
Chapter 77 Who Is The Master Mind Behind Closed Doors?

Jimmy had known Eros for the longest of time. In fact, rumours had it that he had been with him since he was a child.

He knew those tiny habits that Eros had that other people did not know.

Many of those habits, the current Eros also acquired.

Of course, just like everybody present, he had been surprised when he saw that Eros was shot in the chest, and immediately, he wanted to attack.

However, he had been sensitive enough to have seen how Eros fell.

If he was to say, he would say that it was too soft a fall for someone that was shot dead.

And then he had also seen Eros\'s ear twichch to the conversation.

instantly, his worry vanished.

However, as far as he was concerned, the show had reached a peak and it was time for the main star to make his entrance.

"My Lord! are you still going to continue faking death? they are about to take the lady away!"

Jimmy\'s words had taken everyone by surprise. However, an even more surprising thing happened that made everyone freeze.

Eros suddenly stood to his feet. At first, he brushed his clothes of the dirt from the ground, and then he looked at his chest.

He suddenly dug his fingers into the wound on his chest and then he threw the bloody bullet at Andrew, "I think this is yours, catch!"

Andrew was taken back by this, but he still instinctively caught the bullet.

He raised the bullet to his eyes. It was clear that the bullet had entered Eros body, but surprisingly, Eros was not dead.

This made him a speechless, "how did you..."

Andrew did not know what to say. As best he knew, this bullet was made with the same substance that was used to make the collar around Lady Frostbite\'s neck.

In other words, this Gun was made specifically for killing cultivators. Of course this was not like those high grade weapons, but regardless, a clean shot such as this would bring down a cultivator that did not have a technique that could defend him against fast and effective projectiles such as a speeding bullet.

It was rumored that Eros was an old man without cultivation. Simply put, with or without cultivation, he was supposed to have dropped and died.

Unknown to him, while they were talking, Eros did not have his attention on his lips but his overall body language and movements. This was the same thing for all the men.

After all, a person\'s body language was truer than his words.

The moment he removed the gun, Eros with incredible control of his body had already shifted the position of his heart to dodge the bullet.

However, that was not all. What Eros cultivated was not normal soul energy but Primordial Energy. This was the origin of the universe itself. There was no way a pellet the size of a nut was going to stop him. Even if it was from an earthly special material.

Eros sighed, "I\'m sorry Andrew but you missed my heart by a little bit," Eros stepped forward, "any how, I have heard enough, I would like for you to please hand over lady Frostbite and also tie yourself with the collar on her neck. This next part is going to look funny, but you wont be the person laughing!"

"Huh!?" Andrew frowned, "I don\'t know what kind of freak show you are putting up old man, but you are dead."

Andrew brought out his Gun again and shot consecutively at Eros.

*Mirage steps!*

Eros moved.

Andrew could not see it, but Eros could.

The speeding bullets brushed past his sides, only hitting the after image he left behind.

However,Eros did not let them go.

Andrew finished the rounds if bullets in the gun, spraying it all on Eros like a little boy trying to aim his pee into the toilet.

*Click!* All the bullets in the gun and been emptied.

Eros held his palm out before them and there it was. Every bullet shot.

"Here, catch!" Eros threw the bullet heads for

Andrew. He caught them, but was still left surprised.

This made Andrew confused.

"How did you...!?"

However, as much questions he had, Andrew knew that things were not going as he hoped it would.

"Get him!" Andrew ordered.

Immediately, the guards he brought rushed for Eros with their swords.

Eros moved, dodging the attacks. Till this moment, he still had his \'C\' hook of his walking stick on his fore arm.

Attacks were thrown at him like rain falling from the sky.

However, Eros moved again and again, and before anyone knew it, he was behind the fifty guards.

Every guard he passed suddenly stopped moving the moment Eros passed by them.

After passing by the last person, the fifty men stood still. In their different positions, they all looked like a room of sculptures.

"What are you morons doing!? Why the fuck are you just standing there!? Kill him!" Andrew shouted.

However, none of the men moved.

All the expressions on the faces of the men were the same with only the slight mix of fear being higher with some than it was with others.

Andrew did not understand and in his anger, he kicked one of the men.

However, that kick had sealed the unlucky man\'s fate.

like a tower made of cards, the man\'s body fell apart. his body had been sliced into different chucks of meat.

"Huh!" Andrew panicked and backed off in fear.

Eros shook his head, "Tsk tsk tsk. You really shouldn\'t have done that. With the way he was using his oil energy to hold on, he would have still had at least a minute more in this world."

Eros suddenly picked a pebble from the ground and threw it on the body of another guard.

His body also fell apart like the first one. except once it did, all the other \'Statures\' also followed along.

They fell apart on each other and blood splashed out in all directions behind Eros.

Eros chuckled a bit, "You see, I told you it would be funny, but you won\'t be laughing."

Andrew panicked and moved back. He wanted to say something, but was scared shitless, and the smile Eros had on his face did not help matters at all.

He looked to his side, Lady Frostbite was still in the collar.

immediately, he rushed for her. He brought out a knife and he pointed it at her neck.

"It\'s because of her, right? I\'m warning you. if you get close to me, I\'ll kill her!"

"Huh!?" Eros Paused. He raised a brow at Andrew, "and what weapon will you use to do that!?"

"I\'ll use this kni..." Andrews eyes suddenly looked at his hand.

He screamed as he backed off in terror, "My HAND!!! my fucking hand! you cut my my fucking hand!"

At the moment, Andrew no longer hand a right arm.

He screamed as he rolled on the ground, trying his best to stop the blood with his other hand.

However, it was no use.

Eros walked up to him steadily.

As he did, Andrew tried to back off, "please, don\'t kill me. I\'ll give you anything you want," he had tears and snort all over his face. The entire handsome guy demeanor he had totally disappeared, "Please! I\'ll give you absolutely anything you want. Money, women, I can give them to you. I heard you are in debt, I can help you with that! I can..." Andrew kept in rambling promises because of his fear.

However Eros didn\'t care about all that He stepped on his feet, holding Andrew in place.

"I have questions for you. If you Answer me, I\'ll let you go!"

"Yes! Yes sir. I\'ll do it. Anything you want me to do."

Andrew looked incredibly miserable.

"Good!" Eros smiled, "you don\'t look like the master mind of this plan, and from what I have heard of the Crood family\'s head, your father is not smart enough to come up with this plan either. So tell me, who is. Who is the person calling the shots from the shadows."

Andrew swallowed hard. From the look on Eros face, he could tell that if he did not talk, he was going to get killed.

He did not want to, and he definitely feared that person, but if he did not talk now, he would not even be able to leave this place.

Andrew licked his drying lips, and swallowed hard, "you are right. it wasn\'t my father, but that man his too powerful. Even for his position, he has just too much power."

Eros raised a brow at this, "and who is he!? I need a name."

Andrew nodded, "It is Viscount...!"


Eros senses caught the impending danger and he immediately rushed to protect Lady frostbite.

As the Arrows came, he used his walking stick to hit them away.

There was a lot of them. However, Eros was not bothered by this and defended against them easily.

However, Andrew by the side had not been so lucky...

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