
Volume 7 6

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Chapter Six: Truce

In Tristainia, capital of Tristain, inside a workroom, a 17 year-old queen closed her eyes in silent prayer.

It was fairly cold in the workroom, where all useless decoration were taken away.

Like in a mausoleum.

In the center of the room, wrapped up in a black dress and covered with a thick veil, Henrietta was kneeling.

In front of her stood a small altar, decorated with a small image of Founder Brimir inside.

Founder Brimir’s image looked like it was a mould for Halkeginia’s advent.

His hands extended wide as if opening the door, an abstract image. It was not easy to see him as a person.

The reason for that was because drawing the Founder’s traits in detail was considered disrespectful.

To tell the truth, no one knew the Founder’s detailed traits anyway.

While she was silently praying, she heard someone knocking on the door.

“Your Majesty, it’s me.” It was Cardinal Mazarin’s voice.

At first she went to grab the wand and recite the "Unlock" spell... but then Henrietta shook her head, placed the wand on the table, stood up and unlocked the door.

Mazarin, entered Henrietta’s workroom, and apologized as she puckered up her brows.

“Were you in the middle of work? Forgive my impoliteness.”

“It’s all right,” Henrietta answered.

“I’m not so sure about that. You were praying from dawn till evening. Even if I go somewhere or come back, it’s still the same.”

Mazarin watched her coolly. The rumors that, after the Albion invasion, Henrietta prayed all day long were true.

Henrietta tried to explain herself.

“This powerless Queen can do nothing but offer her prayers.”

“Why you are dressed up in black? White suits Your Majesty much better.”

“It’s a war. Many officers and men have fallen. I’m mourning.”

Mazarin, shifting his eyes in embarrassment, reported to Henrietta.

“Yesterday, our allied forces captured Saxe-Gotha. This way, our positions in Londinium were secured.”

“Please send my congratulations to General de Poitiers.”

“Certainly. One more thing...”

“Bad news?”

“That’s right. The allied forces demand the replenishment of their food stocks. It is necessary to send more at once.”

“But, based on the calculations, it’ll take another 3 weeks,”

Mazarin said while looking at the report in his hand.

“Saxe-Gotha’s resources were emptied. Our army had to give some to the local residents.”

“Are enemies worried about the food as well?”

“No. The purpose is to make our army worried. They foresaw our food shortage and took all the food from the residents.”

“That was cruel.”

“It’s a war.”

Henrietta nodded.

“Please make the arrangements.”

“Certainly. However... the state of our treasury is making us more and more worried.”

“And the Minister of Finances?”

“He is conferring with the Gallia ambassador.”


“The debt application. It takes a lot of money to fight.”

Henrietta watched her own hand. Then she said in constrained voice.

“We have to win. So, we only have to win. We will return money from Albion’s purse then.”

“Though the day when that purse is obtained seems to be drifting away a little.”


Henrietta’s face became cloudy. Bad news seemed to favor this side.

“An enemy request for a truce came.”

“Truce? For how long?”

“From the day after tomorrow, until the end of the Advent Festival. It is custom that between Advent Festivals the war also takes a break.”

The Advent Festival continues till the tenth, the biggest festival in Halkeginia. Because the Advent Festival starts during the first day of the new year... it will start after another week or less.

“Fighting will stop for as many as two weeks? No way! Custom or not, such a thing cannot be admitted! Moreover, they can’t be trusted as they shamelessly broke the truce agreement before! They tried to attack the Academy of Magic and take all those children hostages! With such cruel company...”

The Academy of Magic was attacked the day after the invasion fleet had left. Though the students were fortunately safe, repressing it still claimed some lives.

“Although it doesn’t inspire confidence, we don’t have much to choose from. We still need to bring over the food. Until then, the army cannot move.”

“Then attack Londinium for another week! All fleets! All troops! Why do you think we used our trump card – Void?!” Henrietta pressed Mazarin.

The Prime Minister gave some advice to the enraged Queen,

“Your Majesty. Soldiers and generals are also people. Overworking them will not lead you anywhere. Though I understand that you want to reach a conclusion soon... concede on this point.”

