
Chapter 360 - Luna's Machinations & The Mind Stone...

[POV Luna]

(A/N: I decided to do Luna\'s POV for the second time... the most difficult character in my fanfic, wish me luck)

Oh... so, Reo took the Mind Stone from that red man... he also got another Time Stone... Hmm... hmm... this leads to two possibilities... he will go after the Reality Stone of our own Universe or he might go after the Reality Stone from another Universe...

(A/N: Please vote for this... if you want Reo to collect the Reality Stone from this Universe or another Universe. If you like the \'The Universe\' comment then he will take the Stone from this Universe and if you like the \'Other Universe\' then he will take the Stone from another Universe)

I heard a loud growl from my side... I looked up and saw Fenris was trying to reach towards my pudding cup. "Down, girl. You can\'t eat pudding... it will hurt your tummy, I will get you some ice cream" I said trying to placate my new pet, well, Hela didn\'t need to know that and she was also going to be family... so, I am sure that she will understand.

I put another scoop of pudding in my mouth... ah... marvellous... this is life... pudding is the best!! Ice Cream comes right after that... Fenris barked trying to tell me that my worries were unnecessary... but I decided to blissfully ignore her. Fenris finally gave up and started to whimper in disappointment.

"Sorry, girl, but there is no share of my pudding..." I said in a sing-song voice while patting Fenris\'s giant head... seeing that Attila came and cuddled with me from the other side. She softly hissed... "I know what you want... don\'t need to be jealous of your furry sister" I said while looking towards Attila and I started to pat her giant head too.

Now, I need to move forward with my plan... I have hidden my plan very well, no one knows about it and with my powers doing something like that is very simple... hehe... no one knows what I have been planning for so long... even Nemuri and Reo have no idea about this.

No one noticed how I manipulated each one of them on my whims to get what I wanted... only a few words were enough for Nemuri and she was already trying to take over the world economy... only a few words to Reo and he was already destroying governments. I didn\'t even need to bother with Momo and Fleur, they were already doing what I wanted with them...

It was so easy that it wasn\'t funny anymore... Now, I can finally have what I wanted... Pudding Domination!!!

I have always dreamed of creating the Perfect Pudding and now it is possible... I will simply disguise one of the factories Nemuri had bought me as my personal pudding factory... Reo will be destroying governments so they would never bother with what I am doing in my factory and Momo and Fleur can make me the high-tech machines... I will be finally able to fulfil my dream of creating the Perfect Pudding...

Just you wait... I can already see you in my visions, my Perfect Pudding... and as I am not a bad girl, I will obviously allow Reo, Nemuri, Momo, and Fleur to taste my perfect creation... I will also give them a lot of love... then they will finally see the glorious ways of pudding...

[POV Reo]

Hehe... I had already noticed their arrival because of my Future Sight and I also knew that they were bringing two more Stones for me... Two weeks have passed since Nemuri\'s brief meeting with the Winter Soldier... she had obviously told me about the incident after coming back home.

Throughout these two weeks, I have been continuously training Ororo... she had learned a lot but she still has a long way to go before she can teleport using her lightning form... she can already move extremely fast but moving extremely fast is not teleporting.

I was also training with Hela and Rumi from time to time in these two weeks... and it has helped me a lot. I haven\'t grown strong or anything but my insight has improved a lot... I won\'t gain all the power in one day... well, I could, after I finish absorbing the Stones but that is a completely different matter.

At first, I wanted to go and greet the invaders of our reality on my own but Hela said that she wanted to see the people who killed her counterpart... she wanted to see if these people could give her some challenge but she was sorely disappointed... she said that she has never been so much ashamed in all of her life.

I could only smile wryly watching her rant like this... this was a completely new side of her personality. "... I would have killed her with my own hands if she wasn\'t dead" yeah... Hela was still ranting while looking really annoyed.

Hela took a deep breath and calmed down herself. "Were they really so weak?" Rumi asked curiously, after leaving the moon, both Hela and I directly came to our training spot and found that Rumi was already there... patiently waiting for us.

"Yes, they were, but you can\'t decide anything by their individual strength... after all, they like to fight in groups, their strength also grows if they have a good enough incentive" I said with a grin on my face... to be honest, I wanted to kill them right then and there but Hela and Rumi were really looking forward to a good fight.

