
Chapter 288 Volcanic Eruption!

Phreatic eruptions took place!

Phreatomagmatic eruptions also took place as the stimulation by the Uranium induced effects like the direct interaction of magma and water.

3 types of Volcanic eruptions took place at the same time!


Hellfire Mountains turned into Hell on Darvis!

It was not just a volcanic eruption; it was a Mountain Burst!

Hellfire Mountains as a whole imploded from within!


The cracking sounds reverberated as cracks spread through the ground like an earthquake was imminent, the core of this Mountain was already affected.

The implosion of the mountain induced a crazy effect on the airspace.


The sound that followed was like those of a million exploding dominoes.


Warning! You have been hit by an extremely high-pitched Sound!

You have suffered a significant amount of damage!

You have received -10,000 Damage!


The shockwave flung Legolas off his feet but he was fast to react.

Being one of the first to rush with his student to the periphery of the Mountain due to Newton and his student\'s incredible battle, he did not suffer the brunt of the attack but he still suffered.

He reacted fast by ordering Predator and Akela to do the needful.


Bost beasts roared before unleashing their new defensive abilities.

This defensive ability covered Blade and Christensen even as Blade pumped in more power to reinforce the defense. Despite their defensive measure, when the impact of the shockwave still came, Predator and Akela were affected.

"Roar!" Both beasts coughed blood on impact.

The gigantic grey shield wobbled but it stood its ground and weathered the impact, other Grade C Superhumans were not so lucky.

Grade C Superhumans were brought to their knees by this implosion.

2 other Grade C Superhumans died!

The death count today was already 20 freaking Grade C dead Superhumans!

Few of the others fully weathered the shockwave and fiery explosion that followed the implosion, most of the Grade C Superhumans were gravely injured as horrified, these Grade C Superhumans scrambled to safety.

Inside the safe haven of their shield, Legolas looked through Bran\'s eyes.

Unlike the others, as soon as the Mountain imploded, this bird of prey reacted fast and flew higher into the skies as fast as possible.

By making use of its Blink ability and connection to the Void Dimension, it was able to escape the shockwave.

Now, from the skies, Bran had an overview of the aftermath.

Through their telepathic connection that was restored after he became a Grade C Summoner, he was able to have an overview of the aftermath.

Hellfire Mountains was no more.

What was left in its wake was a desolate wasteland characterized by deep craters and flowing magma, it became a shadow of its former self.

Even the nearby sea was not unscathed as the extreme heat evaporated a large quantity of water from the gigantic Blue Sea. At this moment, it felt like a God passed through and took a scoop out of this sea with his God Cup.

Faraway, the effects of evaporating so much water were already taking place. The extreme heat already melted glaciers that were deep in the sea.

At this moment, waves that towered above kilometers were already rolling across as a tsunami took place, starting from afar.

Hellfire Mountains was barely recognizable.

There were few signs of life across kilometers in this wasteland.

Apart from the Grade C Superhumans, no one else in this wasteland survived. The thousands of psychopaths that blindly followed Clown all died, there were no survivors, the headquarters of the Clown Society turned into a giant crater.

Nothing useful was left of the headquarters.

Even some nearby towns were not unscathed as the sweeping fire and shockwave left a wave of death in these towns and villages.

Amid the wasteland, Bran\'s eyes finally landed on the 2 culprits that caused so much destruction. Ash covered their faces, their combat gear was mostly burnt to a crisp already, their now black faces looked at each other.

Newton and his student didn\'t stand far from each other, they simply stood like they were stunned as they looked into each other\'s eyes.

Tears flowed down Newton\'s eyes as he looked at his student.


The next moment, he fell on his knees.

He looked down. "Forgive me…"

"Forgive me Norman".

"I\'m sorry, I-I was wrong…" He stammered but he forced the difficult words out of his mouth. "I did you wrong". He looked up back at Norman.

"I am the one that should be blamed".

"I am the one that should be punished".

"I turned you into this". At this point, tears were already freely flowing down this warrior\'s eyes as he could no longer control his feelings.

"I am sorry, please forgive me…"

Newton punched the ground in frustration and regret. "I was selfish, I didn\'t want to lose you when I took you in, I wanted you to remain mine forever".

"This was why I set so many rules for you".

"This was why I restricted you so much".

"I prevented you from interacting with females due to my narcissist fear that you will fall in love and abandon me…" This warrior cried. "I\'m sorry".

"I isolated you to only put your focus on research without caring about your feelings that you may become obsessed with it…, I-I\'m sorry".

"It was all due to my selfishness".

"I wanted to control you forever, I wanted you to be mine".

"I wanted that when you became a legend, you\'ll still be loyal to me, it is because of these selfish reasons that I took so many selfish decisions".

"Ahhh…!" Newton grabbed his head. "I\'m sorry".

"I should have never tried to control you".

"I forgot that you also had feelings".

"I forgot that you were human…" This Elementalist paused as he looked down at his hands. "Is…, Shanks right? Am I no longer human?"

At this moment, Newton seemed to be experiencing an existential crisis.

Seeing the current state of his master as he uncontrollably broke down in tears, Clown felt something inside him pull but he remained adamant, he tried to fight it and decided to cackle maniacally.

"Haha… ahhh…!" From a cackle, Norman also cried as tears flowed down his eyes, he could no longer resist the pull in his heart.

With tears in his eyes, he looked down at his master and memories flashed through his eyes.

Memories that he had been trying to bury inside his past.

Memories that he was reluctant to revisit.

"Ahhh…!" Norman clutched his head as he cried.

He didn\'t know when but he slowly walked towards his master before grabbing him. Once he raised him up, both Master and Student hugged.

They hugged so tightly that it seemed like they would squeeze each other to a bloody juice, they simply enjoyed each other\'s presence even as tears flowed.

"I deserve death…"

"No, we deserve a second chance". Norman looked at his master.

"I also did a lot of terrible things and for that, I am sorry".

"I am willing to change if you are also willing".

"I believe that no one is above second chances".

"We can restart, hide, build a hidden research lab and spend the rest of our lives simply studying and researching the laws governing the world".

Both Master and Student looked at each other as they analyzed their chances. After this battle, a lot of things changed within just a few minutes.

While they analyzed their future, a strange eerie voice suddenly spoke.

"Keep dreaming…"

"Puppets can dream, that is the only thing that they\'re good at…"

Clown was shocked. "Who is that?"

"Your Master".

"Trigger Stealth Chip #B73!"


Clown froze the next moment as a foreign presence descended in his mind, this warrior was shocked as he felt his consciousness being suppressed.

Instantly, a foreign presence took over his body.

"You are the real puppet; you were never a player!"

Clown\'s consciousness froze in shock.

"No…!" Newton\'s eyes widened in realization of what just happened as a chill crawled down his spine.




An eerie laugh reverberated through the air.

"I am the real Clown!"


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