
Chapter 81 The Blue Anacondas’ Boss’ Domain (1)

Chapter 81 The Blue Anacondas\' Boss\' Domain (1)

Chapter 81: The Blue Anacondas\' Boss\' Domain (1)

Aimee\'s Soul Slash was cold, strong, precise, and highly penetrative, with the latest being the most distinguishable part of her new asset.

Which was because souls were woven with flesh.

Meaning that Aimee\'s slash always drew some blood, even if the enemy\'s armor was as tough as obsidian. Of course, if someone knew how to protect against soul attacks, then even Soul Slash wouldn\'t be able to do much there.

But in no world monsters of such a low grade were able to fend off against soul concept.

Drawing this concept and coalescing it with her lifespan, Aimee spent just one percent of her now long life, forming a vast scythe-like blade, which went past monsters like seemingly invisible blade.

Even if some slammed their heads into the slash, blood still fountained off their scales!

And it wasn\'t like Aimee had to finish them all… she just had to open the path for her teammates.

In Aimee\'s wake, Seraphina strained her muscles to lift her sword, which contained a lot of Hunter\'s cold blood. Having access to it, she breathed her soul into her fire skill before swinging her blade.

When the sparks and flickers of the fire element popped around her white sword, Seraphina howled like the wild beast she had used to be, swinging her blade and chucking her fire breath skill against the army of the monsters.

No longer shaped as only the head, the fire salamander left her blade, rolling in Aimee\'s cold trail to assault all the weak points Aimee had left on the blue anacondas. Its flames sneaked into the gaping wounds of the Soul Slash, burning into the flesh.

"Well done," Aimee commented as she gazed into the monsters drowning in the sea of flames, convinced that it was more than enough to deal with them all.

Seraphina nodded, "Keep your precious lifespan for more difficult enemies. I\'ll finish the rest. My mana isn\'t infinite, but it regenerates, unlike your lifespan."

Worst case, Aimee would hunt bandits or other criminals to refill it… but Seraphina had a point.

Wasting too much energy on minions was like digging one\'s grave. In her case, Aimee had to save a lot of her lifespan or just fight with her swordsmanship boosted by her double Agility Origins.

Because minions were in abundance here.

Much more than what the reports about this forest had ever said.

"This domain isn\'t simple!" Hunter said, looking at the second wave of blue anacondas crawling toward them.

So many of them meant that these monsters were protecting someone more important than them, probably the owner of this forest.

Alas, the information about the boss monster was lacking, making a few believe that it was just a myth. Further, no one had ever caught a glimpse of it, and those were just speculations based on the blue anacondas\' high birth rate.

"Aimee! Seraphina! Turn those you just killed into mini corpses and store them! I\'ll deal with the second wave alone!" Hunter commanded his teammates like a leader.

Aware of the skill he wanted to test against such masses, Aimee and Seraphina gladly stepped aside, hovering an eye on him while creeping to safely pick up the corpses.


Standing like a lone warrior before the deluge of monsters, Hunter curved his lips up and began building up his second skill within himself.

It was his second original skill, which he made after countless tries to take out his blood without wounding himself. While it was still impossible for him, he caught on a different usage of his cold blood that he could turn into a skill.

In his heart, his Blood Origin now beat in a different sonata, stirring all veins within Hunter\'s system.

Blood flowing in those canals kept turning colder and colder, with its temperature reaching far negative. In consequence, Hunter\'s skin turned paler, with a few blue tinges littering his skin.

Yet, no steam slipped outside his body.

Puffing out his chest, drawing his arms behind, and tensing his scapulae, Hunter tamed all his cold steam within his body, transferred it to his lungs alongside his Strength Origin, then exhaled it in one go!

Which brought out his second original skill — Ice Breath — to the world!

Like a carpet of death, the crystal blue dense breath unfurled like a thick train toward all the blue anacondas threatening to kill him, slapping them worse than a truck.

Swatted by the combination of quantity and quality of Hunter\'s origins and cold blood, the monsters were blown behind, with most of them crumbling like broken statues.

With two cold streaks finding a way to escape through the edges of Hunter\'s lips, he smiled, "Who said I would never become a dragon?!"

On his adventure to the Region Fritz, Hunter and his teammates hadn\'t wasted any hour. They practiced, bonded, and shared their experiences and views of their innate skills, drawing crucial clues to improve themselves.

