
Chapter 178 - The Best Solution For Everyone

Once the door was closed, this creepy smile didn\'t last long on Erik face, he felt almost immediately this enormous pressure that made him feel as if not only his body weighed a ton but that he was being crushed by an unknown force.

He felt really weak in this room and he didn\'t like this feeling at all, he could barely stand, his knees were shaking from the effort he had to make to be able to stand, but he forced himself to do what Kevin told him to do.

And even moving one foot after the other was really difficult, the most frustrating thing was that Axel could move freely and train almost normally while he was struggling just to take a few steps.

He didn\'t forget what Kevin had told him and he thought of Alan, he didn\'t care about having to go through all these ordeals, he would even be ready to go to hell for him.

He had already prepared himself mentally to be beaten by Axel until he lost consciousness but Kevin had once again found an intermediate solution.

This solution would allow him to prove himself by his own efforts and Axel would not have any feelings of guilt towards him, it was really perfect.

As for Axel, he thought exactly the same as Erik did, he knew that Kevin had sought the best solution for everyone and this way even if Alan eventually found out he wouldn\'t be able to blame him.

He really cherished their friendship and he had been worried that this intensive training that Kevin was planning for Erik would damage their relationship.

But Kevin as always had thought of everything and everyone, so while he continued to watch Erik as he struggled to make progress, he too began to train seriously to be able to protect his mate.

And after half an hour of training he could already see the difference, his body was slowly getting used to the pressure and his movements were becoming more fluid, so he continued to pick up his pace as Kevin had suggested.

He could also see that Erik was starting to walk almost normally now, but he was sweating a lot and regularly fell to his knees. However, his eyes remained determined and he continued to get up and walk.

An hour later Axel, who was still training, saw Erik fall head first and with a lot of effort he managed to cushion his fall with his body, his head hit his calves which was always better than the concrete and under these circumstances it was the best he could do for him.

When Axel shook him and Erik didn\'t respond, he immediately contacted Kevin to find out what he should do now that Erik was unconscious and Kevin told him that he had to get him out and that he would handle it.

Axel took Erik out and followed Kevin\'s scent who led him straight to the meeting room.

Kevin was sitting cross-legged in the corner of the room and was finishing crafting a potion, so he asked him to come closer and put Erik down beside him.

Kevin then said to him : "It\'s okay honey you can go back to training I\'ll send him back to you in a little while."

Axel didn\'t know how Kevin was going to wake him up, but if he didn\'t want to tell him, it was probably better that he didn\'t know, he kissed him quickly and went back to training immediately.

He understood why Kevin wanted him to train in this room, even he could feel the effects and he was looking forward to fighting Alan later to see if he was faster.

Except that Axel didn\'t know that Kevin had trained Alan himself yesterday afternoon and that he might be beaten down with the new tricks Kevin had taught him.

Once Axel disappeared, Kevin used the only method he had on hand to wake Erik up and so he took a small bottle of water and started to pour it on his face.

Erik woke up immediately coughing and Kevin said to him in a playful tone : "Sorry but water has always been an effective way to wake someone up ... How do you feel ? »

Erik, who was still feeling a little disoriented, asked him instead : "What time is it ?"

Kevin smirked, Erik was really determined this was a good thing so he told him : "You can go on for 30 minutes but if you pass out again I won\'t let you continue and you\'ll have to take a remedy against the mental fatigue."

Erik shook his head and said : "It\'s okay, I can go on for another 30 minutes, but tell me, if I take these remedies, won\'t it reverse the effects of your training ?"

Kevin laughed and shook his head telling him : "Of course not, don\'t worry ... Listen to me Erik, because this is the most important thing, when you feel your body giving out, focus your thoughts on Alan and force yourself to keep walking.

This training may seem long, hard and exhausting, but in order to take the next step, even if you\'re unconscious, you\'ll have to get up and keep going, that\'s what a Warrior Spirit is all about, a spirit and a will stronger than anything.

When you\'ll be able to do that, we\'ll change the training."

Erik nodded again and got up painfully, his head was still spinning a little but he had no intention of wasting 30 minutes of training, so he forced his way back into the gravity room and once inside he immediately closed the door.

Axel, who was surprised to see him back already, wanted to ask Kevin for an explanation, but he was the first to contact him, saying, \'Erik won\'t last very long, but let him exhaust himself completely, when he loses consciousness again, bring him back to me and this time I\'ll keep him with me.

I\'ve already warned him that I\'ll make him drink the remedy next time.\'

Axel then asked him when he noticed that Erik looked even wetter than before, \'Did you wake him up by spraying him with water ?\'

Axel heard Kevin laugh in his head and he said to him, "It was the quickest and most effective way I could think of, but just because he\'s awake doesn\'t mean he\'s feeling well.

I saw him stagger out of the meeting room to join you, his head must still be spinning that\'s why I told you he won\'t last long.

But his will will be his strength, that\'s why we have to let him go on.. It is my will to survive that gave me my strength, and it is his will to protect the people he loves that will make him strong."

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