
Chapter 47 In Between A Rock And A Hard Place...

Captain blind Eyes had given the order.

This was an order that could not be disobeyed.

To the black guards, the words of captain blind eyes were law.

Commanders\' half bra and full bra were taken by surprise. This was not what they were expecting would happen.

It was one thing to kill the crew members of commander tender eyes, and another thing to kill them.

However, their fate had just been sealed.

The question of what to do was no longer the problem. The problem now was how to stay alive.

It is said that every member of the black guards is at least in the Soul Apostle rank in cultivation.

On this ship, there was practically no one that had cultivation that high that could stop them.

In other words, their fates were as sealed as the mouth of a hungry shark with fish in its jaws.

Instant fear gripped the hearts of the ladies on board. No one wanted to die. This included pirates that lived by the blade.

Commander full bra wanted to say something, but she did not know what to say. Her words were stuck in her throat.

She was the most senior on the ship of the red bra pirates and she had nothing to say.

Cold sweet ran down her feline forehead as her mind regretted the fate she had just sealed for herself, commander half bra who was her younger sister and the rest of her pirate sisters.

Their Fates were sealed, and it was all because she had sent that letter to captain Blind eyes.

but she was not to be blamed for this.

At the time, things had not escalated like this, and all she was doing was informing Captain Blind Eyes that a subordinate of his was stepping out of line.

She thought maybe he would reprimand commander tender Eye a little, and then the harassment would stop. But she had underestimated how valuable this Pirate captain carried his reputation.

And now, things had progressed in such a backward manner.

She clenched her fists tightly as her mind entered a frustration at her powerlessness.

Yes! this was how it worked in this world of cultivation. At the end of the day, if one did not have power to back one\'s self, being stepped upon was unavoidable reality.

However, just when the Black Guards were about to execute the order given, there was a sudden burst of laughter.

It was loud and it filled the silent tense air like it was a king making his arrival to a room filled with his cabinet members.

In such an atmosphere, the laughter was abrupt and it made everyone turn in the direction of the person that was crazy enough to have a joke at the Captain\'s orders.

Even commander Half bra that was standing close to this Jokestar was tempted to back away from him.

The Jokestar was no one other than Eros himself.

He laughed and he laughed. It was so hard that he slapped his thighs a few times and tears even watered down the side of his eyes a little.

Captain Blind Eyes turned to this old man and he frowned.

Eros patted his chest as he forced himself to stop laughing, "Oh! forgive me. You can continue with your killing. Its just that..."

He laughed out some more.

An anger vein appeared on the forehead of the Captain. "And what is so funny!?"

Eros wiped the tears from side of his eyes, and as if someone cracked a bad joke, he suddenly stopped laughing.

"You such a prideful man. you have so much pride that you can\'t even see the problem before your eyes."

"Problem!?" Captain Blind Eyes asked in a subtle tone.

"Yes! The very obvious problem." Eros pointed to Black guards and then to the men looking at the action from the other ships around.

"Your subordinate broke the Code of the Blue sea. It hurt your pride, and you want to correct his mistake by once more breaking the Code of the Blue sea that you treasure so much. Is it not Ironic to you?"

Those words actually made Captain Bind Eyes pause a bit, and his frown deepened a little.

Eros suddenly walked towards the Captain. One step at a time.

Even though the Black guards had their weapons unsheathed and every step Eros took made it seem like one of them would lose control and hop on him to cut his neck, he still advanced steadily.

The confidence in his walk was unnatural, and even though he gave out energy that was in the eighth stage of the Soul Disciple realm, his walking step said more.

His chest was high and out. His jaw was also high and his eyelids made it look as if he was looking down on just those on the ship, but also captain Blind eyes.

His Demeanor was exemplary.

Some how, he had successfully stolen the attention of all on deck.

It was just his walking step, but he had stolen the pressure and exalting presence that Captain Blind eyes possessed.

Eros stopped before the captain.

But of them were roughly of the same height, but he gave the captain the impression that he was supposed to be looking up.

This was not something the Captain liked at all.

Eros leaned in as he whispered into Captain Blind eyes ears.

"Have you never heard of the saying: Leadership by example."

Eros did not need to explain from this point. Captain Blind Eyes was smart enough to understand.

His subordinates were watching.

If he went ahead to kill all on board, then that meant that he was breaking the Code of the Blue sea.

For now, it might not exactly seem like a big deal.

After all, his reputation was firm amongst them. But that would also question his honor and the validity of his words and promises.

It was a seed of distrust that could grow into a might tree that would destroy his hold on the hearts of his people.

Eros saw the expression on his face. He knew that the Captain understood this.

However, Captain Blind Eyes had already given the order.

If he took it back, then wouldn\'t that also question his words?

Eros knew, and so did captain Blind eyes.

Captain Blind Eyes was in between a rock and a hard Place.

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