
Chapter 2255 - Blood-Pulse Level Up

Chapter 2255 Blood-Pulse Level Up

Although he was leveling up, the blood kirin was still being very careful in its approach. Even so, Han Sen was able to detect its coming. Consequentally, Han Sen looked cold. He wondered whether or not he should summon the Demon Bug King Bai Sema and holler for Fox Queen.

The reason for Han Sen leveling up there, instead of the palace, was because he did not actually want Fox Queen to see him ascend in rank.

He did not think the blood kirin would dare get so close, due to the current time not being the usual time it would emerge from the lotus mountaintop. So right now, it was likely not a dangerous time.

But the blood kirin had indeed emerged, and it had bravely made the climb there.

Observing it be all sneaky, though, Han Sen chose not to do anything. He remained still in his inspection of it.

The blood kirin was being more careful the closer to the peak it got. It looked terrified.

When it was only a few hundred meters away, the blood kirin took cover behind a rock. It peeked at Han Sen, but it did not come any closer.

Han Sen kept up the process of leveling up to Duke, all the while watching that blood kirin. If it did something, he really would have to call for Fox Queen and make use of his Demon Bug King Bai Sema.

But all the blood kirin did was watch. It kept looking Han Sen’s way, but it did not approach.

Han Sen believed it was too afraid, and so, he kept his focus on the leveling up process.

The blood inside him was boiling and his heart thumped like thunder. It was like a machine. His heartbeat was throbbing like a drum.

When the heart pumped, it made the blood inside him spin. The temperature of his blood rose.

Seeing it reach a critical point, Han Sen did not have the time to watch the blood kirin. So, he summoned his Demon Bug King Bai Sema to commit to the final push.

Han Sen was like a bloodman. The blood seeped out of his skin, spreading all over. It hardened to create layers of blood crystals.

That was not because something awry had happened with Han Sen’s leveling up process. The blood that was coming out was like the skin of a snake. It was him releasing his old blood, to be replaced by a newer blood that possessed a strange power. When the blood was exchanged, that power inside him increased.

The body was wrapped up in that old blood, and it made Han Sen look like a bloodstone. He sat where he was, unmoving. His body was drowning in an ecstatic feeling.

Leveling up his Blood-Pulse Sutra to the rank of Duke was a smooth and prolonged process. It was not a sudden change. The blood, from being Marquise, became Duke. And eventually, the leveling up process was over. And Han Sen was now Duke again.

Han Sen came out from an empty mind. His face felt wet. He opened his eyes and he was shocked. He saw a red tongue lick his face. The blood kirin was there.

“How did it come inside... the Demon Bug King Bai Sema did not work...” Han Sen was shocked, and so he stumbled back. But that kirin followed him. It remained next to him, as Han Sen’s speed was slower than it.

The blood kirin did not release any power, though. Again, it just licked Han Sen with its tongue. Han Sen was terrified, and he realized the blood kirin was licking his old blood.

Han Sen stood where he was, afraid of inciting the blood kirin’s wrath. It was so close, and if it was made angry, then Han Sen would have no chance of escaping. He would have to make use of his super god spirit mode.

Luckily, the kirin did not have ire. It only wished to lick Han Sen. It licked away the old blood that was around his body, and it looked as if it was enjoying it. It was as if it was eating an ice cream.

“This guy likes blood. It’s not going to finish drinking my old blood and then develop a hankering for my new blood, is it?” Han Sen thought to himself, as he eyed the Demon Bug King Bai Sema.

The Demon Bug King Bai Sema was not broken, but Han Sen expected that. If the Demon Bug King Bai Sema had been attacked, Han Sen would have noticed. It would not have just allowed the blood kirin to rush right in.

Now, the Demon Bug King Bai Sema was in perfect condition, and yet, the blood kirin was inside it. That confused Han Sen.

Ever since Han Sen possessed the Demon Bug King Bai Sema, he had never before encountered an opposing power that could breach the item’s shield without actually breaking through. Not even Little Star’s Starsea Travel could work against it.

While Han Sen was thinking about this, the blood kirin finished licking up all his old blood. It then stared at Han Sen while it licked its lips.

“Eating all my old blood, and then wanting some fresh blood, too, huh?” Han Sen gathered his strength and readied himself for a fight.

But all the blood kirin did was look at him. Eventually, it turned around and returned to the lotus mountain.

Han Sen froze and thought to himself, “What is wrong with that guy?”

After the blood rain was gone, Han Sen did not see the blood kirin appear again. That made Han Sen think it to be very strange. It was no longer absorbing blood and bone airs.

“Did my old blood fill it up?” Han Sen wondered.

Over the next few days, Han Sen did not see the blood kirin again. But he did not care much for its absence.

Even with the Blood-Pulse Sutra becoming Duke, Han Sen did not think he would be able to defeat the blood kirin in combat whilst in White Bone Big Hell. And Han Sen had yet to figure out how the blood kirin had managed to get through his Demon Bug King Bai Sema.

After Han Sen investigated the Duke class Blood-Pulse Sutra, he wanted to learn what element it was associated with. And he wanted to know if his dual-element ability could bypass its restrictions.

After opening the Blood-Pulse Sutra’s element, Han Sen’s fitness was greatly increased. It was not as effective as Jadeskin, but it was not all bad.

Aside from that, there was nothing else special about it. And that factoid depressed Han Sen a little. He felt that the Blood-Pulse Sutra possessed a strange power, but he could not make use of it because he did not know how to make use of it.

It was like a human’s organ. Humans now knew where they were and what they did, but before technology had been developed, they did not know what they did.

“This power will not only be available for the children, will it?” Han Sen felt depressed, and so he decided to ask the members of Blood Legion and learn more about what Blood-Pulse Sutra. It would be a waste to reserve it only for the act of making babies.

Jadeskin and Blood-Pulse Sutra’s two elements were both quite strong. Han Sen calculated he had a chance to break the restrictions.

But to ensure it would work, Han Sen decided to help Little Angel become Duke first. With Little Angel’s power, it should go swimmingly.

Han Sen’s body was imbued with a lot of Ghost Bone power, and if he was to give some to Little Angel, it would be far easier for her to become Duke. But while Han Sen was in the midst of doing that, he realized Little Angel went against the Ghost Bone power. She was unable to absorb it.

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