
Chapter 546 - 546 The other side of the impenetrable barrier

Miguel then added: “There are a few rules you have to follow though.”

When Axel nodded, Miguel continued: “In reality there is only one rule, you must obey my orders at all times, even if I order you all to retreat.

Don’t hesitate for a moment and teleport yourself back here with my men and wait for further orders, is that understood?”

Axel nodded again and Miguel then told him with a smile: “As for your powers, you can use them as you wish, the force field I placed around us is strong enough to completely mask our energy signatures.

Even if a Knight of Darkness is on the other side of this impenetrable barrier, he won’t be able to detect us.”

Axel then said: “That’s good to know, let’s go then before my husband and my daughter wake up.”

Miguel then asked him intrigued: “Has Willow kept her human form or is she back in her Phoenix form.”

Axel before answering him activated his two bloodlines and his golden runic symbols appeared covering his skin which was visible, and his eyes also turned golden: “Willow managed to last 3 hours in her human form but it will take more intensive meditation sessions before she can really stay in her human form as long as she wants.


Otherwise, she can already shapeshift from her Phoenix form to her human form at will, and it’s just the time she can stay in her human form that’s really bothering her a bit at the moment.

So Kevin and I, we have decided to let her meditate to her heart’s content and feed her with powerful magical beasts to quickly remove this little disappointment she’s currently having.”

Miguel then asked him just to be sure: “I guess Mykael had it all planned out and that you don’t need our help, do you?”

Axel smiled at him and said: “You and Elias are already so busy right now that you shouldn’t even be able to think about these things… But yes, dad already had everything planned for Willow.

Too bad that you really couldn’t come over earlier, because she was just too adorable!”

Miguel smiled even more hearing this and he said to him: “I have no doubt about it son. I promise tomorrow we’ll come and see our little princess, and it’s normal that we want to spoil her too.”

He suddenly put his hand on Axel’s shoulder and he said as his face changed all of a sudden, and Axel could clearly tell the difference between the dad and the leader in him: “In the meantime, let’s go do some cleaning.”

So Axel joined Tarik, Lanis, Malo and Glen who had already activated their Stage 2 and Miguel then said to them: “Let’s see what else Lilith has in store for us, let’s go!”

He then created an opening through the impenetrable barrier which immediately closed behind them and Axel’s eyes widened in astonishment as he let his senses wander inside.

Everyone noticed his change in attitude and Miguel asked him immediately: “What’s the matter, there aren’t that many of them, so what’s so surprising?”

Tarik, Lanis, Malo and Glen who were also experts at spotting what others couldn’t usually discern, didn’t feel anything that could have caused such a shock to Axel, and as Axel still seemed horrified by what he had just discovered, Tarik finally said to him, wondering if Axel was scared: “If it’s because there are about 500 of them and even if they all have corrupted souls, don’t worry, with Miguel with us it will be a piece of cake to deal with them...”

Axel then looked at them, regaining his senses, and he asked them dumbfounded: “Can you really not feel the difference between the normal Werewolves and... Them?”

They all frowned after hearing this and Axel then revealed to them what he had just discovered: “I can not only feel the energy of each of these Werewolves, but I can also read the thoughts of the weakest of them or just feel what the strongest feel.

Damn it guys... Lilith isn’t training an army of Werewolves... She’s found a way to create Knights of Darkness using Legendary creatures.”

The news that Axel had just told them was indeed a shock, and Miguel then asked him: “How? How can she do that?”

Axel then told them: “I don’t know all the details, but what the weakest of them knows is that they will become much stronger once their training is complete.

In their heads I can see which building they go to for their training sessions... It looks like individual rooms, smaller than the one Caleb has set up at Tony’s where you can train with gravity, only it’s not earth particles that are used in these rooms but black particles!

These Werewolves are regularly tortured in these rooms, physically and mentally, I don’t know how she manages to control the black particles so that they don’t kill them but what I can feel for sure is that there are different stages and that in the end they are broken and brainwashed to such an extent that they become puppets... Powerful puppets!”

Miguel then asked him still a little shocked by this news, just like his men by the way, because no one had expected this: “How many Knights of Darkness are here? I can’t tell the difference between the different stages you’re talking about, but if they’re only the strongest then there are 8, right?”

Axel shook his head and he told them: “Out of the 500 or so Werewolves here, there are 32 who have already become Knights of Darkness, the 8 you’re talking about must be the oldest ones

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