
Chapter 383: The Deal Pt.19

Chapter 383: The Deal Pt.19

As he walked down the stairs, Lake tried to put the other two bottles of poison into Inner Vault but found that while they went in they didn\'t really change what bonuses he was receiving. There was a bit of an increase though so he guessed from now on keeping all of his health potions inside Inner Vault was a good idea.

Doing so Lake quickly looked at what the new bonuses were with every Health Potion and Poison inside the vault together.

Inner Vault


Lv.35 Health Potion (High Grade) X4

Lv.45 Small Juice Based Poison (Perfect Grade) X3


+36 Health

+29% Natural Healing Rate

+Poisoned Effect (65 damage a second)

After he got done looking at the new numbers he started to wonder if there was a chance this was using seven of the ten slots Inner Vault had and was about to throw some more stuff in when he realized he was walking into Lucas\' office. He had never really tried hiding his skills from Lucas but there was a chance Lucas wouldn\'t be alone so he put Inner Vault away.

Walking into the office, Lake was a bit surprised to see it empty but he was happy Lucas wouldn\'t see him leaving again so soon after coming back. Getting onto the elevator Lake headed for the lobby but took the minute or so of time he had on the elevator to throw some junk into Inner Vault and after three items the space stopped accepting more.

Lake was a bit surprised by this because if the copies of the health potion and poison all took a slot why didn\'t they give the same bonus as the first one? Was this some way to dissuade him from filling it with the same thing ten times or was there a real reason it was unable to give him the same bonus over and over?

When the insider didn\'t give him an answer Lake moved on while taking the junk he had thrown in out of Inner Vault but left the potions inside since he didn\'t have anything better to fill it up with at the moment. Walking out of the guild, Lake pulled out his list of things that he wanted to steal and set Detector to look for the name of the item that was the closest.

Five down ended up being the one that lit up and Lake took that name and set up magic compass to look for Credglin while trying to remember what the book he had gotten the name from said about it. If he remembered correctly this was some type of blunt weapon that had an interesting enchantment that apparently erased the memories of those that it hit.

The reason he would want this even if the book said the stories about this item could be exaggerated was obvious so it being the first thing he was going to gather was not bad. Following the arrow Lake quickly made it to the edge of town and was about to go over the wall when the arrow lit up again and said he had passed the item and it was now behind him.

Turning around, Lake looked at the buildings he had just passed over and used Mana Vision to look into them. He was in a poorer part of the city so he wasn\'t surprised to see only a few things that weren\'t people with Mana Vision and the thing he was after was obviously the long thing shaped like a mace.

Lake didn\'t want to risk a fight with someone who had a weapon that could affect his memories so he pulled his bow and got a Magic Arrow ready. Firing the arrow into the building Lake hit the person who was the closest to the weapon in the leg because he didn\'t want to commit a murder inside the city.

"Ahhh!" The building they were inside was a wooden shake so he was able to hear their scream from where he was. When he saw people rush towards the sound Lake dropped his bow and joined them. "Someone\'s been attacked, go get the guards."

Lake didn\'t run off to get help but instead rushed into the room yelling. "I have a potion." He didn\'t care if they saw Inner Vault so he reached inside and pulled out one of his Health potions. When everyone saw this they moved out of his way and he was able to make it into the shake and all the way to the side of the guy who he had just shot.

As he was opening the potion Lake pointed towards the club that he was after that was now on the floor near the man and asked. "Were you fighting with someone?" Before the man could answer Lake poured the potion on the man\'s leg then reached over and picked up the club to hand it back to the guy.

"No, I was just sitting on my bed and an arrow flew into my house and hit me in the leg." Putting a confused look onto his face Lake looked around and asked. "Where\'s the arrow that hit you?" The guy was already healed and was standing up while they said. "It flew away after it hit you in the leg, how is that possible?"

As he asked this three guards pushed their way into the room while asking their own questions. "What\'s going on, who was it that was attacked?" The man Lake had just healed pointed to himself and said. "It was me but there was no attack. An arrow flew through my wall and hit me in my leg. It\'s already been healed so there\'s nothing to worry about."

It was very obvious the man didn\'t want the guards in his home so Lake asked the question he just had again. "You said you were hit by an arrow which then flew away, where did it go?" He knew where the arrow was since he was the one who had flown it away after it hit the man but he was sure the guards would find this interesting enough to look for the answer.

The man pointed towards the ceiling where a small hole was but Lake saw that the man used his other hand to hide his mace behind his back while the guards weren\'t looking which made him think the guards might be looking for this man. "What\'s that you\'re hiding behind your back?"

Lake would have strangled someone if they had done this to him but getting this guy arrested after being the one to shoot him was very funny so he couldn\'t help himself. "It\'s a secret thing. I\'m in my own house so you have no right to look!" The guards had started to move in to see what the guy was holding behind his back the second they had seen it was true so what the guy was saying changed drastically in the middle.

"Wait a second this is the symbol we keep finding on the helmets of the guards that can\'t remember anything." Getting a good look at what the guard was talking about Lake saw there was indeed something carved on one of the four sides the mace\'s head had. This made Lake wonder if maybe the memory erasing effect only activated if they were hit with that side while the others just worked like a normal attack.

"Get away from me!" As the man said this he started to swing Credglin around like crazy and his attack had the desired effect because everyone backed off afraid of what might happen if they were struck. Lake felt this was a good time to leave so he ran out of the door and jumped up on the neighboring shack to watch the rest of the show.

After about a minute he saw the guards all come spilling out of the shack and a few seconds later the guy with Credglin came out obviously trying to get away instead of fighting the guards. All of the guards seemed happy to let this happen instead of getting hit with something that erased memories so Lake watched as the man got away.

He couldn\'t help but smile once the man was completely gone because with this the guards would think the man had escaped the city when people with the symbols on their heads stopped showing up but in reality it would be because he had used Retrieval to take the weapon he had touched earlier when he had handed it over to the guy who owned it.

Of course the guy who was currently carrying the weapon would notice if it was missing but he really didn\'t care if the guy might be able to put together how his mace was taken because he was currently wearing a helmet and had been the entire time meaning the man didn\'t know what he looked like.

It was also very unlikely the man would go to the guards with a problem like \'someone stole the weapon I\'ve been using to commit crimes, can you find it for me\' since it would lead to his arrest.

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