Henrietta held herself back and hung her head.

“...I said too much. Please forget about it. You are right about it all.”

After immediately signing the peace treaty, Mazarin stood up, but stopped at the door and turned around.

“Your Majesty, when the war ends, take these black clothes off; they do not suit you.”

Henrietta did not answer.

Mazarin said in a gentle, father-like voice.

“Let it be. It’s enough, mourn only for your mother.”

After the Cardinal left, Henrietta let out a sigh.

“Aah. What I am saying – Louise of Void?”

She muttered in a sad, silent voice.

“...for this goal, I am changing an important person into a tool.”

In Saxe-Gotha, the third day after signing, the truce with the Holy Republic of Albion came into being.

Inside the room of the inn that the allied forces had taken over, Louise sat in front of the fireplace.

In four days the new year would begin. Then, the Founder’s Advent festival would start.

Though the war had not ended yet, the town was wrapped in strangely restless atmosphere. No, war may be the reason why they wanted to act so loudly. For the people of Albion it could be the only chance to relax.

The truce period was like a present from the Founder, and Saxe-Gotha’s citizens as well as the Tristain and Germanian soldiers, wanted to enjoy themselves to the fullest.

People, dressed up in various colorful clothes, strode cheerfully through the town.

Because Albion, the floating continent, was located 3,000 mails above sea level, winters were sudden and harsh. A skinny person like Louise was exceedingly sensitive to the cold. She experienced Albion’s winter for the first time. All wrapped up in a blanket, she trembled in front of the brightly burning fireplace.

Louise called Saito, who was sitting alone, away from her, doing something.

“It’s cold, isn’t it? Why don’t you come in front of the fireplace?”

There was no answer. Then Louise recalled their recent fight after meeting again.

Louise complained to Saito,

“Hey, Saito. Are you listening to me? It’s cold! Are you still worrying about the other day, well I forgave you already! You must stay healthy! It’s a familiar’s responsibility!”

There was no answer again. Saito sat on the side of the bed, his back turned to Louise, doing something furiously.

“What are you doing?”

Still wrapped up in the blanket, she approached him and saw Saito doing something with a wine bottle’s cork.


She stretched her neck, trying to see, but he hid it.

“Show me!” Louise pushed Saito aside. Saito showed no resistance.

On top of the small cork was a small cut.


Saito kept silently plucking the cork. Leaving small cuts with his fingernails.

Apparently he was killing time by cutting a cork.

...Gloomy. Too gloomy. Such way of killing time looked way too depressing.

“Stop it, already... it’s too gloomy...”

Saito quietly muttered,

“Not gloomy.”

“Annoying familiar!”


Mole. Louise did not like him. She wanted a lofty boy.

He became irritated while thinking about this.

“What mole? Get yourself together!”

She pushed him away, dumbfounded, Saito tumbled,

“Hey, answer me. Hey! Hey, hey! Mole. Mo-mole.”

Rubbing his cheek, Saito stared at Louise.

Louise shrugged uncomfortably and thought angrily. Yada, wasn’t it like that, when he pushed me down the other day? Get yourself together! Enough! Will that idiot familiar attack me now? Ya-yada – her body trembled.

That’s why she tried to provoke him. But she could never admit it to the person in question.

However, Saito simply stood up and walked towards the door.

“W-where are you going?!” She asked, disappointed.

“For a walk,” He answered briefly, leaving the room.

Louise came dragging the loose blanket, back to the fireplace, and sat down hugging her knees. Derflinger, who was leaning against the wall, called out to Louise.

“Foolish woman.”

After these words, Louise’s face popped out of the blanket.

“W-what... He’s at fault! He always hesitates...”

“And who do you think is the cause of that?”

“I d-don’t know!”

At a loss, Louise shouted.

“Then I’ll tell you. Partner is completely convinced that you don’t like him.”

Louise bit her lips. “I-it’s natural! He is a familiar, and I am a noble!”


Louise’s face crumbled. Showing her girlish side, Louise sulked.

“H-he is evil. What if I am cold and alone, but he goes with other girls instead..."

