
Chapter 132 Vision From The Emperor's Tablet...

Young master Jan could only see Clown\'s eyes, but he could tell that Clown had a quick frown on his face that he immediately concealed.

After all, Young Master Jan had revealed that he knew that clown was from the Grand Order.

"Hehehe!!! So you know about the glorious Grand Order. Of course, how won\'t you? From what I know, my master did a number on your branch monastery."

Those words excited Young Master Jan\'s anger.

"The truth is that the Emperor\'s tablet is only second to my reason here. I came here because I knew that the Grand Order is gathering the Anchor stones. This means that you\'ll also come for the Emperor\'s tablet. For the brothers and sisters that died at that monastery, all of you are going to pay with your LIVES!"

Young master Jan waved his hands and a strong force like a golden palm rushed out of his hand towards Clown.

Clown also activated his soul energy to defend against the attack.


The attacks between the two caused shock waves to go out at all areas of the room.

The blast was so harsh that the walls shock, and some parts broke apart like biscuit soaked in water.

Lady Frostbite had being trying to protect Dan and Penny with her Soul energy.

However, this blast was too much for even her to handle.

It sent all three of them flying off into a corner.

Lady Frostbite coughed up blood again and again. Dan could see that she had clearly suffered internal injuries.

This was bad news. The cultivation rank of those fighting was just too much for her to handle. Just the by-product of their attacks broke through her defence like it was nothing.

Dan looked around. Those nobles without strength that had taken cover at different parts of the room were gravely injured from the impacts of the continuous fighting and some of them were already dead.

Dan even saw one or two that had been crushed into Mincemeat. Some others had even been turned to dust because of Clown\'s technique.

If not for Lady Frostbite, they too would have suffered the same fate.

Dan was a Smart boy. at the rate at which this bout was going, they were going to end up suffering a lot, unless they moved.

He looked around. There was an exit from the room that led deeper into the mansion.

Dan turned to Lady Frostbite, "Take my sister and get out of here!"

"what about you!?" she asked.

"Don\'t worry, I will be right behind you. I just need to get something first." Dan turned to the stage. His eyes rested on the Emperor\'s Tablet.

Since the dawn of this battle, it had sat there on the table with no one touching it.

In fact, even the dead body of the Auction master still laid close to it.

Lady frostbite followed his eyes. She knew what he was going to do. "No! don\'t do it. You\'ll die."

Dan smirked in confidence. His grand father had already put up preventions on his body. He had nothing to fear.

He stood to his feet and bravely ran for the Stage.

However, on his witty journey, Young master Jan and Clown had exchanged yet again, another fierce attack.


The explosion sent pillars falling, and some of the blasts headed straight for Dan.

This was the same blast that had turned many to dust and had mutilated some others.

Dan was knocked a large distance.

"DAN!!!" Penny screamed instinctively.

That was her little brother. Hurt to him was hurt to her fragile chest.

Tears ran down her cheeks.

She feared the worse, and even tried to run to him, but Lady frostbite held her back.

Dan knew the consequences before he left. And even if that was not the case, she was not going to let another of Eros\'s children die on her watch.

"Come, we have to leave this place. Its too dangerous here," Lady Frostbite Pulled Penny along to the exit.

Penny cried all the way. But she had no choice. If she stayed here, she was bound to die. She had to follow Lady Frostbite out of the slowly collapsing hall.

However, only a few seconds after they had left, Dan stood back u to his feet.

"That was close!" he sighed to himself. "If that had gotten me, I would have died!"

Just before the attack hit, the ear ring he wore shone a quick bright light that protected him from the blast.

Dan touched the ear ring. It was no more. It had turned to dust just after protecting him.

Eros had given that Earring to match his clothing but also as a backup defense.

Dan knew this, and that was why he risked doing what he did.

He looked to his side and there it was. The blast from the fighters had sent him closer to his goal.

Immediately, he stood to his feet and reached for the Emperor\'s Tablet.

As he did, Clown fighting Young master Jan saw this.

"Stay away from that Tablet, you MAGOT!" he screamed. Clown tried to shake off Young master Jan, but the young master did not let him pass.

Clown looked at the Last Pillar. It was not so far from him.

Clown immediately had an idea. If he could not pass Young master Jan, he could at least keep him occupied.

He grabbed the Pillar and activated his technique. The Pillar instantly crumbled to dust.

That was the last pillar. As it turned to dust the Ceiling fell on young master Jan.

Young master Jan raised his hands to defend himself.

This created the opportunity that Clown needed to pass the Young master and head towards Dan.

However, at the same time, Dan immediately grabbed the Emperor\'s Tablet.


Dan heard a loud ring in his ear like the echoes of many bells.

His pupils immediately became white, and his hair suddenly had electric sparks in them, and they flared in the air as such.

In the outside world, It might have been a few seconds, but to Dan, it was something else.

It was like his soul was accessing information that had been locked away for a very long time.

He saw himself floating in the air, in large room.

All around him, the room was made up of large golden pillars with exotic designs about them mixed with runes that he could not understand.

He could feel the cool atmosphere of the room like he was there. In fact, his mind told him that he was there.

And then he heard voices. He could not see who they were from, but his ears heard them loud and clear.

The first one sounded like that of a young lady in her teens and the second one sounded like a Young man in his mid twenties.

"My lord! are you sure about this? This would be too much for the mortals to handle. The chaos that this will cause in their realm will be too much. Even the others never went this far."

"Hahahahaha!!!" A loud laughter responding to the first voice was heard, "that is not my concern. I have decided to do this my own way. I will make all of them regret looking down on me! For this work, I even used a piece of my Divinity. The results will be glorious! Hahahaha!!!" the voice laughed heartily some more.

"The Divine energy in them is not condensed enough. Deep them once more in the Volcano!"

"Yes my lord!"

Dan could feel, see and hear everything in this place. The moment he heard volcano, he looked around in a panic.

Left and right, he could see giant Crystals of his size floating around him.

Together, they were slowly pulled down below.

Instinctively, Dan looked down and there it was. It was an actual volcano.

As he and the giant stones were pulled closer into the volcano, he could feel the harsh heat hit his face.

It was strong and it hurt a lot.

He screamed loudly for them to stop. However, no one could hear him. In fact, he himself noticed that he could not hear himself.

However, the heat tortured him and he screamed some more as he was totally submerged.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly turned back to normal as he felt a pull.

Just in front of him was Clown. He had grabbed the Emperor\'s Tablet from Dan\'s eyes.

He tried to pull it, but Dan did not let go. Then again, he couldn\'t even if he wanted to. It was as if the Emperor\'s Tablet was Glued to his hands.

Clown pulled again and again, but Dan did not let go of it.

"Let go of the Fucking Tablet boy!"

However, it was no use.

In frustration, Clown immediately activated his Decay technique as he reached for Dan\'s chest.

Dan had seen what Clown\'s touch could do. He pulled away in fear of what that touch could do to him.

However, it was too late. Clown touched him right in the chest.

And then it happened....

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