
Chapter 271 Little Secret

Elis raised her hands forward. Then she started concentrating to focus her mind.

Not long after, a pink light began to appear on Elis\'s hands.

The light was very thin, almost transparent. Only because she kept the room dark she could see the light.

"I did it."

Elis smiled proudly looking at her hands that were emitting light.

Then, not being satisfied with just that, Elis pointed her hand towards a chair in front of the mirror.

Elis concentrated her thoughts. She needs more effort to do what she now wants to do.

But in the end, Elis managed to do that. The pink light slowly began to envelop the chair.

Then Elis concentrated her mind and her will again. She intended to lift the chair with all her might.

A few moments passed. Elis was finally able to see the good progress.

The chair began to rise from the floor and slowly moved higher and higher.

Elis\'s face showed a smile of joy and happiness. Her eyes seemed to glow with a faint pink light. Even though it was faint, the light was there.

Elis kept trying when she saw she could lift the chair up.

Since it\'s already here, that means she can\'t stop now, right?

So she kept trying. Elis poured in the Magic energy that was in her body to continue lifting the chair.

Finally, the chair managed to rise so high that it finally reach the ceiling of the room.


However, as soon as the chair touched the ceiling, Elis felt a great sting stab her head.

The chair immediately fell down because Elis released her concentration.

However, Elis still manages to use her Magic again. She was still able to muster up her mind to channel her Magic energy again and held the chair before it fell to the floor.

Elis put the chair back in its place. Then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Luckily I didn\'t smash Aurdis\' chair."

After that, Elis lay down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling.

The pain in her head that previously felt as if it could split her head in two was now gone.

Just like before, the pain would disappear when she stopped trying to use her Magic.

"I have to learn how to do it again."

The first time Elis realized that she could use Magic was when the Elf palace was facing a big problem at that time.

She was shocked when she heard an explosion from a room in a tall building not far from her and Aurdis\' room.

At that time, she immediately rushed to the window to see what was happening.

How surprised she was when she saw above, there were two Elves fighting.

Then Elis\'s perception of that time just becomes blurry.

So many things happened that she could no longer understand.

Suddenly, she was already outside of her room.

Even worse, when Elis realized that she was in the middle of the chaos that was happening.

The Elf who had become Undead attacked her.

Due to being shrouded in fear because she felt death was right in front of her eyes, Elis was finally able to use the Magic power.

At that moment, that power presented itself.

Elis\' fear of seeing death approaching pushed her to release the power that was inside her.

Elis spread her arms towards the undead.

The pink light turned into a spear of light that directly pierced the Undead Elf\'s head.

Even the Undead Elf didn\'t have time to use his Magic because he had already died at Elis\'s hands.

Elis was naturally shocked. She couldn\'t believe what she had done.

Luckily no one saw her at that time. So Elis immediately rum and hid again in Aurdis\' room.

Since then, Elis knew that she could use Magic.

It\'s just that, when she wasn\'t in a dangerous time or life-threatening situation, Elis couldn\'t bring out her Magic potential.

Elis stared at her palm.

"Is it because I spent a long time with Aurdis?"

That question was on Elis\' mind. But she still doesn\'t know for sure.

And she also couldn\'t say that to Aurdis because she was afraid that new problems would arise.

Aurdis once said that the Elves forbade teaching their Magic to anyone.

The ban has been around for a very long time. That reason made Elis not say anything to Aurdis.

Elis was happy because she started to be able to use Magic.

Her dream, which had always wanted to live in a world she had only heard about in fairy tales, began to come true.

That\'s a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.


Erend exchanged glances with Adrien and Billy. Even the two of them had difficulty answering that question.

In the end, Erend thought that only he could answer that.


"Actually we\'re about to go down, Major. But my equipment is malfunctioning. Cpt. Boartusk helps me because he\'s the one next to me," Billy said.

Before Erend could finish what he was saying, Billy cut him off because he felt it was unfair if Erend had to bother thinking to answer that question.

"Is that so?" Major Lennard asked with a sharp look at both of them.

"Yes, Major," Adrien replied to help Billy. "I\'m trying to repair the harness that Sgt. Brook was wearing. However, before it was finished, chaos had already occurred on the ship."

Major Lennard looked at each of them in turn. She looked unconvinced about that answer.

"We also provide shoot to help those on board," Adrien said. "I thought going down would only increase the loss of life. So I ordered Sgt. Brook to shoot from the helicopter instead."

Major Lennard\'s gaze seemed to soften. But because the shape of her eyes and face are like that, she still looks scary.

"I think it was the right decision in that situation," Major Lennard said.

Adrien, Billy, and also Erend felt relieved in their hearts.

"Then Geralt did lie about saving you."

Major Lennard rose from her seat.

"I\'ll talk to him now. Thank you for your time."


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