“What did you say when he confessed? Instead you talked about something you haven’t witnessed and left, all that housemaid said was ‘unbuttoned’. Thus an affair is doubtful, but you selfishly made your own conclusion.”


“Haah, therefore, you flirted with a handsome boy. Don’t you think you overdid it? Anyway, even if it was just an act, you just had to go and make that cruel remark. ‘When riding behind someone, it’s better to ride behind a good-looking boy’ was it?”

Louise cast her eyes down.

“When you look at it, that Romalia priest is indeed better looking. One can’t compare the faces. It’s like comparing flying creatures - a fly and a phoenix. Or land walking creatures - a mole and a lion. Or water creatures – a water fly and a swan.”

“...Aren’t you exaggerating?”

“Probably, anyhow, it wasn’t about the face. Partner patiently did not go to the east lands, just to keep you company. To you, he even confessed his ’love’. I guess such ‘loyalties embodiment’ is said to be no good at all. His pathetic self can’t compete in handsomeness with other men. However, partner shows courage in trouble, because he said he loves you...”

Louise listened for five minutes, and blushed furiously. Then, she went to the window and looked outside, looked behind the curtain, opened the closet, sought under the desk, and once she finally confirmed that there was no one in the room to listen, she turned back to the legendary sword.

“Hey, is it true? To whom he said that? How?”

“Partner is very single-minded about that. Though it’s up to you - to believe or not.”

With a blush on her cheeks, Louise became silent.

"Really, it was obvious that partner looked to be in a bad mood.”

Louise bluntly puffed her cheeks.

“I-I got it already. I forgive him! Isn’t it good enough?!”

“Then apologize, tell those little, gentle words.”

“Me? Why?! Apologizing to him...”

“Normally it should be done by both, however now it is your turn to give in, because you were nasty.”

For a while, Louise groaned – Uuuh, auuu, iiiii – regretting.

“I got it already! Only need to apologize! Just apologize!”

She shouted. Was that an apologizing attitude?

However, Derflinger muttered warningly.

“But Partner was seriously sulking this time... he was truly disgusted by you, you know. Such an apology might not be enough.”

Louise started to look troubled.


“D-don’t be stupid! It will be all right! No one can ask more for an apology!”


Derflinger became silent. Because he wasn’t saying anything for a while, Louise grew impatient.

Eventually Louise became restless. She took up a piece of firewood which was placed near the fireplace and "Piiiiin" started to peel it off.

“Gloomy way of killing time.”

“Shut up! Well, then, tell me! Teach me what do I have to do!”



“Say, ’I am in love with Saito’!”

“I can’t say such thing!”

“Do you hate him?”

“I-it’s not that...”

Louise hesitated.

“Well, then, aren’t you in love?"

“I-it’s not that! Anyway, I am saying that I want to say, that I am not saying that I am saying, that I am not in love! Uuuuh! Idiot! Worn-out sword!”

“Haah, if you are like that, then pushing him down is out of the question, right?"

“That’s a splendid idea.”


“Splendid. Stop joking! What kind of idea is that, for a master to push down! Seriously...”

“You won’t push him down?”

“It’s out of the question! Stupid!”

“Aah, but being pushed down by a loving partner, and then embraced tightly, was pleasant, wasn’t it?”

With a scarlet blush on her cheeks, Louise cast her eyes down, and said in a tiny voice.

“...that, c-could you talk about something else?” she asked.

“Then push him down.”

“I-I don’t want to do that! Seriously! I’ll only embarrass myself. Besides it would be hard to push Gandálfr down. Hey.”

“So you say.”

“Anyway, I am La Vallière’s third daughter. I can’t say I love you to such a foolish familiar. Thus, not love. Really. He is the one who loves me, well, I admit, it feels nice. It feels great when he worships me. But it’s not enough! Do you understand?!”

“I understand... you are troubled by obstacles...”

“Anyway, faster, teach me of another way to mend his mood.”

“Make love.”

Louise slowly stood up, and started to cast a spell.

“I won’t blow you up. I’ll melt you. Answer now, without joking. Do you have anything else to offer?”

Derflinger trembled.

“I’m over.”