That is the only reason I took Vision\'s body and Crucioed Wanda... I gave them an incentive... when the Avengers formed in the original movie, it was only because Loki killed Phil Coulson, after all, they needed something to avenge...

Even though I didn\'t kill Vision, I am pretty sure that these guys will twist the facts inside their minds to make me the bad guy... something like \'If he hadn\'t taken the Space and Soul Stone then we won\'t be here... because of him we have to come here... that is why Vision died, it was because of Leviathan\'.

It is pretty obvious to guess what they are going to think because their whole group is filled with people who think that they are doing everything for the \'Greater Good\'... after all, they gave themselves too much credit than they deserve... after dealing with Dumbles, I can pretty much understand how these kinds of people think.

Everyone would think that I have taken Vision\'s body for Vibranium but to be honest, it is simply scrapped metal to me... as soon as the war ends, I will take every ounce of Vibranium from Wakanda... it would be reparations for the troubles they are going to cause me in the war... they made their own bed, now they must lie in it.

"So, that is what you took that tin can?" Hela asked while raising her delicate eyebrow.

"Yep... that will give them a big enough incentive to try harder... they will also blame me for that tin can\'s death..." I said with a shrug and Rumi looked really excited at the prospect of strong opponents... I could already see stars in her eyes.

Though Hela looked at with an unsure expression on her face... but after a few seconds, her usual expression surfaced on her face. "Well, no matter... I am still going to kill them all... are you sure that they can\'t return to their own reality?" Hela asked me and I simply smiled.

"Don\'t worry... their pride won\'t allow them to return without avenging their friend..." I said with a gentle smile on my face and Hela nodded her head in understanding.

"By the way, how did you cause that woman so much pain?" Hela asked me with a curious look on her face.

"He must have used the Cruciatus Curse..." before I could speak up, Rumi decided to answer my question. Hela looked even more confused after hearing Rumi\'s words... I contemplated for a few seconds before I found myself in front of our library... I pulled out a thin book from the shelves and once again I was in front of Hela and Rumi.

I opened the book and searched for the Cruciatus Curse when I finally found the section on Cruciatus Curse, I handed the book to Hela... she accepted the book with a curious look on her face... she quickly tead through the text and a sinister grin appeared on her face...

"This is a really marvellous spell... this is a perfect spell for my arsenal..." Hela said and started to chuckle like an evil villain. "Though I would need to try out the spell... after all, my emotions are going to be a factor here... maybe I could modify the spell to work with emotions" Hela muttered and grinned evilly.

That would be really nice... I have used this spell for so long that I can simply manipulate my mind to create the hate inside my mind and the hate disappears as soon as I am done... mastering Occlumency to such levels obviously has its own perks.

"Reo, aren\'t you going to absorb the Stones? I was really interested..." Rumi asked and I finally pulled out today\'s haul... I haven\'t forgotten about them, after all, they are a aspect of my own power.

I retracted the armour from my hand and grabbed the Time Stone... with a green glow, I absorbed the Time Stone, like the last time with Space Stone I have taken from Nimrod, I didn\'t get any new powers but I felt my powers grow by several folds... when my powers finally stopped increasing my eyes zeroed in towards the Mind Stone.

I grabbed the Mind Stone and my hands started to glow yellow... after a few seconds, the glow finally subsided and feel various changes happening inside my mind... I got both Telepathy and Telekinesis... (A/N: It is the Mind Stone, what did you expect from it?). Neither Loki nor Thanos were able to access these two powers of the Stone.

I could control people\'s minds... that was given power, after all, Loki did it by touching people\'s chests with his sceptre... but on a much larger level... like if I wanted all the beings of all the galaxies inside my range to bow and pray to me and they happily would do so... but someone with mental defences might not be affected and I will lose control over a being if someone hits their head, then I would have to put them under my control once again.

I can also shoot energy beams out of my hands and eyes now... I always wanted eye beams... the voices inside my head getting really irritating... like Rumi was thinking about the power I was releasing... Hela was thinking around the similar lines and she wanted to get into my bed... so, like a gentleman, I turned off my Telepathy.

I need to train my powers... I needed to train my Telepathy before anything else... only one more Stone to go before I can absorb the Ego Stone... I wonder what I will gain after gaining the Ego Stone.

Now, I can also feel the Infinity Stones of other realities... or the realities that are the closest to me. It could be anything... now it is time to get the Reality Stone...

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