
Chapter 192 The Desperation Of A Trapped Beast

"Frost Giant Royal Ability: Gene Liberation!"

King Nagakin\'s transformation into a literal snowman changed him completely, his horns coated by the golden Ancient weapon were the only other parts of his body that did not become snow-made.

The Gene Liberation ability of Frost Giant Kings was a last resort ability, this was because of the terrible side effects that followed it.

King Nagakin literally sacrificed all his blood to activate this special ability.

He no longer cared about the side effects though since the young human and his friends\' performance already rekindled his hope.

His motivation to subdue the Snow Fenrir increased to the peak again.


King Nagakin roared as he grabbed his Ice War Axe with a tighter grip.

For 3 days, the Yeti Elder had been holding him from participating in the big battle that really mattered but not anymore. With his incredible surge of new energy, King Nagakin already felt in tune with the ice element itself.

Feeling his opponent\'s new energy, the Yeti Elder felt threatened.

Gathering his remaining mana, he desperately attacked.

"Yeti Bloodline Ability: Ice Beam!"

Once again from the chest of this gigantic Yeti, a massive beam of freezing white energy was shot at the King of the Frost Giants but King Nagakin unlike before didn\'t see any reason to dodge the incredible attack this time.


The attack slammed into its target with incredible momentum.

King Nagakin felt the impact as the incredible Ice Beam cut a hole through his abdomen, continually dealing even more damage to him but unlike before, King Nagakin reacted nonchalantly to this lethal attack.

Blood did not flow, only snow and ice scattered into the surroundings.

He didn\'t even grunt in pain as with a simple sidestep, he exploded forward with speed, smoothly evading the Yeti Elder as he took advantage of his height to casually push the gigantic Yeti aside.

As he sprinted towards his real target, what gave him confidence finally became evident. After becoming a snowman, he no longer bled.

He became one with the snow, his injuries healed rapidly.

The void that was left in his abdomen by the Ice Beam started healing rapidly and completely healed in no time. This attack didn\'t stop his momentum.

The Yeti Monster, desperate that he already lost his opponent tried to cling to him but this was a decision that he grew to regret.


The Yeti Monster barely moved before King Nagakin\'s gigantic Ice War Axe swept backwards. The Yeti Elder could not react on time, the incredible momentum and timing of the Axe enabled it to effortlessly chop off his right hand.

As blood flowed like a fountain, this Yeti Elder grew extremely weak.

Having fought such a formidable opponent for 3 days straight, he was already exhausted, losing his hand completely drained his remaining energy and stamina.

With the Yeti Elder now out of the equation, King Nagakin could finally set his eyes on his real opponent. He looked ahead at the raging battle, his pitch-black eyes narrowed as he took a step and threw his War Axe.

The gigantic Axe traveled through the air like a space rocket.

The timing was impeccable, the Snow Fenrir could not dodge it. Preoccupied with Legolas, his friends, and Zombie Amon already, King Nagakin joining the equation became a problem too strong for the Snow Fenrir to cope with.


With incredible impact force, the War Axe cut into the Fenrir\'s hide.

Blood flowed like a fountain even as Legolas rushed to add more flames to the fire by using the Life-drain potion, the Snow Fenrir feared the potion more than the others though as it protected itself tightly from any openings.

This cautiousness from it prevented it from countering the King of the Frost Giants while he was still at range distance, and with nothing hindering him forward, King Nagakin finally arrived.

He grabbed his War Axe and dragged it out of the Snow Fenrir.

With King Nagakin arriving, the Snow Fenrir finally became outnumbered and outmatched. Completely aware that his current state was temporary, King Nagakin dared not hesitate as he gave Zombie Amon a new order.

"Go Berserk!"

Zombie Amon shrieked loudly the next moment as its rotting body became extremely hot, the Zombie started burning its tissues for more strength.

Completely aware of what was about to happen, Legolas reacted fast.

"Christensen, lead everyone away from the center of the battlefield".

Redmane didn\'t need his reminder, as soon as the King of the Frost Giants charged closer, he already understood as he ordered all the Foxes to escape.

Whereas previously they could only hinder the Snow Fenrir and harass it from attacking at full strength, now the intent was to really subdue this beast.


You have activated active ability: Rapid Speed


With one flap of his wings, Legolas escaped into the skies right on time for him to escape the area of impact of the intense battle that followed.

King Nagakin and Zombie Amon clashed fiercely against the Snow Fenrir.

Thinking about his losses and the loss of his most trusted advisor, King Nagakin attacked with a vengeance. These 2 warriors for the next few minutes completely pounded the Snow Fenrir as it roared for help.

From afar, surrounded by Frost Giants already, the Yeti Elder watched this battle with a helpless look on his face.

He wanted to help but his body was already failing him.

Looking around, he saw the corpses of Yeti Monsters lying all about this plane. Then he looked at the world, the Ice Elemental plane was already close to complete fracturing, he could no longer go on.

He closed his eyes then he made a decision.

"We\'ve suffered enough".

"A debt owed have been paid, we won\'t go extinct to pay a debt".

The next moment, he opened his eyes and glared at the other Yeti Monsters as he roared. "My children, follow me to a new plane let\'s start anew".

"Yeti Bloodline Ability: Plane Teleportation!"


A gigantic teleportation portal appeared the next moment.

Following the orders of their Yeti Elder, all the Yeti Monsters started charging into the teleportation portal to escape the fracturing Ice Elemental plane.

None of the Frost Giants stopped them, they all already understood that their real targets were the Snow Fenrir. In no time, all Yeti Monsters escaped.

Even as he was embroiled in battle against 2 extremely powerful opponents, and a bird who constantly harassed him from the air, the Snow Fenrir was still able to see it when his only allies in this battlefield abandoned him.

His anger boiled even more aggressively but he could do nothing.

After losing their secondary opponents, all the Frost Giants sprinted closer as they cornered the Snow Fenrir.

No matter how strong and experienced the Fenrir was, when the numbers advantage was so ridiculous, there was very little that he could do as he could only be thrashed and beaten.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The battle was intense and bloody.

Despite trying his best, despite killing another dozen Frost Giants despite being cornered, Legolas finally saw another rare window of opportunity.

Already embroiled in fighting the Frost Giants, the Snow Fenrir briefly forgot the bird above his head. One impeccable drop from Legolas did the job, the syringe perfectly fell on the Snow Fenrir\'s skin and discharged its contents.

The Snow Fenrir whimpered in shock and fear for the first time.


You have injected your target with the Life-drain reverse potion!

Snow Fenrir has entered the heavily bleeding state!

Calculating life drain according to opponent\'s stat…, please wait…

Calculation complete

-5,000 Health Points every second


The Snow Fenrir\'s eyes widened in despair as its vitality started draining.

With this concern came a greater lack of concentration in the battle, King Nagakin took complete advantage of it as he completely cornered the Snow Fenrir with his subordinates until they finally restrained it.

The Snow Fenrir\'s eyes reflected anger as he was restrained.

They soon started reflecting a craziness and pride.

As a Snow Fenrir, this beast was extremely prideful of his bloodline. Rather than become the servant of a lowly Frost Giant, he would rather die.

The Snow Fenrir\'s desperation of a trapped beast stimulated its bloodline at this moment as a limit that was set due to its current weakness was briefly shattered, instantly, the Snow Fenrir recovered an affinity of his.

Legolas\'s virtual interface instantly lit up a notification.


Warning! The Snow Fenrir has recovered the Space affinity!


"What…?" Legolas\'s eyes widened in shock.


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