He muttered.


“It’s very hard for me to think. I’m just a sword. Legendary.”

“Because you are legendary, you should be more attentive to remarks.”

“No words are good enough, if you hide your feelings, behind unbreakable pride.”

Louise stepped back, thought for a while, and nodded.

“...What you said, is probably true. Though you are a sword you can understand a human’s inner thoughts.”

“It’s because I lived so many years among them. And worked with them. It comes naturally. Now then, speaking of your situation...”

Louise and Derflinger discussed for a while... deciding a strategy.

Saito sat down on a bench in a central plaza of Saxe-Gotha, watching people passing the road. Soldiers of Tristain and Germania, and citizens of Saxe-Gotha all passed with lamplights. The allied forces that occupied the streets walked proudly thrusting out their chests. As it was a truce period, they got drunk, cut loose, and ran after young girls, and ended up being shouted at by noble officers.

However, faces of citizens of Saxe-Gotha, unlike people of defeated countries, did not seem very sad. Sure, they were not pleased by the fact that their town was flooded by additional people. Yet, the aristocratic faction Reconquista, the present political power in Albion, was not in a great favor here.

Besides, because they delivered food, the allied forces seemed to be accepted as a liberation army.

Though the rampart was partially destroyed, damage to the urban area was avoided as much as possible, so there were hardly any loses for the town and citizens. Considering the war’s end and the start of the anticipated Advent Festival, citizens were smiling broadly.

“Haah,” Saito let out a sigh.

Within this happy town, the only dark face is mine.

Then he stared at the rune on his left hand.

Haa, the power passed on a big load to me, he thought. When this war ends, I will surely go to the eastern lands. Louise will not need me anymore...

Thinking this way, he grew even more lonely. And nostalgia hit him again. Saito recalled his hometown in the different world. In the alien world... in the foreign town of the foreign country that he did not get used to, nostalgia filled his chest suddenly.

Being wrapped up in such painful feelings... Saito was called from the back.


Saito, for a moment could not recognize whose voice it was. That voice shouldn’t be here on this street.

The next moment, arms wrapped up tightly around Saito from the back, and he was pushed to the ground.

“Yaaan, being able to meet so soon! Feels great! I’m so happy!”

Barely thinking, he turned around, just to see a shining Siesta’s face, with a broad smile.

“S-Siesta? Why?”

Saito panicked. Why is Siesta here? This is Albion, a continent on a cloud. It’s not the place for the Academy of Magic’s maid Siesta to be in.

“Hmmm? Who did Siesta meet here?”

A deep voice came from the back. It sounded sweetened.

“Manager Scarron?”

Manager Scarron was an effeminate man, dressed up in tight leather clothes. He managed the “Charming Faries” inn where Saito and Louise worked one summer. And next to him was Scarron’s daughter Jessica. Saito stared at them all with widely opened eyes.

“Consolation Corps?”

In a café facing the plaza, Saito asked loudly. Slurping the beer, a smiling Scarron responded, while puckering up his brows,

“That’s riiight! The reason for that is that additional food needed to be sent, thus the Consolation Corps was organized! To go to Albion...”

Scarron looked at the piling up dishes and shook his head.

“The dishes are horrible! Only beer to drink! Women too thin! What a notorious place!”

Indeed, if you looked around the plaza, shops serving wine could not be found, only tea and beer. The Albion people did not drink wine, Scarron explained, plainly puckering up his brows.

“Really! Such an unpalatable beer is the same as drinking phlegm; Tristainian people with taste would never drink this! Therefore, Tristanian inns can earn much from such business trips. I want to open White Arrow’s Inn here. This way ’Charming Fairies’ inn would establish next to royal families! Aaah, the honor!”

Scarron wiggled his body. Girls, brought from the inn, seconded him in joyful chorus.

“Honor! Mi mademoiselle!”

Scarron rose up above the table. Saito almost burst into tears.

“Is Saito a soldier? Why did you come to Albion?”

“No, I’m not a soldier...”

“Let it out. Mi mademoiselle is a man, he’ll understand.”

Mi mademoiselle being a man still needs to be confirmed, Saito thought while nodding vaguely.

