
Chapter 119 Arriving At The Right Time For The Ball.

Eros laughed at this.

"Firstly, I already have an heir!" He pointed in Dan\'s direction. "Secondly, I am not in search of a wife. At least not any time soon."

In this manner, Eros became the king of the Medusa and Naga tribes.

It was time once more for him to resume his journey.

Impressively, his carriage was still in one piece regardless of all the problems he had been through.

Even the driver had managed to survive the ordeal.

Lady Frostbite got into the carriage.

The first thing she saw on entering were two people.

It was Shade and Amanda.

"Why are you two in here?" Lady Frostbite asked with a frown.

"They will be leaving with their king of course!"

Queen Eli answered from behind.


"Yes! I will stay here and take care of the new tribe, and they will go along with you."

"What for?" Lady Frostbite asked.

Queen Eli gave a cocky smile, "why else!? To reproduce of course."

"Re...re...reproduce!?" Lady Frostbite was lost for words.

"And also find out missing sisters," Amanda added, "we need to see this Viscount\'s party for ourselves and take back out sisters."


Lady Frostbite nodded in understanding.

Those words suddenly stroke a cord in her heart.

It was one that tucked at the depth of her heart for a while now.

It was about her sister. She had left her.

Choosing to hurt her both physically and emotionally.

Till this moment, she wondered where and why things between her and bunny had turned out so.

After all, as far as she was concerned, she had only ever treated her with love.

Just then, Eros walked over.

"Dan!" Eros called out loud for him. "It\'s time to go!"

Dan on the other hand, was in the midst of some young Medusa women who teased him constantly with their three boobed chest.

Ever since they heard Eros refer to Dan as his Heir, they had flocked around him like ants to sugar.

Throwing their seduction all over his body.

Some of them even buried his head in-between their chests.

Dan could not help but chuckle at this.

This was the life of pleasure that he had never had.

"Hehehe! Granddad should introduce me as his heir more often!" Dan thought to himself as one of the women poured a cup of honey on her chest and stuffed his head in her three breasts.

However, he suddenly crashed from heaven when he heard his name and had to rush to the carriage.

Eros saw the honey stains on his face. He flipped out a handkerchief and wiped his face clean, "I see you had fun. But Come on now! Get in boy! It\'s time to go get your sister."

As much as he regretted having such an enjoyable life taken away from him, he had been wanting to save his sister for a long time now.

Dan immediately got into the carriage, ready to go get his sister back.

The Carriage headed out, Queen Eli waved at them, and do did the other women and children.

From here on, it was a smooth trip.

Although the Snake Forest was large, it\'s rulers still remained the snake women.

They guided them through a safe and easier path back on track thst led to the Viscount\'s territory.

After another two days and nights, they were finally at the end of the trip.

The moment that the carriage left the forest, Lady Frostbite came out to enjoy some fresh air.

They were finally within the Viscount\'s territory.

The carriage moved on to a particular Inn.

The Viscount\'s home was huge but his guest room was only reserved for nobility of equal ranking.

Eros and the others would have to settle for a Inn.

After asking around, they were directed to a particularly luxurious Inn.

Due to the Viscount\'s birthday, many guests had come from far and wide.

Most of the normal inns had been filled up.

Because of the long journey, Eros had actually left a couple of days earlier.

However, because of the series of events that happened in the Snake Forest and the Snake women, he actually arrived late.

In other words, they had missed much of the festivities.

After paying for loungings for all of them, Eros gathered news from the inn keeper that attended to them.

Apparently, only a few days ago, was a float boat parade were members of the Black Axe guild and other guilds in attendance of the ceremony had displayed exotic creatures as gifts for Viscount peter and the other nobles.

Medusas and Nagas were amongst this display.

He informed Eros that he had managed to make it to the last celebration of the event which was the dinner and auction night that was going to be holding today.

Hearing that their sisters were being displayed along side animals infuriated Shade and Amanda.

Eros could see them ball their fists and Shades human hair even rose slightly in the air on its own.

This was a sign that she was about to revert back to her Medusa form in anger.

Eros immediately held her hand to calm her down.

Fortunately, his touch on her skin worked well.

There was also more news that had been circulating around.

Not so far away from the Viscount\'s territory was the location of the Golden pillar of light that had touched the sky the other time.

Rumors had it that a Dungeon had opened up in that particular place.

This dungeon drew the attention of Adventurers from all over the kingdom.

It was also another reason for the climbed prices for the Inns and why they were so full.

"Dungeon!?" Dan frowned, "what is that!?"

Eros patted his head as he progressed an explanation.

According to what Eros remembered from this body he had taken over, Dungeons had been in existence in this world from time immemorial.

There were one of the many gifts from the gods to man.

Dungeons promised great wealth and strength if one was lucky, and also suffering and death if one was unlucky.

The cause of Dungeons was not exactly known.

And it was not the first time that one had appeared from nowhere.

However, once a dungeon\'s boss had been destroyed, that was usually the end of that dungeon.

Dungeons were divided according to grade of levels.

There were some dungeons with only one boss on them, and then there were others that had more than one boss.

That is, they had a boss for each level.

Every succeeding boss was always stronger than the previous one until the end of the Dungeon.

There has not been a dungeon opening since the end of golden empire which was hundreds of years ago.

A dungeon opening now of all times was very surprising.

However, as far as Eros was concerned, it couldn\'t have possibly been a coincidence.

Eros was once a god. He did not believe things happened by chance.

To underestimate the great Dao was to be left on the path of chaos and destruction.

There was such a time in his life when he did not have much faith in the great Dao, basically because of the kind of power he commanded as a god.

However, all that had changed most recently since his reincarnation.

So far, since he came, it has been one thing leading to another.

Firstly, he found that Anchor stone, and then the golden pillar , after which there was the snake tribes that so happen to have been brought here from his previous world, and now after getting his own celestial mark, there was a dungeon.

Eros could remember the words of the celestial in the vision that he had.

The Great Dao was certainly at work here.

Once the Innkeeper was done with the information, Eros ordered that se tailors be brought to his room regardless if the price.

"Tailors!?" Amanda asked, "what are those for?"

"Well, we will be attending a ballroom party tonight. I think it\'s only natural for us to look our possible best." Eros answered.


Meanwhile, in a particularly dark castle, a maid led a skinny man with a clown mask into a particular room.

The moment he entered the room, the tip of an arrow was suddenly pointed at his throat.

The skinny man did not even need to turn about to know who it was.

"Viscount!" He muttered slowly,"are you sure this is something you want to do?"

"Oh! But I am. Master gave specific instructions. The barons under Viscount Peter are not to be touched. That area is my jurisdiction. Yet, you took your play things to my territory," she arched the blade further, its tip against his neck. If she were to put in a little more force, she would definitely prick his skin.

"Do you take me for a fool, Clown, or your strong desire for death has led you to my chopping board."

Clown suddenly chuckled, "who knows!?"

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