ I\'m so sorry," he sobbed slightly.

Fan coldly looked at him, shedding his tears. "You are not responsible for what your adoptive parents did."

"But they are my parents. I should have known about this. I should have. If so, I would have stopped it. Then… then you would have still had your vision," Liwei beautifully cried. He subtly moved a little closer trying to lean on him but fan Xui stepped back.

"It\'s not your fault. Don\'t cry." he coldly whispered.

"But fan-ah, it\'s all my fault. It\'s entirely fault. I—I wish to repay you. I would like to repay you," he cried, wiping gently at his red cheeks.

If a normal person saw this, they would have gone soft already, but Fan coldly stood like a brick in front of him. Through his shades he can see the deceptive smile the young man had when he lowered his head. \'a snake will always raise a snake,\' he thought silently. "You don\'t have to."

Without a word, he coldly got into his car and drove away.

Qian, who was driving, glanced at him with a questionable look. "Your heart is really made of stone," he sighed.

"Might be," fan Xui lowered the window and gently placed his head nearby, steeling the cold wind on his face. "I have something to tell you."

"Go on,"

"Let\'s talk at my house," he mumbled softly. Qian was his trustworthy friend, but he was not that perceptive of people\'s characters as he was. It\'s better not to tell him about him regaining vision. But this bulky man was also a medical researcher. He might have a clue why he was getting headaches and weird visions.

They soon reached his private villa and got in.

Sitting calmly on his sofa, he glanced up at him. "I need you to do a checkup on me."

Frowning, Qian sat opposite him. "You usually got your eyes checked with doctor Murthy. Why are asking me now? Did that Bai Xiaolin do anything?" he suspiciously whispered, and got close.

Fan took off his specks and showed him his eyes.

"Wow, why do your eyes look so awesome? I wish I had those dark, broody looks," he enviously whispered.

"I know, I saw them. They look good," fan mumbled silently.

His friends froze. "What do you mean you saw? Fan…." Fan intently glanced into his eyes. "Oh, my god….. Oh my god," Qian jumped over and hugged him tight. "I am so happy. Do you see me? Do I look as you had expected," he said wiping his tears away.

Fan coolly pushed his hands off him. "You look fat,"

"F—fat!!! You could have lied," Qian pouted, touching his small potbelly. "This is because I drank beer last night."

"You looked fat yesterday as well," fan coldly said and moved over to the kitchen. "Tell me, is it normal to have weird visions after having a cornea donation?" he mumbled casually as he took out a pan from the cupboard.

"Vision? What kind," Qian picked out an apple from the basket on the kitchen table and loudly munched on it.

"Bloody…. It felt like I was fighting against something." Fan cracked an egg in a bowl and added the condiments to it. "Is it normal?"

"There have been cases where patients have experienced adverse memories or visions of the donor\'s life. But it\'s unproven and unscientific. So I don\'t believe in it." he threw the pit in the bin and got close to the pan. "Egg looks good,"

"Don\'t poke your nose so close," fan pushed his face away.

"Boo hoo so cold." Qian silently watched his friend move inside the kitchen. Unlike when he was blind, he was moving more smoothly and casually. This brought a weird joy to my heart. "I\'m happy you are back."

After having their lunch they both casually sat around doing few tests.

Qian held up a small 2 inch sized picture a little further away. "Can you see now?"

"It\'s blurry,"

"Oh, it will get better in time." he plopped down next to him. "Gosh, it\'s too tiring,"

"You\'re working too much,"

Qian scoffed at him. "Says the guy who works 24/7," he leaned a little forward and whispered, "Do you know our government is so fucked up. Last year they got a small sample of a virus from a meteor piece and are obsessed over it."

"What\'s new about it," fan flipped through some of the documents and silently read the brail.

"No, no, listen, this virus is said to slow our aging. It\'s a fucking immortality elixir!"

Fan skeptically glanced up at him. "And you believe that,"

"I have to. The results were spectacular. The rat we tested on lived for more than ten years!!"

Fan Xui frowned a little. The concept of immortality had been a rage amongst the ancient kings and kingdoms. It had caused many wars and loss of innocent lives. Just the thought of it raged him a bit.

"Sadly, the rat escaped our facility, and we lost track of the final living virus. I don\'t even know how that rat skillfully unlocked itself and escaped such a tightly secure research facility. That by itself is a fascinating indeed. But now, we don\'t have any more virus strands to test on." He mumbled and tiredly leaned his head onto the headrest.

"You know what the government decided? They are planning to bring down the meteor back to earth." Qian gave him a tablet that showed him the news about the meteor that would be passing earth.

"They plan to bomb it while its near our atmosphere. When it rains down in pieces, they plan to retrieve the virus for further research,"

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