
Chapter 179 179: Hero's Sword!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


The potency of an Archmage\'s soul, in particular, had been known to manifest in various ways and grant individuals exceptional abilities. In Reginald\'s case, it seemed that the power of the soul had assisted him in bringing the reality of his tattoos to life.

Asmodea pondered the implications of what Reginald had said, wondering how he had managed to obtain the soul of an Archmage in the first place.

She suspected that it must have involved some form of dark magic or necromancy, which only added to her concern about the depths of Reginald\'s power.

Despite her reservations, Asmodea couldn\'t help but feel a certain level of fascination with the idea of harnessing the power of a soul in such a manner.

She wondered what other possibilities might be unlocked if one were to tap into the full potential of such a force. But for now, her focus remained on the task at hand: defeating Reginald and putting an end to his dangerous plans.

"Really good. My sword has a well-deserved reputation across all of human history. It was during the eighteen years that I spent in the human realm serving as a protector for my most beloved master that I came into possession of it. Do you happen to be familiar with the legendary hero William Wallace? This is the sword that he uses. My preferences in terms of weaponry are rather specific, and the Wallace Sword manages to satisfy those preferences while still being pretty effective. The strength of this sword increased as more time passed with it being handled by its owner." Asmoda explained her swords to Reginald.

"REALLY?" exclaimed Reginald in surprise upon hearing Asmodea\'s response. He found her revelation about the location of Elizabeth to be intriguing. His attention was momentarily diverted towards the ongoing battle between Elizabeth and the other fighter.

"Woah, the two of them are really putting up a fight now," he commented, marveling at the intensity of the duel. But he quickly regained his focus and addressed Asmodea.

"If for some reason you are successful in defeating me," he said confidently, "you will have the opportunity to learn about the legendary weapon that Elizabeth uses herself. But let\'s not get ahead of ourselves and return to our current battle!" he declared, his voice rising with excitement.

Asmodea was quick to react when Reginald let loose two more rounds from his pistol tattoos. With her sword\'s energy slashes, she was able to block both incoming bullets with precision and ease.

It was no surprise to her that Reginald\'s new tattoo was of heavenly wings, in contrast to his demonic appearance. Asmodea deduced that Reginald was trying to score points for his style and originality.

Reginald continued to demonstrate his proficiency in close combat, using his wings to his advantage as he soared in Asmodea\'s direction.

Asmodea prepared herself for the attack, taking a battle-ready stance with her sword in hand. As the two came within striking distance, Reginald made a sudden turn, narrowly avoiding Asmodea\'s sword.

Asmodea, impressed by Reginald\'s skill, complimented him on his combat abilities. "You\'re quite the skilled fighter, Reginald. I\'ll give you that," she said with a hint of admiration in her voice. Reginald, however, was not one to let his guard down, and he quickly replied, "Don\'t let your guard down, Asmodea. I\'m just getting started."

The two continued to engage in a fierce battle, their swords clashing with each other in a symphony of metal. Each combatant was determined to emerge victorious, and neither was willing to give an inch. It was a battle of wits, skill, and power, and both Reginald and Asmodea were giving it their all.

Asmodea was taken aback by the stark contrast between what she had anticipated and what she encountered. Her whole being was accustomed to the idea of opposing forces such as light versus dark, earth versus sky, and Ruby versus Batibat, but Reginald\'s appearance was unexpected.

While Ruby had angelic wings, Batibat had demon wings, but Reginald\'s wings were different. Asmodea realized that he had heavenly wings, which was quite uncommon for someone with his background. It seemed like he was aiming for originality and style with his choice of tattoos.

Reginald charged towards Asmodea at an incredible speed, his wings almost frozen in the air. With his arm extended, he slashed at Asmodea with his sword, but the snake that was coiled around her sword intercepted the blow and deflected it.

He then attempted to punch her in the chin with his fist, but Asmodea quickly deflected the attack with her metal gauntlet. The magic serpent that Reginald had summoned was also deflected away from him, leaving him momentarily vulnerable.

Asmodea took advantage of Reginald\'s temporary vulnerability and attempted to strike him with her sword, but he was able to dodge the attack. Reginald quickly regained his balance and moved in for a counter-attack, thrusting his sword towards Asmodea\'s midsection.

Asmodea expertly deflected the blow with her sword and retaliated with a swift kick to Reginald\'s midsection, which he barely managed to avoid. The two combatants continued to exchange blows, neither gaining a clear advantage.

Asmodea\'s attack became more aggressive as she aimed to take down Reginald. She wielded her sword with great skill, attacking from different angles and attempting to strike vital areas of his body. She even resorted to using ranged attacks, releasing a hazy energy blast towards him.

However, Reginald was well-prepared for Asmodea\'s attacks, revealing a hidden tattoo on his right underarm.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 power stone is enough, it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle� . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. � �

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