
Chapter 453 [Bonus chapter] Mary's plan II

On the city wall, Mary watched as Cain and Kayden cut the dragon’s chest open. A worried look on her face.

‘At this rate, he will rage, till this point, he never fought like his life depends on it. You can’t expect much from a dragon that has been bathing in the glory of victory for decades.’ She thought, a smile crossing her face.

[Steel Manipulation] ‘Die, I already got the cover to end you.’ She then watched the dragon fall motionless after Cain and Kayden’s attack.

[Steel Manipulation] When the dragon got hit with her spears, she intentionally fragmented some of it into his body and bloodstream. Now with a twist of her finger, the steel scrambled the dragon’s veins and organs.

‘And so no one can find out,’ [Steel Manipulation] the small shards started rubbing against each other, generating heat on top of the dragon’s flames causing his corpse to burst into flames.

“He’s dead! He’s dead!” The maid yelled in excitement as her eyes started sparkling. “The arrogant war general is dead! Can you believe that a Great wyrm has died?” She started jumping and the guards gave her weird looks. They knew she was a blue dragon but couldn’t take the fact that she was wearing a maid outfit and jumping on the battlements with a serious tone.

“The battle has ended, send the soldiers who aren’t dealing with the noble as a rescue party. Drag the dragon’s corpse here.” Mary said to one of the soldiers.

“Sorry, but we can’t follow such an order without the king.” The soldier replied.

CRACK! One of the marines punched him in the face. “Sorry Lady Mary, will carry that right away.”

“I’m going to rest, don’t bother me for the next hour unless Cain himself is looking for me,” Mary said turning around.

“Roger!” The marine saluted her as he turned toward the soldier with an angry face.

After walking to her room, Mary sat on the bed looking at the wall. ~Can you hear me~ She called someone through message.

~Mary? It’s been a few days since you called~ a voice replied, it was deep and happy.

~To me it’s just been a few weeks, how are things on your side father~

~As you know, the battlefront with those chromatic is still as bloody as ever. Silvers are doing a great job lately protecting the dwarves and gold is getting pushed back on the elvish front~ the voice replied.

~You’re Bahamut the all-powerful platinum dragon god, can’t you do something about that? ~ Mary smiled.

~Girl, you know that your father is old. I can barely take care of myself let alone the whole metallic dragons. Since my sister died I’ve been slowly losing power~

~What about what I told you before? About Tiamat still being alive~ Mary asked.

~I looked into it, she must be a usurper. Sister did die long ago, she is just someone who took sister’s power and impersonated her. I did further digging and I suspect that even Asmodeus the king of hell has been replaced recently, but that’s just a theory until I do further research~

~It seems we aren’t the only ones acting before it’s too late. ~ Mary said with a thinking face.

~Can’t blame them, killing the gods was a ridiculous idea from the start. Albeit that I can understand where they are coming from.~ Bahamut replied.

~Even though you’re one of the said gods~ Mary smiled.

~I never claimed such a name for myself, even father Asgorath never dared to do so. There is only one true god and that is AO~

~AO, He didn’t do anything since the begging of the world. Isn’t he probably dead? ~ Mary asked.

~That is blasphemy Mary, this world lies in his hand and he is always watching. You might not feel it but I can see his actions on the world, each day, he moves the cogs of the universe pushing it ahead~ Bahamut said with confidence.

~I always wanted to ask you but what do cogs of the universe even mean? Aren’t you getting senile? ~

~The fact there is a tomorrow. That time is still flowing without stopping, the fact we’re talking right now. Those only means he is still out there, making it happen. ~

~You’re protecting him too much, I hope he at least gives you a few more years to live. ~

~Let’s forget the hard talk, how you’ve been doing lately? ~ Bahamut asked with a worried voice.

~Fine I guess, besides the stress of having to keep Cain alive. He dies a lot, sometimes I can’t even understand how he survived before. ~

~He might be the only one who has a chance to end this war, keyword, a chance~

~That’s why I’m here with him, to make sure he reaches that point.~

~What about the others, are they doing all right?~

~The wives? His idea of not fighting alone is smart but…how do I say it, he is slow.~

~What do you mean?~

~Sofia and Alice are progressing well, they are getting stronger at a fast enough rate to keep up with him. Can’t say the same for Selena, Gracie is on the edge of almost not catching up.~

~Have you tried talking to them about it?~

~Me? To them, I’m but a simple guild receptionist. I doubt they will listen~

~It doesn’t matter, just gather them together and tell them that their performance is a bit low. Use any wound they received as an excuse and say they could have resulted in Cain’s death, that would get them worked up.~ Bahamut gave her an idea.

~I will try that, but there is another problem.~

~What is it?~

~I do feel like Cain is ghosting Ulf’s daughter, it’s not like he’s not interested in her, but I do feel like he is avoiding her intentionally.~ Mary said with a worried face.

~The Fenrir’s king daughter who had the Fenrir shard? She didn’t do anything to get on his bad side? Try and get him to talk, she is a strong asset and she’s better staying on his side~ Bahamut said with a serious tone.

~Also another thing, the Demon Kayden, he just returned and he has gotten more powerful to a scary degree~

~I heard the demon commanders of the demon king have been getting killed by a six-eyed demon. Keeping him as an alley is a necessity~

~ The last question, Chad, what is he? No matter how I looked at him, he doesn’t give the vibe of a human.~

~Hmm…~ Bahamut thought about it seriously for a moment, ~To that, I can only say he is more human than the rest of humanity~

~That means you know what he is?~ Mary asked.

~I do~

~Then tell me~

~I can’t, just don’t let anyone important cross him. Especially the one coming toward you right now~

~The chromatic king’s daughter, you want her as one of the wives?~ Mary looked toward the window.

~If he can tame her, I heard she only understands the language of violence~

~Then she is an enemy, we have to take her out~ Mary said with a straight face.

~No, try and keep her alive even as a slave or a prisoner. A more gentle approach is preferable if she was willing to understand or talk.~

~Exactly why do you want her alive?~

~We need someone to replace the chromatic king, she can either bend on her own as Marina did or live as a puppet to keep the chromatic dragons in check~

~I will do my best to make her agree willingly. I will call you back later~

~Stay safe~ Bahamut said with a smile.

~You know you’re talking with a Steel Great Wyrm, I won’t rust that easily. You take care of yourself, I don’t want to find you dead the next time I call~

~Haha, later than…~ He cut the call.

Mary looked out of the window, ‘I better get going, this mess needs cleaning’ Stretching her arms, she walked toward the door with a passive face.

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