
Chapter 206 Chapter 25: Meanwhile...

Chapter 206  Chapter 25: Meanwhile...

Emily was sitting in the back of a luxury limousine, her mother and Claudina drinking wine beside her as they spoke about the meeting with the centaur senator.

\'Tonight was amazing. I never expected Mother to be so serious.\'

They had contacted Senator Velia due to her views on the current situation and the changing dungeons. The fact that someone could rejuvenate a ruined dungeon that was on the brink of collapse, then it began to concern those who sought more profit.

If one dungeon could be changed so dramatically, what\'s to stop another from turning its back on its roots?

What would happen if a dungeon that provided valuable metals stopped being a mining operation, instead opting to focus on generating powerful monsters? The benefits lost due to such a change couldn\'t be overlooked.

The only question on their minds now was why this person or people could also control all the dungeon cores humans had recently taken.

What\'s worse, were they related to the hostile daemons trying to invade the world?

\'Does Raven know about the Daemons? Should I tell him? I don\'t want him to worry... I don\'t want him to fight such powerful enemies that even make Aunt Claudina feel unsure of victory...\' Emily loved Raven too much and didn\'t want to see him hurt anymore; Zeon, the strange nights he left and came back with half his body in tatters, even if he could heal by the morning, her heart couldn\'t withstand the constant fear he might not return.

That\'s why she, Lilith and Philis entered the dungeons despite being pregnant...

Only to protect him.

If the Daemons wanted the dungeons so badly, why not take them if you are already a powerful race like the gods?

Was there some other reason?

What is the end goal?

Is Raven related to all of this...

Emily recalled he was part of almost all the recent events...

"Then why is he being attacked so mercilessly..."

"My love?" Emily turned towards her mother, who was staring at her worriedly, "Is something the matter?" Nenethrana asked as if she could see her daughter\'s worries and uncertainty.

Emily thought deeply before smiling, saying, "I was thinking about our meeting with the centaur, Mother. Do we trust her?"

Nenethrana was shocked and took a deep breath as she thought about it.

Claudina\'s face remained indifferent, and after a while, she shook her head with a bitter smile, "Honestly, my child, no." She laughed softly.

"Why, though, I mean, I know she\'s a Senator and a representative for her country and tribe, but, still."

"Emmy," Nenethrana shook her head, "The political climate is complicated, especially when one deals with other species,"

"If we show weakness, then others may view us as a target for manipulation,"

"The most terrifying thing about all these is that the Senator wasn\'t the first person we met, nor would she be the last."

"We have met many different parties interested in meeting and working with us and looking for the truth behind why the dungeons are so active over the past thirty years."

"Most are good and genuine in their intent,"

"But, there are always some with malicious intent who may try and cause problems."

Emily looked confused, and she asked, "Why, though? What\'s so important that would cause such problems?

Nenethrana giggled before answering her,

"Because, Emmy, when the gods disappeared, it signalled a period of change. When they disappear, the entire world feels the change."

"As to what changed? I do not know. The only thing I\'m certain of is that it would be cataclysmic for our world."

"It is no surprise that all the intelligent species want to remain strong and have their forces at their peak."

"There will be wars between civilizations and the dungeons."

"If one side gains an advantage, the other side will get desperate."

"Which is why all of them are in a stalemate. This appearance and change in the dungeon was a sign, and that\'s why a great amount of power was gathered today to scout out potential allies and to see if the enemy or the existence who caused the phenomenon was present."

The car slowly drove towards their apartment; with Valeria being the driver, they didn\'t have to worry about sharing information as three of the four women in the car were Raven\'s women.

\'I don\'t know what he knows because his rank is only A, but let\'s make sure to let him know to take care for now; it seems the higher level dungeons are going to be more active with the various races and forces trying to recruit strong adventurer\' for their side...\'

\'Raven won\'t abandon me and mother, right?\'

Although she knew it was a stupid question, her hormones were strange and caused her to lose self-confidence after being told by her mother that she had been pollinated and three little dryads were growing in her stomach...

\'Triplets... so many cute girls are trying to steal Papa\'s attention from me!\'

Emily decided to speak to Raven about it in the morning as she would be staying with her mother tonight; her eyes looked at her messenger app with countless pings from the harem group, wife group and mother group... but the last one with a huge [Husband <333] was left on read making her wonder which woman he was banging tonight.

