
Chapter 2 You'll Not Touch My Grand Children!

Eros opened his eyes slowly.

His head hurt a lot.

A dark shadow was cast over his head.

But notwithstanding the moment he saw it, he instantly knew what it was.

Why was a woman standing over him with her legs apart.

From his angle, he could see her bright pinkish underwear.

Slowly, he turned his eyes to look around. But even this slight movement sent massive headaches to his head.

Memories flooded his mind from all sides.

He was Eros, but he was also Eros, and lastly, he was Eros.

Although that did not make sense at first but the god part of him was sharp to the gift of reincarnation and he immediately sort out his memories for what was happening.

Apparently the God Eros was betrayed, but just before his Divinity was totally taken, his Favorite concubine at the expense of risking her life activated the burning of her divinity to attack the King of the Gods.

She managed to get just a very small fraction of his divinity and use it to send his soul on the path of reincarnation in another realm.

But the universe was ever filled with wonders and due to the plea to the heavenly dao, Truck kun sent the soul of the mortal Eros on the path of reincarnation.

Coincidentally or accidentally, both souls joined up and by some mystery or work of the dao, were combined. In fact, the soul of the God Eros was naturally stronger than that of the mortal and swallowed it up.

It was then sent into this world.

It was sent into the body of this old dead man that was about to be buried.

By coincidence, this old man was also called Eros.

This old man did not also live by the unsaintly virtues the name provided and had died a terrible death.

In fact, he had died by Aphrodisiac overdose.

The old man was a noble in this land. He was a Baron.

However, he was born with a rare condition that made him incapable of getting it up when he was with a woman.

For years he suffered with this condition and isolated himself from the rest of the world. Leaving even his land and its people to his butler to take care of.

While he used as much money as he could lay his hands on in order to find a remedy for his problem.

The moment he got word that the solution drug was coming, he immediately took a wife for himself from one of his people.

However, he caught her cheating on him in secret.

But the drug had already come, and he considered himself too honorable a man to do it with a Prostitute, and so out of desperation, he drank the entire bottle.

Meanwhile, the prescription was to only take a spoon full everyday for an entire month.

Just as he had dreamt it would, it worked, and his spear was now pointing to the heavens, ready to conquer any land.

But just before he could enjoy the satisfaction of his had work, he effects of the drug were just too much for his old body to bare and he died on her naked body.

This was indeed a miserable way to die.

Therefore, he was Eros, Eros and also Eros.

Two souls had mixed up on the path of reincarnation and taken over the body and memories of the former Eros.

This was the reason for his splitting headache.

Although such a situation was as rare as a woman giving birth to six or even eight children at a go, it still happened anyway.

Eros looked all around him.

At the moment, he was in a casket and about to be buried and a woman with upper body armor and a long lady skirt stood over him.

She was currently addressing the crowd of people who were dressed in all black. However, her eyes was on two people in front.

Really did not understand why she had to climb the coffin of an old dead man to make her point, but then again, her people were known to be crazy.

"As I have said before. I do not care if the House of Tate is broke or that your master is dead. I\'m here to take the money that was borrowed, and if I don\'t get it, I\'ll take your land."

The two people she was addressing were his grand Children.

They were not his biological Children but orphans he had taken in to carry his name.

They were Dan who was a young boy around fourteen years of age and his elder sister Penny who had just clocked eighteen years before Eros\'s death.

"But you can\'t take our land!" Dan had an angry expression on his face. "we have also had significant loses from the pirate attacks. If you take our land, we will have nothing left. We need land for our people to farm and provide food."

She smirked, "Well that\'s not my business."

"Please Lady Frostbite! I\'ll fiefdom will starve and die." Penny pleaded.

This woman in the full body armor that went down like a skirt was known as Angela Frostbite. She was a baron of territory that shared its borders with him. She had come for the money he had borrowed from her years ago in order to search for the miracle drug that eventually took his life.

Of course at the time he was not shameless enough to have told her what he wanted to use it for, but had instead lied that it was to solve the pirate problem he was having.

The Tate\'s Fiefdom was at the border to the sea. Naturally, it was supposed to be rich with resources from the sea, but the pirate problem in this place was terrible.

Even now that the fiefdom was broke, pirates still came in to steal what little the people had left from time to time.

"I don\'t care about that. It\'s either take the land, or I sell your people into slavery," Lady frostbite added.

She looked at Penny and a sly smile stained her lips, "Since you want to protect your people so badly, I\'ll start with you."

As she said this, some men in armor approached Penny.

"No!" Dan screamed as he rushed at the guard that was about to take his sister. He grabbed the guards hand and bite into it.

The man screamed, and smacked the boy to the ground.

But Dan was the stubborn type, he dived for the guard\'s leg.

The guard got angry, and in his anger, he brought out his sword.

"Young master Dan!" An aged voice screamed.

It was the family Butler. He was a man in his late sixties but had by far an agility that surpassed one.

He immediately brought out his sword as he activated his soul force and attacked the man.

"Hmmm! A cultivator. No wonder you people have such guts," She pointed to the old butler, "guards! Seize him. and the boy too. In fact, Seize all of them."

Immediately, swords were unsheathed in all directions.

However, before the fighting could progress, an aged voice was heard, "Firstly! You\'ll not touch my grand Children."

Everybody paused and looked at were the voice was coming from.

"Secondly, the view from this angle is nice."

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