
Chapter 277

And this is how their story had begun, he had trained him as promised and taught him everything he knew.

Elias was a good student … An excellent student … He was the smartest person he knew and he was eager to learn.

Two years later they had become inseparable, and their feeling for each other had long since gone beyond that of a simple master to his student, a kind of dependency had been created between them and each time Elias was sent on a mission without him, he couldn’t help being worried and wondering if he would see him again.

They had lived in a time when people didn’t live long and every second counted like the last one, they were allowed to get married as soon as they reached 15 years old and since he was already 20 everyone pressured him to get married and have a child.

But while he knew that it was his duty to have a son or daughter to whom he could pass on at least one of his two unique energy reserves, he who had fought all his life, felt like throwing up just imagining touching and being touched by someone other than Elias.

One night, when he had just been reminded for the umpteenth time of his duty to have a child, he had taken refuge in Elias’ room who had been away on a mission for two days, and after he had fallen asleep in his bed, reassured by his smell that still permeated his sheets, he had woken up with a start as soon as he had felt a presence in the room.

He would never forget that night, and as Elias stood before him, his now muscular and healthy body still glistening from a shower he had just taken, and wearing only a towel around his waist, he had stood up and decided to be selfish for once in his life.

He knew that Elias wouldn’t reject him, the desire they felt for each other wasn’t new but Elias respected him too much to dare to make the first move.

So he had come close to him and put one of his hands on his heart and he had smiled when he had felt that his heartbeat was beating way too fast for someone at rest.

He had just told him that he had missed him and maybe that was the signal Elias had been waiting for because he had then put his hand behind his neck and he had started to kiss him.

That night had marked the end of their relationship as master and student and they became lovers, and after only a few months of spending most nights together making love until they were exhausted, they both began to feel a change.

They had become stronger, more enduring, their reserve of chakra had expanded, and even the spells he used had begun to change.

Now in all his spells there were golden veins that appeared on it and they were much more destructive than before.

Curious about this change, they had both started looking for an answer in the books where the accumulated knowledge of all the previous Priests was gathered and they had finally found the information about the Dual Cultivation bond which was exactly what was happening to them.

This bond, which was according to the Priests who had witnessed it more powerful than the mark of the Union, allowed them to create a unique bond to share their reserve of energy between them and to become always stronger and stronger, and this bond also gained in power over time.

Their bond was already strong enough to have developed a telepathic link between them and they could already feel each other’s presence and teleport to each other at any time.

But there was also a caveat to the use of this bond, it was fragile and tied to the deep love they had for each other, if that love changed or the trust they had for each other disappeared, the bond would disappear as well, and if one died, the other would live unlike those binded by the mark of Union, leaving the one who survived in a deep despair.

They had regretted not having the mark of the Union because it would have allowed them to have children together, but this bond of Dual cultivation had been a very rare chance and thanks to it they had truly become two humans who could stand up to a god.

And as the final battle to get rid of their tyrannical God once and for all had been decided, Elias had told him that he had a surprise for him and he had blindfolded him and taken him to a secret place where they had finally gotten married.

That night they made love as if it was the last time because they were all in danger of dying the next day, and unfortunately the bad feeling he had had turned out to be right.

The next day they hadn’t faced a God but three of them, and he remembered that they had all fought hard and that they had succeeded in eliminating one of them but they hadn’t had time to rejoice because probably thanks to their bond of Dual cultivation he had seen the vision that Elias had just had and he had seen himself die to protect them from an attack that could have annihilated them all.

Elias who was fighting against a God and couldn’t reach him had begged him not to do it but what choice did he really have … So to protect all the resistants he had mixed his chakra with his Soul force and he had created a super powerful shield which had allowed him to direct this deadly attack towards the sky and as he had just saved them all he was pierced by a golden sword and he had heard Elias’ desperate cry.

Before he died he had said to him through their telepathic link, ‘Keep fighting, don’t let them win … Kill every last one of them, you are strong enough to face them … Use all your power.’

And before their link disappeared he had said to him, ‘Elias, my dear husband, you have been the light in my life, I love you so much, and in all my next lives I will still loving you.’

After that he didn’t know what really happened because he was dead, all he knew was that Elias at only 17 had become a stage 3 warrior spirit and that he had become so powerful that he could fight and kill a God all by himself.

He had later learned that he could sense other Spirit Warriors and open transdimensional portals to join them, and that together they had become the humanity’s bulwark against the Gods.

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