
Chapter 153 - Drakonit

Alan was about to protest but Kevin put a hand on his arm to appease him and he told Ian while taking the Teleportation Talisman paper that he was still handing to Alan : "We will leave if it gets out of hand, but we will come back later to get you."

Ian nodded and turned his head again towards the lake to look straight ahead, he was finally going to become himself and be able to use 100% of his abilities, so no matter how much pain he would feel, he would endure it, he said to them : "I\'m ready."

Alan swore again, he was rarely scared, and he had to admit that he was really freaking out this time.

He was scared of hurting his friend and of what was going to happen to him, and he was also scared that Kevin would get hurt.

Kevin who had kept his hand on his forearm squeezed it and said to him : "It\'s going to be fine, do it ... You have to do it, Ian has the right to regain his freedom !"

Kevin then removed his hand and stayed close to him, he told him to start and Alan finally nodded with a determined gaze.

Kevin was right, Ian had the right to be freed from these needles, he then took a deep breath to calm all his emotions that were preventing him from seeing the particles.

And when he finally saw them appearing all around him, he focused his attention on the darkness particles that were inside Ian\'s body and he began to suck them into the Darkness Talisman paper.

Kevin who had activated his perception skill was following the filling of the Darkness Talisman paper and when he saw that it was filling up rather quickly and that Alan wasn\'t slowing down, he bought another one just in case this one wouldn\'t be enough.

And he was right because Alan, who was starting to frown, said to him : "Kevin, that won\'t be enough, damn, how can someone condense so many particles and make so tiny needles out of them, the one who did that is a fucking genius."

Kevin then told him the only explanation that came to his mind : "Whoever did that wanted the particles to be so condensed that they would reproduce on their own, like in an artifact except that this time there is no receptacle."

Kevin handed him the second Darkness Talisman paper and then he stared at Ian, he couldn\'t see his face but he guessed that he must be in a lot of pain.

He could see drops of sweat run down his neck and he could only admire him who let nothing show of his sufferings, no screaming, no cursing, he only had his fists clenched and he probably had to grit his teeth too.

Kevin\'s attention was caught again by Alan who said : "Ian, it will be over soon, hold on okay."

Kevin smiled, Alan must have also noticed the pain that Ian must be feeling without complaining, but his smile froze when Ian fell to his knees and started to scream.

That wasn\'t good, if Ian began to scream now that could only mean that he had reached his limit, Kevin said hastily : "Fuck, hurry up Alan !"

Alan didn\'t need that kind of encouragement, he was already at his limits and he told them, as Ian continued to scream while trying to hold his position so that he could finish to remove these needles : "It will be over soon, Kevin come behind me, Ian be rea…"

Alan didn\'t have time to finish his sentence, as soon as the last particles of darkness had left his body, Ian\'s body emitted a powerful shock wave that threw them both over 50 meters.

Alan managed to grab Kevin and protect him with his body from the fall, which was more severe than he had expected.

He wanted to get up and make sure Kevin was okay but Kevin grabbed his arm and made him understand to stay face down.

When Alan looked in the same direction as Kevin he was speechless, but what the hell was that, he thought.

Instead of where Ian was, there was something like a pillar of fire that looked more and more like a tornado except that it didn\'t move and stood there with Ian in its center.

Dark clouds had started to form just above this pillar of fire and lightning was shooting from all directions through these ominous clouds.

When the pillar of fire finally touched these dark clouds, lightning began to strike all around them and Alan then grabbed Kevin by the waist unceremoniously and pulled them away so that they would be out of reach of this new threat.

Kevin who still had his Perception Skill activated suddenly saw Ian\'s Stats appear in front of that pillar of fire.

Well, he could only see some because of course Ian was 50 levels above him, but what he saw was something that he had really not anticipated.


Name : IAN

Race : Half Pure Demon, Half Drakonit

Level ???

Class : Legendary Mage / Master of fire

Exp : 0 / 90 800

Strength : ??? + 100

Agility : ??? + 100

Stamina : ??? + 100

Soul force : ??? + 1000

Perception : ??? + 100

HP : 6.800 / 6 800

Drakonit shap = + 100 on all Stats except for the Soul force Stat which increases by 1 000 points.

If Kevin said that he wasn\'t shocked by his Stats he would lie, it reminded him of Axel\'s Stats when he had evolved into a Legendary Wolf, only, Ian wasn\'t a shapeshifter … He was half Pure Demon, half Drakonit.

Kevin wanted to ask Alan what a Drakonit was, but he remained silent when he saw a golden teleportation portal appear very close to the pillar of fire.

Alan exclaimed starting to lose the little bit of composure he still had : "You have to kidding me, what the hell is happening now ?"


Inside the demons territory in Dunkur City, after that Solomon had been brought to safety in their home and that Alyssa was watching over him, Liam chose to trust Kerry and he explained to him Kevin\'s plan to unmask the traitors.

He showed to him the bloodstones that Kevin had generously given to them and when Kerry saw all of these bloodstones he found it hard to believe at first.

He asked him who this Kevin was and when Liam told him that he was the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark, he saw a multitude of emotions running over Kerry\'s face.

From astonishment he passed to relief, when he realized that this new bearer of the Pentagram Mark also seemed to want an alliance between their two races.

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