She felt slightly envious as she knew her mother would want to talk with her about the situation tonight...

\'So I can\'t ask Raven to help me sleep, and I can\'t feel his touch...\'

Her mood dropped slightly as she pouted cutely while leaning onto the limo window.

"Poor Raven..." She whispered, and her eyes stared outside at the large city of Arcadia, its beautiful neon lights shining down on her.


The night was cold, with a light downpour trickling onto the hotel roof; Raven stood in a jacket under a small shelter as he looked up towards the moon, basking in its mysterious glow as he felt something strange...

\'There is something that calls to me, seeks me out... Long\'s for my presence.\'

He suddenly awoke at five in the morning feeling this strange voice. It was familiar yet different, but the actual calling seemed gentle as if worried to disturb him at first.

However, when he came to the roof, it seemed to sense his attention, becoming more passionate and animated with a more vibrant voice.

\'Yet I cannot understand the message... Like it\'s a distorted secret code.\'

 Raven\'s thoughts were filled with curiosity, and he was going to head back to the room when he suddenly heard footsteps from the roof access. A woman, with a ghostly figure, wearing nothing, stepped towards him, her movements and actions like a phantom...


Her beautiful red body\'s smooth curves were translucent as if they weren\'t there, as if she had come from the moon.

"Master, you look surprised..." Eva said as her form solidified, and she turned towards the moon with a look of longing before moving closer to Raven, her dark hair shimmering with a glossy shine as her arms wrapped around his waist, her eyes locked with his as she looked solemn.

"They are coming for you... Please be careful." Her body pressed into his as her soft breasts caressed him through their thin clothing, making him smile wryly, and she felt the same as her pale cheeks turned bright pink as the cold breeze swept through.

"What is coming? Eva, I want you to tell me the truth." Raven was calm, his tone filled with trust in the young girl.

He had trusted her the most after Philis. She had always remained honest to him. She never betrayed his expectations and was a girl with a beautiful personality.

"Alistair..." Eva bit her lower lips gently, her long hair cascading down her shoulder like a black waterfall. She slowly raised her right hand and caressed his face with the utmost tenderness and affection before placing her hand on his chest.

"They will descend from the depths of hell, pour from the light of the moon, and the sun shall birth them to ravage this planet, for it is their mission, their duty as Daemons!" Eva\'s eyes turned bright crimson as her body seemed to flicker and shift as she looked into his eyes with a look of sorrow, longing and expectation.

\'It\'s like she\'s possessed by something...\'

"They want you to fight... Fight to prove your worth..." Her hands reached up to his collar, gripping them as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his hard muscles as she continued.

"No, they want you to die... To prove your weakness as a mortal... That\'s why I want to do something to stop them. I want to save you... No, I must save you." Her words became stronger as her emotions began to surface.

"Come find me again... Let me help you, make you stronger. Let me guide you to your next awakening..."

Her arms tightened their grip as her voice softened to a whisper, and her eyes returned to normal.

"Save the world from their tyranny... Alistair..."

Raven was speechless as her eyes closed and tears ran down her face, her lips moving, mouthing a single word, \'Save us.\'

Raven wasn\'t sure how much time had passed as her body shimmered with a translucent blue light before dissipating into a mass of dust carried away by the wind.

Raven was left standing in silence, the words, the warnings...

Taking out a dragon stick from his jacket pocket, he leaned over the hotel\'s barrier, a brooding face as he took a long drag before blowing a mist of caramel smog.

"Phhh..... The dungeons, trapped adventurers... daemons.... returning... This is fucking bullshit."

Taking another deep breath, Raven felt his lungs burning as he laughed sarcastically.

"This is too damn cliche and shit, but no point running and hiding," He muttered, taking another long drag of the cigar, enjoying the burn.

"Let\'s go take a peek at the dungeon."

It was only 5:14 in the morning when he received a mysterious warning, but it made him curious, and he knew there would be people in the dungeons trying to see the cause was...

He looked around the dark area, his vision scanning the roof area and the door for surveillance cameras.

Satisfied, Raven cracked his neck before his wings sprouted four jet black wings as he shot into the air and flew like a jet towards the dungeon he was planning to save until next week.

A level sixty, S-rank dungeon.

\'Something is happening, and I have no information. I can only gain some by pushing further and learning the truth with my eyes and ears.\'


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