
Chapter 47 – Chaos in the Blue Fish Town

Chapter 47 – Chaos in the Blue Fish Town

The Candle Dragon of the Land began descending from the mountain. This was the southern foothills of the mountain, which stretched for more than ten miles. Compared to the northern foothills, the southern foothills were relatively gentle. From the mountain, one could see the lights of the town to the south.

As long as one left this mountain, they would leave the area of the old uninhabited zone and the Tian Shi Yuan, and enter the scope of the Shuo Fang.

On the back of the Candle Dragon, the sound of bells kept ringing. A small figure appeared with a large bell floating above their head, rushing and colliding with a giant ape wielding an iron rod on the back of the Candle Dragon, with each collision erupting into a loud bell sound.

In the pavilion on the carriage, there were spirit masters nervously urging the lights that guarded the Candle Dragon, illuminating the dark night sky and repelling the attacking Yan Shi puppets in the air.

On one of the carriages, Li Muge fought against the invasion of the Yan Shi puppets with all her might, her sword ringing constantly.

Below, the Yan Shi puppets invaded the carriage, and Hua Hu protected the passengers behind her, fighting to the death against the puppets.

In another carriage, Hu Bu Ping, Qing Qiuyue, and Li Xiaofan had reached the most critical moment. The number of Yan Shi puppets they faced was increasing, and it was about to exceed the limit they could bear.


The sound of a bell rang out, and Su Yun and the Third Ancestor Ape encountered each other again, both unleashing their full power. Su Yun\'s yellow bell suddenly turned, and white apes leaped out of the bell from all directions, attacking the Third Ancestor Ape!

The Third Ancestor Ape groaned. The attacks of these white apes fell on his old wounds, causing them to burst open!

At the same time, the Third Ancestor Ape struck Su Yun\'s chest with a rod, and the bell rang loudly, dissipating the force of the blow. However, at the moment the bell rang, the Third Ancestor Ape\'s other fist struck the end of the iron rod!

The bell did not ring again. The force of this blow struck Su Yun\'s chest solidly, and he flew backwards.

As soon as his figure flew backwards, the big bell rotated, and the dragon\'s roar shook endlessly. Jiaolong flew out of the bell and hit the Third Ancestor Ape at the same time.

One person and one ape fell backwards, falling off the back of the Candle Dragon and disappearing into the darkness.

"Meng Gu!" The roar of the Land Candle Dragon was long and deafening.

The long dragon whiskers of this huge creature floated like ribbons in the wind, drifting towards them from the darkness. Su Yun hung on the left side of the dragon whisker with one hand, blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Another dragon whisker floated over, and the Third Ancestor Ape\'s face was grim. He squatted on the dragon whisker, grabbing it with two feet and one hand, while tightly holding the iron rod with the other hand.

Patter, patter.

All the wounds on his body burst open, and blood flowed down.

If he continued to fight with such serious injuries, he would lose his life. However, the ferocious ape\'s gaze was cold and showed no sign of retreat.

Su Yun was panting heavily, blood foaming at the corners of his mouth. He seemed to have injured his lungs, feeling a burning sensation in his chest and echoing in his throat when he breathed.He had just used the Huang Zhong\'s 72 seals, and now his Qi and blood were depleted. If he continued to attack, the power of his moves would inevitably decrease.

The long whiskers of the Land Candle Dragon fluttered in the wind, like a giant python swimming in water. Just as the two whiskers were about to intersect, Patriarch San Yuan leaped up and swung his mixed iron rod towards Su Yun!

Su Yun dodged forward and flew through the air, coming up behind Patriarch San Yuan.

However, Patriarch San Yuan seemed to have anticipated this move and did not turn around. Instead, he swept his mixed iron rod backwards, aiming directly at Su Yun\'s head!

At the same time, the copper hoops at both ends of the mixed iron rod whistled and spun, and six white apes leaped out of the hoops!

He had already seen the flaw in Su Yun\'s Huang Zhong.

The defense of the Huang Zhong was indeed very strong, and could probably absorb two-thirds of his strength, leaving Su Yun to only bear one-third of the impact force. But this process of absorbing the force required time.

And this time was the seventh scale of the Huang Zhong, the time it took for the seventh scale to complete one rotation, one second.

In other words, as long as the same position was continuously attacked within one second, the Huang Zhong would not have time to absorb the second attack, and Su Yun would have to bear all of the attacks!

This time, Patriarch San Yuan had prepared not two attacks for Su Yun, but seven!

He wanted to beat this young man into a pulp!


His first strike had already landed on Su Yun\'s body, and the Huang Zhong rang out with a loud noise. The surface of the large bell vibrated, and the seventh scale was rotating, quickly turning more than a hundred of the 360 scales.

Patriarch San Yuan turned his head and revealed his fangs, looking extremely fierce.

His second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh strikes would all fall on Su Yun before the remaining 200 scales were completed!

His second strike would directly shatter the young man\'s laryngeal cartilage and crush his seven cervical vertebrae into dust.

The third strike would shatter the young man\'s skull, smashing his cranial vault and turning his brain into pulp.

The fourth strike would dislocate one of his arms!

The fifth strike...

As Patriarch San Yuan turned his head, his mind had not fully imagined the effect of his seven strikes on Su Yun\'s body. In the blink of an eye, he saw Su Yun\'s Qi and blood surging, and heard the sound of the young man\'s blood rushing through his veins like waves crashing against the shore!

He saw that Su Yun\'s Yuan Qi was running too violently, tearing apart all the clothes on his right arm!