Then he remembered Siesta, sitting next to him and smiling broadly.

“But, why did Siesta come along?” He asked.

“She’s a relative.”

Frightened to death, Saito stared at Scarron. Could someone as sweet as Siesta be Scarron’s relative?


“Yes. From the mother’s side...”

Siesta muttered shamefully.

“Could it be that the tavern where Saito worked during this year’s summer...”

“He worked in it. That’s how we got acquainted.”

Jessica explained. Then Jessica looked at Saito across the table.

“Siesta is my cousin. You know each other, right?”

Indeed, they both had black hair. Which was unusual in this world.

Siesta hesitated before saying.

“As soon as Saito left, the school was attacked by an Albion burglar.”

"Eh? Eeh?! Eh?”

Saito was surprised by the topic. Due to consideration of the troop morale, the news about their own country hardly ever reached the battlefield.

“We did not understand what was happening when the lodging-house shook...There was a big uproar...a few died.”

Siesta said with a sad face.

Saito was worried about the people left in the school. Were there people that he knew included on the "dead people" list?

“Who became victims?’

“As commoners, we were not told about the details...” Siesta said apologetically.

What if it is a person I know, Saito thought. Though it is sad when someone dies, it is a lot more saddening when it happens to a person one knows.

“And the school has been closed until the war ends. I thought of what to do and decided to help Uncle with his inn.”

“Sie-chan worked there in the past.”

“When I got to the inn, I saw Uncle Scarron and Jessica’s packing luggage together... They explained that they were going to Albion.”

“That’s why you decided to go along?”

When Saito said so, Siesta nodded with a blush.

“Ye-yeah... and...”


“I thought I would be able to meet S-Saito here...”

Jessica leaned over, scrutinizing the pair.

“Eh? What? Siesta and Saito are intimate? I was certain it was Louise...”

After Jessica’s words, Siesta’s eyes shone.

“Is Miss Vallière doing fine?”

“Y-yes,” Saito nodded.

Uncomfortable silence followed.

Grinning, Jessica approached Saito.

“So you are still together. Sorry, I misunderstood.”

"No, not particularly ...” Saito muttered, feeling mixed emotions.

“Aaah, Louise is here as well? Then let’s go and greet her,” Scarron said while fiddling with his fingernails.

Meanwhile, Louise, under the guidance of Derflinger, developed Operation “Mend Saito’s Mood”.

Following Derflinger’s instructions, Louise bought various materials from the inn’s shop.

“This! You must be joking!”

Louise screamed at the sword.

“It’s not a joke. It’s a proper apology to my partner.”

Derflinger said in a serious voice.

“But why as an animal?! I’m a noble, a noble! Understand?!”

“Because of your high-handed status, how else you are going to apologize?”

“So you think turning into a familiar helps?!”

“That’s right. It’s a great strategy. ‘Saito, I’m sorry for my malicious remarks. For today, I’ll be your familiar.’”

Derflinger said, imitating Louise’s voice.

“If you were to say ‘Please’ in such state, then maybe partner, as he is rather simple, would forgive all your crimes?”

Louise shook her head and said.

“Ouu, but not looking like this animal.”


“Why a black cat?!”

“A black cat is the most popular familiar. Therefore, a black cat is fitting. It is a comprehensible. What is important is comprehension.”

Louise’s cheeks blushed, while she stared at the black cat costume material, lined up in front of her.

“Well at least I will make these parts by myself.”

Louise took out the sewing set that she borrowed from the inn, and from fur, leather, and strings started making "black cat’s clothes", as Derflinger said.

While grappling with the fur for a while...she completed the black cat’s clothes. Though Louise had zero talent in sewing, somehow she still managed to make such simplistic shapes.

Since now, the clothes were completed, Louise went near the mirror, to witness the destructive power of the black cat’s costume.

“W-what’s this?! With such clothes I would embarrass myself before everyone!”

“It suits you well,” Derflinger said in a composed voice.

“Why ears?!”

Louise shouted while pointing to the object on her head, which imitated cat’s ears. It was also cut out from black fur and attached to the top of her head.

