
Chapter 246 More Skills To Buy

Chapter 246 More Skills To Buy

"That was a lot…" Val said as she took a seat.

"It\'s also worth a lot," Arthur replied taking a look at the Cart.

The materials that could be used by the NPCs to make items were stacked at the very front of the Cart, while other things like meat and bones were stacked behind it. Finally, at the very back, the guts and blood of the beasts that were gathered in the barrels were kept.

Even the blood and guts could be used as fertilizer, as well as in some alchemical processes. 

Players rarely sold that and didn\'t even not it could be sold. But Arthur knew even that had a value. The only thing was that it wasn\'t exactly profitable to collect it and sell it generally. Even when an entire beast\'s corpse was brought, the guts and blood were rarely sold.

It was mostly the NPC adventurers doing this when they brought in the entire corpses.

"Let\'s see… Orc Hide, Trunel Stalker claws, Bone Blades, frog oil and more. This should sell for a decent amount." Arthur muttered to himself as he checked the goods.

"What do we do now?" Val asked.

"Now, we sell this off," Arthur replied. "Come, help me tie the tarp on the cart." He asked.

Val stood at the back while Arthur tied the tarp in front of the Cart. With the cart covered, they wouldn\'t have to worry about other players looking at it suspiciously. 

Arthur already looked like an NPC to them and even if they saw Val pushing it from the back, they would merely think that she was doing a quest.

It wasn\'t unusual for players to do quests like these in the town and they were rather common. Smaller quests like this were popular too since they didn\'t involve much danger and they even provided a little reputation boost.

Players needed to do them if they wished to be able to get better quests which were locked behind a reputation requirement.

After all, not everyone had the capability to go out hunting right away. 


Arthur started pulling the cart from the front, and the wheels started to turn. Val helped him push from the back and didn\'t find it as tiring as before. 

And just as Arthur had thought, the players simply ignored them. However, the area they were in was also less frequented. 

Arthur took Val through some of the alleys to the marketplace, which made their travel a bit smoother as they didn\'t need to slow down by the crowd of the players on the main paths.

"Here it is." Arthur brought Val to a shop that only seemed to be getting visited by NPC.

"Adventurer Guild Requisitions." Val read the signboard. "Is this where the guild buys these things?" she asked.

"Indeed. This is where you will also have to come once you are a higher ranked adventurer." Arthur replied. "At least for certain kind of quests. For others, you just go to the job desk at the guild." He explained.

"I see…" Val took a note in her mind.

Arthur pulled the Cart further and spoke to one of the staff members at the front.

"I need to deposit and sell beast materials," Arthur replied before showing his Adventurer ID.

"Oh, Adventurer Arzhur." The Staff member read the ID before looking at the cart. "Looks like you brought in a lot of stuff. Take it through the side gate." 

"Wait here," Arthur told Val. 

"Alright!" Val stated as Arthur went in.

The requisitions building had two sections. An outer yard and an inner building. 

The Outer yard was where the carts filled with goods would arrive and unloaded. While the inner building was where the processing would be done. 

Arthur parked the cart here and waited for one of the workers to approach him.

"What do you wish to do?" the worker asked Arthur after a couple of minutes of waiting.

"Here to sell of everything on this cart." Arthur replied.

"Let me see what you got." The worker said before untying the tarp and pulling it off.


The tarp was removed, revealing all the beast materials kept inside.

"Oh? You got entire Orc hides?" The first thing the worker spotted were the hides that Arthur had skinned from the Orcs.

"Yep. They\'re whole without any major cuts. Only a few stab wounds that can be easily fixed." Arthur replied. "I also got their meat and bones, along with more." 

"Oho, looks like the farmers will be happy. Both their fields and animals will be getting fed well." The worker said happily.

"Hopefully it helps." Arthur replied.

"Oh, it sure well." The Worker stated. "I\'ve noted all the items. You can come with me inside to document it and get the final payment." 

"Sure!" Arthur replied and went along with the worker.

Meanwhile, Val waited outside, wondering how long it would take. She didn\'t need to do that long though, as ten minutes later, Arthur came out of the building.

"You\'re done?" Val asked curiously.

"Of course." Arthur nodded. "Got a decent amount too." He said with a smile.

"Oh? How much?" Val inquired. "If you wish to tell. You don\'t necessarily have to." She added hurriedly.

"About this much." Arthur held up four fingers. 

"Four Silvers… no wait, Forty Silvers." Val corrected herself, knowing that it wouldn\'t be as low as four silvers.

"No." Arthur denied and his smile widened. "Four gold coins." He revealed.

"~gasp! Four… Four gold coins?" Val covered her mouth. "How did you get that much?"

"When you sell everything, from a beast, it can go decently high. Of course, the effort to carry them here isn\'t worth it all the time. Only when you do it in bulk is it worth it. Otherwise, you\'ll be wasting a lot of effort and still might lose out." Arthur replied.

"Damn… looks like I\'ll have to be really strong to carry corpses like those," Val said.

"Or get a cart and something to pull it." Arthur gave another suggestion.

"Oh yeah, guess that should be the default option." Val understood.

"Don\'t make things unnecessarily hard for you when you have simpler options," Arthur advised her. 

"I understand." Val nodded before remembering something. "So, what\'s the next stop we\'re making?" She asked.

"Next stop is the Class Change Hall. Gotta buy some skills." Arthur replied.

"Do you already have them picked out?" Val questioned. "I have a few I wanna buy too. But they\'re too expensive. Plus, I need to get the bow made too first." She spoke.

"You\'ll get there." Arthur didn\'t want her to lose focus, rushing things.

The two walked to the Class Change hall and entered. The skill section was at the back, and Arthur walked in along with Val this time.

"Quite a few players browsing," Val said as she saw the people inside. 

"It\'s quite normal considering how many skills are here. They\'re probably planning which skills to get in the coming months and making a pipeline for their growth." Arthur explained.

With the number of skills that were present, it would take the people quite a lot of time to find the right skills. They would have to spend some effort learning about the skills and see whether it was a fit for them.

They would have to consider factors like the cost-to-benefit ratio before picking skills too. After all, if they brought an expensive skill and they couldn\'t really use it much, the end result would be a waste.

They needed to know which skills they needed at their current level, as well as which they should reserve for the future.

Getting a skill they couldn\'t even use properly due to the lack of stats was also an issue. Even if they could buy it, the question of being able to utilize it was entirely different.

As such, even knowing which skills to buy was a skill in itself.

Arthur could remember hundreds of players who whined on the forums after buying a skill that turned out to be useless in the end. 

Thankfully, because of that, there was no lack of strategy and building guides that the players had developed over the years.

"Where are you going?" Val suddenly asked, seeing that Arthur was walking off from the physical skills and into the section which was mostly intended for magic classes.

"To get a skill, of course." Arthur replied.

"Here?" Val furrowed her brows, feeling confused. "Isn\'t this section for the Mages?" she asked.

"So? Doesn\'t mean others can\'t buy the silks here." Arthur said before walking up to one of the shelves and picking out three books in a practiced manner.

"Magic Meditation, Vital Meditation, and Focus Meditation?" Val read the names of the books.

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