He also saw Su Yun\'s arm suddenly become incredibly thick, with thick blood vessels pulsing under the skin, and saw that the edge of Su Yun\'s palm became incredibly sharp.

After bearing the force of his first strike, the young man\'s body twisted and turned, and when he turned, his right arm lifted up from below, like a sword technique.The third ancestor of the apes saw Su Yun\'s arm cut open six white apes, directly cutting those six white apes in half, turning them into a state of blood and energy. He saw Su Yun\'s palm cut through his own Spiritual Ability Mixed Iron Rod with almost no resistance.

The Mixed Iron Rod was split evenly in half, with an incredibly sharp edge.

He then saw Su Yun\'s palm cut from below his left rib and out of his right shoulder, with the sword energy flying out from the edge of his palm. In that instant, he saw his own hot blood evaporate into red mist.

The upper half of the third ancestor of the apes flew up and praised in the air, "Great swordsmanship! The third ape admires and respects you, and will die without regrets!"

His lower half fell onto a dragon\'s whisker and stood for a moment before losing strength. The agile ape feet couldn\'t hold onto the dragon\'s whisker and fell down.

Su Yun fell down and almost slipped off the slippery dragon scales, quickly reaching out to grab the steel support of the wooden tower, avoiding being thrown off the Candle Dragon.

The half-body of the third ancestor of the apes slid off beside him and fell into the dark mountain forest.

Su Yun\'s face was gloomy. Although the third ancestor of the apes wanted to take his life, he couldn\'t hate him.

The reason why the two of them fought to the death was only because of ten extra coins on the bridge.

"Yuanjialing is a road bully, robbing and murdering for money. Even if he didn\'t meet me, he would have met someone else. It\'s only a matter of time." He silently thought in his heart.

Puppets of Yan Shi whistled through the sky and flew towards him.

Su Yun sighed, waiting for death to come. He had no strength to resist anymore.

At this moment, the Candle Dragon on the ground hesitated for a moment and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. The Yan Shi puppets flew away.


Su Yun laughed, suddenly laughed out loud again, coughing violently and spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, his breath weak.

"Xiaoyun! Xiaoyun! Where are you?" Hua Hu\'s voice came.

"Junior Brother Su Yun, respond if you hear me!"

"Brother Xiaoyun, it\'s safe now! Where are you?"

Su Yun responded, "I\'m here..." but his voice was too hoarse and didn\'t carry far in the wind.

"I\'m here."

Su Yun took a breath and repeated, "I\'m here."

The light from another small wooden tower shone on him, and then the lights from other towers on the Candle Dragon also shone on him. Su Yun was stunned and smiled.

For the first time, he felt the warmth given by strangers.

On the back of the Candle Dragon, Hua Hu, Li Muge, and others rushed over following the lights. After a moment, the almost frozen Su Yun was supported into the small tower. A stranger took off his clothes and wrapped him up. Someone also boiled hot water for him and let him hold a ceramic cup to warm his hands.

Li Muge brought medicine, both internally and externally.

Su Yun felt warm in his heart.

The carriage gradually quieted down, and Su Yun mobilized his remaining vitality, urging the cultivation technique of the Hongluo Transforming Qi to heal his injuries, allowing the vitality to activate the medicinal power of the medicine. This technique was very beneficial for strengthening his organs.Outside the window was darkness, with only a few lights shining in the fields, reflecting a small town.

Li Muge said, "That\'s Qingyu Town."

Su Yun was slightly startled, for some reason, this name made him feel familiar.

Hua Hu curiously asked, "Why is it called Qingyu Town when it\'s so far from the sea?"

"It is said that the people here moved out of Tian Shi Yuan six or seven years ago. They were originally fishermen from the North Sea."

Li Muge continued, "Later, a disaster occurred there, and it became a no man\'s land. Only these relocated people survived."

Su Yun shook his head, his mind buzzing. The name Qingyu Town made him feel familiar, but when he tried to think about what happened before the disaster, his mind went blank.

His memory seemed to be missing a large piece, and his memories before the disaster had completely disappeared!

The more he tried to think, the more his head hurt, and the buzzing sound became louder!

His face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn\'t help but cover his ears. Hua Hu, Li Muge, and others urgently spoke to him, but he couldn\'t hear what they were saying.

After a moment, the buzzing sound finally disappeared.

Su Yun breathed heavily and absentmindedly, waving his hand to Hua Hu and the others. "I\'m fine. Maybe my injuries have relapsed."

Outside the window, Qingyu Town had already passed by.

"Qingyu Town..."

He silently thought, "I must go and see this place!"

Although it was nighttime, the scenery along the way made Su Yun and Hua Hu marvel.

There were mountains and bright lights at the foot of the mountains, and people were bustling. Su Yun asked Li Muge and was told that it was a mine.

"There are also some places that are kilns."

Li Muge said, "The mines extract gold, silver, copper, iron ore, the ash factory digs for ash, the smelting factory burns ash to refine ore, the kiln burns ash to refine bricks, tiles, and porcelain. In addition, there are glass factories that make glass, steel mills that refine steel, and sacrificial factories that make sacrifices. And all of these factories require ash."

Hua Hu curiously asked, "What is ash?"

"It\'s coal underground. During the time of the Martial Emperor, there were spiritualists who dug a thousand feet underground and found coal that could be ignited. A small piece could burn all night."

Li Muge said, "The Martial Emperor ordered people to investigate the source of coal, and Holy Buddha said that this was the ash of the previous era. In the previous era, there were people, things, flowers, and trees, but for some reason, a great disaster erupted and they were buried underground."

Zhai Zhu: Tearfully seeking recommendations!

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