“It looks nice.”

“But what about these clothes! Lewd! It’s lewd!”

Trembling, Louise pointed at her image in the mirror. In short, only the key parts of her body were covered with black fur.

Tight black-fur cloth was rolled around her breasts. She wore furry panties too. And, like socks, bits of fur were placed around her ankles.

The tail, made from remaining material, ran down her buttocks.

“No, every part of your black cat costume is splendid.” Derflinger said like it was somebody else’s problem.

“What! Just a look at it makes one’s head boil!”

Louise said in a painful voice. She now regretted listening to the sword.

“No, your body is young, it starts to originate a wild charm. Partner will be trounced.”

Louise suddenly stopped.

“This is flirty attire, right? Partner will instantly jump on it.”

“N-not of that sort. Stop joking.” While saying so, Louise began making poses in front of the mirror. Not fully convinced.

Fidgeting her fingers hesitatingly, she bent over tilting her head, then, with both hands on the floor, she turned around and tried out a sobbing pose.

“What? You want to be jumped on?”

“N-no! T-trying out, I’m just trying out! Honestly! I just feel uneasy!"

Eventually Louise became pleased with the pose.

“Ah, it’s nice. Cute.”

She said. And received an agreement from Derflinger.

“Good. Stick with it.”

However, once calming herself down, her embarrassment kicked in again.

“I-it’s impossible after all! Impossible!”

“This pose is just to raise his spirit, that’s all.”

“Even so, hey... But somewhat, hey... I, a duke’s daughter... legendary... As expected... I can’t do such a thing. Don’t feel like it.”

“I tell you. Because of you partner is sulking.”


“Just do it for one single day. Use a woman’s important charms. Yes.”


Derflinger used the trump card.

“Do you want to lose to that maid?”

Louise’s eyebrows shot up.

“What? Lose to whom?”

“No, nothing to worry about! As expected from ‘Void’!

“It won’t happen. That m-maid will be the one to lose.”

At that moment. The doorknob of the room turned.

“Aaah, partner came back.”

Louise breathed deeply, in-and-out, stood up in front of the door.

“Remember. Noble’s daughter. Leave your pride behind, be charming. All right?”

“I-I know!”

The next moment, the door swung open.

Louise blushed, squeezing her eyes shut, bent, forced herself to not cover her breasts with her hands, placed the thumb of her left hand under her lips, put her right hand on her hips, and screamed out the words previously decided with Derflinger.

“Y-y-y-you are my master for today!”

Then... Louise waited for her partner’s reaction.

However, there was no answer. It felt like eternity.

What?! Through? Rejected? The heat of anger boiled in Louise’s head.

“Say something! I won’t wait forever!”

Then, Louise opened her eyes... however it wasn’t the sight of Saito that greeted her eyes.

“M-m-m-miss Vallière?”

The one who stood there was a pale-faced, trembling Siesta.

“Ara, Louise. What is this costume?”

“Pu. Pupu. When did you turn into cat?”

It wasn’t just Siesta. There was Scarron and Jessica too. Saito stuck his head out from behind his friends.

“Wait. Brought sake. Mmm? Why didn’t anyone enter the room?”

Then Saito noticed Louise dressed up in black cat’s clothes.

“Wh-what’s the meaning of this? You...”

Louise screamed.


“Louise is so cute,” Scarron muttered, sitting on a chair.

“Pu. Pupu. Pupupu,” Jessica held her mouth, desperately trying to suppress her laughter.

Frowning Siesta watched the chipped ball of fur that Louise used.

Louise hid herself behind the covers, and did not get out from the bed.

Although everything calmed down, there was no reply.

Confused Saito asked Derflinger.

“Wha-what happened?”

“Well, that masterpiece...”

After his words, the blanket flew up, Louise, who completely forgot about her black cat’s clothes she was wearing, flew out of the bed, kicked the sword and silently returned back to the bed.

Siesta stared at Louise.

Saito looked doubtful.

Jessica looked out of the window.

“Snow started to fall, getting cold.” She muttered.

“An Advent Festival of snow... waah, how romantic,” Scarron wiggled his body.

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