
Chapter 3186 - One Arrow Pierces Through the Heart

Chapter 3186: One Arrow Pierces Through the Heart

The god fights were a fighting competition governed by God Spirits. Every rule was conducted and enforced by God Spirits. If people conceded, they earned the protection of a God Spirit. Not even the royals of the seven kingdoms and those with inherited Blood-Pulses were allowed to break the rules.

Han Sen was making a God Spirit lock in a person who had already conceded the fight and was leaving the space battleground. This seemed impossible.

It was not just Yan Dan that did not believe this. No one believed it.

Han Sen knew the God Spirits would not listen to his commands, but he had not said what he had to control the God Spirits. He wanted to tell the God Spirits that the fleeing man was a dead man and that they should not be a part of this.

When Han Sen spoke, he broke the rules of the world. He pushed his power to the max and kept pumping power into the bow he wielded.

“This Han Sen is getting too cocky,” Empty God coldly said. “How dare he threaten us!”

Yan Dan was a Blood-Pulse inheritor, so Han Sen’s words made Empty God very upset.

Moment God bowed to the leader of the hall and said, “Mister, Han Sen is breaking the rules again. I am afraid he is only going to become the next Qin Xiu. Are we really going to stand back and let him do whatever he wishes to?”

“Although Han Sen is wrong, it is not a big deal,” another God Spirit said. “There is no need to be hung up over such trivial matters. After all, he has the chance to take the next step.”

“Can we just let him destroy the world we have tirelessly cultivated just because he might walk that step?” Empty God looked angry as he spoke.

“What you said is wrong. Everything happens for a reason. The God Chaos Party sent people to eliminate him. Do you expect Han Sen to just stand around and allow those people to strike him down?”

“Are you calling him a sitting duck?”

The 12 God Spirits were split down the middle with each side sharing one of two opinions. One side wished to put a leash on Han Sen or even kill him when it was necessary. The other side thought they should not interfere and let Han Sen’s actions slide. Only one or two God Spirits were ambivalent or neutral about it all.

The hall leader sighed and said, “Let’s just lock the space battleground. Otherwise, the entire space battleground will be destroyed.”

“Yes, Master.” The hall leader had decided. Although some God Spirits did not agree with the choice, they held their tongues about it.

Plus, they knew that if they allowed Han Sen to destroy the space battleground, it would reflect more poorly on the God Spirits.

Space and time in the geno hall were different from the outside world. The God Spirits had been talking for a long time. To the outside world, only a second had gone by.

Yan Dan had not left the battleground, but the space tunnel was on the cusp of shutting down.

At this time, the closing space tunnel reopened. Yan Dan had almost escaped, but he immediately teleported back into the space battleground.

Yan Dan looked shocked about being back on the space battleground. His face could not be described. The space tunnel behind him was gone.

“Why is it like this… I conceded… I already conceded… Mister God Spirit, I already conceded… Why…” Yan Dan pleaded his conceding again, but the space battleground made no movement. No tunnel through space appeared. The whole of the space battleground was dead silent.

The big universe was dead silent too. No one believed this would happen. The God Spirits were really doing as Dollar said. They were locking down the space battleground.

“Gods, why? I am a loyal devotee. I do everything properly and have never once offended you. Why are you treating me this way? Where is the justice? Where are the laws we abide by? Where are the gods now?” Yan Dan sadly roared. He questioned the sky.

The Yan Kingdom’s people and nobles all looked angry. From what they saw, Yan Dan had received unfair treatment.

“You disobeyed the God Spirits. That means you should die.” Han Sen’s voice sounded cold. It was like he was commanding god’s judgment. He let go of the bowstring he had pulled back as far as he could. It looked like a full moon.


The moment the arrow left its string, it vanished.

Yan Dan could not see the arrow. He was shocked and scared. He knew he could not protect himself from the power in that arrow. He wanted to live, so he released the three rare gene races that combined with him.

There was a god bird made of fire, a demon eye weird snake, and a black-backed white-belly Yan. They all appeared in front of Yan Dan. They all shielded him.

The power of the three rare gene races exploded. They formed a line in front of Yan Dan. At that moment, it was like an invisible power pierced through the bulwark.

The bodies of the three rare gene races were blown through, leaving a bloody hole in each as the invisible force passed through. The invisible power did not stop there. Yan Dan’s head, behind all the gene races, became the recipient of a hole.

Now, the audience was able to see that the black arrow had managed to stick into Yan Dan’s forehead. It went through the back of his head and disappeared into the nether.


The three rare gene races exploded at the same time. They turned into a sky full of blood rain. Yan Dan’s corpse fell from space with his eyes wide open.

The universe went dead silent. Everyone felt a chill run down their spines.

One arrow had managed to eliminate three rare gene races and kill the elite, Yan Dan. That violent arrow technique frightened all those who watched it. The most shocking part was the fact that the arrow was able to kill Yan Dan after he had conceded the fight. The implications of this were far scarier than the arrow itself.

Although Dollar said Yan Dan had committed blasphemy upon the God Spirits, people who knew about this suspected that Yan Dan had done something he shouldn’t have. He should not have associated himself with the God Chaos Party.

Even so, the God Spirits still broke their own rules. A man who made the God Spirits bend one of their own rules was scarier than the arrows he could fire. People were frightened to think about something like that.

This arrow did not just murder someone. It killed the hearts of many people.

The kings of the seven kingdoms all strangely looked at the body on the space battleground.

The royals represented law and order, but that body was able to break the rules of the God Spirits. That rule-destroyer made them feel extremely worried.

“Is Dollar a God Chaos Party member?” an elite thought.

Most did not think so. A member of the God Chaos Party could not participate in a god fight. Otherwise, Rocky Dee would not have helped Yan Dan. He could have done this himself. Yet, Dollar was not a member of the God Chaos Party member but could still do that. It made people feel weird.

“Dollar belongs to the God of Wealth. Who is that God of Wealth? How can his members make the God Spirits all agree with him? How powerful must the God of Wealth be? Is he a Reboot God Spirit?”

People really wanted to find out where the God of Wealth Temple resided. After this fight, the seven kingdoms sent out many people to scour the universe for the God of Wealth Temple.

After Han Sen murdered Yan Dan, he quit the space battleground and returned to the Feng castle.

He knew Bao’er was probably fine, but he was still worried.

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