
Chapter 199 - A Unique Ability

Ashton continued his story without answering him : "Do you remember when you and Kelan had been unconscious for several hours after you fought in my parents\' backyard ?"

Nolan said to him, not understanding why he was asking him such a thing : "It was my twentieth birthday, of course I remember it ... Wait, you mean you saw what happened that day ?"

Ashton nodded and blushed again, he confessed to him : "When you started coming to my parents\' house after you turned 18, when you just joined the organization, I started following you and Kelan around, in fact that\'s when you gave me that nickname.

I was alone most of the time and always looked forward to your next visit, but sometimes you isolated yourself and looked really sad.

Kelan once joined me while I was spying on you from afar and he told me that you were sad because you missed your twin.

He told me that your father, when he learned that Alan had a Soul force reserve, had done everything he could to get him out of the loyalty sermon that your family had given to the organization.

He told me that your father used the fact that Alan was a mage and that your family was only required to provide fighters to fight on the border against the demons.

He said that thanks to your father\'s insistence and persistence, the organization finally granted his request and released Alan from his obligations to them, but in return your father had to banish him from your family and make him promise not to reveal anything he knew to anyone.

He told me that it broke your father\'s heart to do this, and yours as well, because the three of you were very close.

But he said that it was also the only solution so that at least one of you could live a normal life, he reassured me saying that your father had sent him to the Sun Sect and that Liam, who was opposed to his banishment, was watching him from afar and would give you news of him from time to time."

Nolan then said to him : "I didn\'t know you were spying on me ... But I already know that you know about what happened to my twin, so what exactly are you getting at ?"

Ashton smiled and continued : "What I enjoyed the most was spying on you when you and Kelan were training, you were really amazing and since most of the time you managed to beat your brother, I quickly fell in admiration of you, and that\'s when I started asking you to train me.

On your twentieth birthday you came because there was a meeting your father had to attend and you were even more gloomy than usual.

I heard Kelan suggest to you to go and let off steam together and I followed the both of you, I don\'t know what he said to you, I was too far away to hear him clearly but I saw your eyes turn silver and filaments of the same color formed around you."

Nolan\'s eyes widened, he didn\'t know that Ashton had witnessed this, he had almost killed his brother that day ... His thoughts were interrupted when Ashton continued his story : "I knew that something was wrong and while Kelan was trying to calm you down, you sent him crashing into the wall that was few meters behind him, with some kind of shock wave.

I saw right away that Kelan was unconscious and yet you kept advancing towards him in a threatening manner, so I didn\'t think too much about it at the time, I was only 14, so I ran towards you and I tried to stop you."

Nolan paled when he heard this and he almost yelled at him but he remembered in time where he was and that he wasn\'t supposed to be here, so he said to him in a voice that showed all his irritation and frustration : "You did what ? What the fuck Ash, is your survival instinct nonexistent or what ?"

Ashton blushed again and said to try to calm him down : "That\'s funny because your dad asked me the same thing that day."

Nolan sighed still feeling frustrated, how could his little rabbit be so reckless and then he said : "So my dad managed to save you in time..."

But Ashton cut him off : "No, that\'s not what happened..."

He could see that Nolan was getting impatient so he finally said : "When I came between you and Kelan you stopped moving and looked at me with your silver irises.

At that moment I felt a connection and I felt what you were feeling, your rage, your helplessness, your pain, so I came closer and took you in my arms, a few seconds later you also passed out in my arms and that\'s when your father arrived.

Nolan opened wide his eyes in astonishment and then he did something that took Ashton completely off guard.

He pinned him to his bed and now that he was on top of him, he then said to him looking dead serious : "My little rabbit I\'m going to ask you some questions and you\'re going to answer me."

Ashton could feel Nolan\'s body pressing his and he simply nodded having lost once again the ability to think properly.

Nolan who still had a hard time to beleive what Ashton had just revealed to him asked him : "Do you know what happened to me that day ? What exactly did my father tell you ?"

Ashton gulped and said honestly : "Your father told me that this ability was unique to your family, it did not appear in each generation but when it appeared it was always after your turned 20, he told me that you would have to learn to control this power and use it against our enemies."

Nolan raised an eyebrow and asked : "Is that all ?"

Ashton nodded : "That and the fact that I shouldn\'t tell you about it until I turned 18."

Nolan caressed his cheek and then asked him : "Are you sure of your feelings for me ? Because if we decide to go further, there\'s no going back ?"

Ashton frowned and asked him in turn : "What do you mean by that ?"

Nolan said to him pressing even more his body against his : "I\'m the one asking the questions my little rabbit, answer me."

Ashton ended up saying because he also wanted to know why Nolan was acting so weird : "I\'m sure, my feelings for you have never changed, it\'s been a long time since the admiration I had for you turned into love .... Nolan please, move aside you are too heavy."

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