On a quite chilling night, Hunter was smacked by the memory from his previous life in which he had talked to his mother about fantasy stuff.

Which she didn\'t like at all.

She told him that… he would never become a dragon and that the fantasy was pointless and only for fools trying to escape from reality.

Those words were like an antidote for Hunter because he could relate to them.

At some point, he just wanted to have some fun and stop studying day and night…

…he wanted to escape and found nothing wrong in escaping to the fantasy worlds!

That short memory trip had given birth to Hunter\'s second skill! He started taming his coldness, correlating it with his origins, and leveraging Aimee\'s innate skill to learn how to transfer it through his organs.

And now, he had his second original skill, which was once again a combination of experiences, his wits, and desires.

"Some must have said that since you sound agitated by it," Aimee commented while turning the corpses into small trophies before hiding them in her pouch.

Seraphina nodded with a smile, only to twist her face as Hunter\'s coldness in which the dead and shattered blue anacondas were bathing was too much even for her!

She couldn\'t even touch it!

\'Wow… it\'s even more diverse than my fire breath in soul form!\' Unfortunately, Seraphina\'s fire breath was weaker and seemingly had less diversity than Hunter\'s breath.

However, it wasn\'t that surprising. His original skill stemmed from his origins and unique body system, while Seraphina\'s evolved skill still leveraged a C-ranked Monster\'s skill.

The only solution to catch up to him was to fight stronger enemies and mirror their skills.

Clueless to those thoughts, Aimee noticed that Seraphina struggled with picking up frozen bodies. She came to her side and helped her as her organs were also changing to match Hunter\'s.

"I fear I might take a liking to cold baths soon…" Aimee sighed while casually putting her fingers on the corpse, only to narrow her eyes.

It was quite challenging for her, too…

Seraphina curiously looked over Aimee\'s reactions, her impression of Hunter growing more and more.

Aimee was compelled to sigh before throwing a daggering stare at her boyfriend, "What have you done, doofus?! You don\'t have to try hard so much against mere minions!"

"My bad! Haha!" Hunter laughed aloud. "I was too excited! I\'d have turned them small myself… if I could."

"If you could!" Aimee repeated before forcing herself to speed up the work.

At the same time, more and more monsters circled around them.

Soon, their advances and numbers started to become a problem, as Aimee and Seraphina weren\'t with infinite reserves.

Even Hunter, who boasted seemingly unlimited stamina, couldn\'t fight without taking a break. He\'d have to take a rest at some point to catch a breath or two!

Further, the pouches hanging on their waists were already getting too heavy.

Hunting here would soon become altruistic without any more income gain in sight!

Which Hunter, Aimee, and Seraphina refused to do.

Aimee turned her eyes to her man, "What\'s the plan? There\'s no exit in sight."

"Sera… use your hiding skill to give us room to rest and analyze the situation!"

Seraphina nodded while Aimee approved her boyfriend\'s decision.

Coating everyone in her prominent stealth skill, the entire human party blended into the background, disappearing from the monsters\' senses and confusing them.

But no matter how much they looked around with their forked tongues hissing outside, Hunter\'s team was nowhere to be seen or sensed.

Which was only because of the present Miss Charlotte had given her little sister to survive the perilous world.


"Monsters can make their own domains… but so many of them being in one is against their natural instincts, unless there\'s someone above them. I\'m afraid we have been pulled into the boss\' domain," Aimee inferred first before sharing her thoughts with the rest of her team.

Hunter\'s eyes gleamed with anger before he calmed himself, "Well, more opportunities! We will be the first ones to defeat the boss and share its information with the union! An unknown monster\'s information should be rewarded quite heftily! We\'ll be able to spend more time on vacation-"

"Become serious for a while," Aimee chimed in, looking seriously into Hunter\'s eyes.

Which turned him a little embarrassed.

He didn\'t know what had gotten into him so much… was it because he shared most of his secrets with them that he now wanted to have more fun, constantly thinking of hot springs?

He didn\'t even like hot baths at all…

\'It\'s my fault! It\'s too late to have fun… yeah, focus! I\'m good at it.\'

Hunter couldn\'t see that Aimee was holding herself back more, staying consistent during mission time.

He soon said, "Since we weren\'t even that deep into the forest, we can say that the domain has expanded across the entire forest and that the boss is intelligent enough to pick tasty snacks like us while leaving the rest behind to hunt its kin… which is enough to keep its identity hidden."

"Correct," Aimee nodded.

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