
Chapter 296 Slice Of Life

"Brad, what did you call me for?" looking at the young man in front of she, Hailie asked with disinterest.

"I..." Biting his lips while looking at Hailei with a smoldering gaze, Brad took a deep breath and slowly approached Hailie, then stared into her eyes and grabbed her by the collar of her clothes "Be my girlfriend."

Closing his eyes, Brad brought his lips to Hailie\'s and prepared to kiss her, but the expected softness was completely different as his body was forced back by a strong push.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Frowning deeply while looking at the young man with disgust, Hailie exclaimed.

"Y-you..." Frowning deeply while looking at Hailie in disbelief, Brad stammered.

"Damn it" Shaking her head, Hailie grabbed her backpack and turned around \'This shit again, let\'s get the damn school year over quick.\'

Hailie has been going through some pretty strange situations lately.

Already 17 years old and in her last year of school, the number of men coming to her with sudden confessions has increased considerably.

In the last month she has had to thwart several attempts at kissing and some of the bastards have even gone so far as to instigate sexual acts in front of her.

\'They think I\'m stupid\' Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Hailie ignored the people staring at her on her way out and walked towards Maya\'s vehicle.

Obviously this is not because Hailie is a beauty goddess.

Yes, she is beautiful and no one can refute that, but not to the point where several good looking men at school try to throw themselves at her.

But it\'s obviously all coming from her last name and what she stands for.

Grey Family.

The only daughter of the Grey family.

Hailie Grey, one of the biggest streamers in America.

Any one of those titles could bring a lot of attention, but having them together at the same time makes her a juicy target for any ambitious man.

Climbing into the vehicle, Hailie tosses the backpack at her feet and speaks with annoyance "Let\'s go."

"Again?" Starting the vehicle with an amused smile, Maya asks with amusement.

"*Sigh* Yeah" Rubbing her temples, Hailie turns her gaze to her friend and asks "Didn\'t you want a boyfriend? I\'m sure they\'ll go for you too."

"Dear friend, I don\'t have an all-powerful family like you."

Rolling her eyes, Hailie snorted "Surely you don\'t have your own millions of dollars in your bank account. You\'re not a streamer for nothing."

Smiling arrogantly, Maya continued driving "These bitches are low level, minimum they must be a movie star to make it in my sight"

"Whatever you say"

"But if it\'s your brother..."

"I guess you\'ve lived too long already"

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue, Maya looked sideways at Hailie and asked "What are we doing this vacation?"

"I don\'t know, any ideas?"

"Let\'s go to Korea?"

"From the south?"

"Obviously, I don\'t want to go north and die" Chuckling, Maya continued "I was just checking my emails and I have an invitation to the eSport event as a vip guest, I\'m sure you must have it too."

"Mmmm, I haven\'t checked my emails, but I think I should have one" Rubbing her chin with interest, Hailie thought for a few seconds and nodded "Let\'s go to Korea, sounds fun"

"Will your mother give you permission?"

"That\'s okay, I just have to convince Christian."

"Will your brother give you permission? As far as I know, he\'s more overprotective than your mother."

"I have my means" Smiling slightly as her eyes sparkled, Hailie closed her eyes and enjoyed the wind thanks to the convertible "In a week I\'ll be going to Malibu, I don\'t think I\'ll be able to go streaking that often"


"Visit my brother"

"Oh... can I come?"

"I won\'t let you see my brother, don\'t insist."

"Don\'t you have a bit of camaderie?"

"Don\'t you have a shred of loyalty? Your friends\' brothers are forbidden, you fucking bitch!"

"But only for normal friends!" Turning her gaze to Hailie, Maya exclaimed "We\'re like sisters!"

"Well, we are sisters" Smiling slightly, Hailie continued "That\'s why you can\'t mess with my brother, he\'s your brother."


Looking at Maya\'s sour face, Hailie chuckled and turned her gaze towards the road, then biting her lips and muttering inaudibly "Maybe I\'ll just fast forward my vacation to Malibu.... I\'m pretty frustrated."


"Chief, is that okay?" pointing towards the closed suitcase on the table, a woman of about 36 asked.

"Mmmm" Rounding the table while squinting at the suitcase, Gluttony nodded "It\'s fine, it doesn\'t show any bulges and doesn\'t have any openings around the corners, the contents would be safe and wouldn\'t raise much suspicion."

"Thanks boss" Smiling excitedly, the woman sat back down in front of the table and opened the suitcase, revealing inside a complex mechanism full of wires connected to two thick explosive rods.

Rubbing her chin as she looked at the suitcase, Gluttony looked around and smiled as she saw hundreds of women creating various explosive devices.

Suitcases, backpacks, wooden boxes, televisions, cell phones, freezers, engines, among hundreds of other objects.

Anything that has a considerable space is a good object to carry explosives.

Following Gluttony respectfully, a woman of about 29 years observed her silently for a few seconds and spoke cautiously "Chief, when are we going to use this?"

"..." Losing the smile from her face, Gluttony turned to her suborbinate and watched her silently.

"Sorry Chief, it won\'t happen again" Bowing quickly as a bead of sweat fell down her pale face, the woman spoke with obvious fear in her voice.

How could she not be afraid of her boss?

A week ago she killed a chef because she put too much salt in the food. But as if that wasn\'t enough, she then had him cook a heavy piece of her thigh and ate it with a smile on her face.

Cases like this are not few, although that was the first time she asked for human meat, she always has senseless and irrational requests, ending many times with a person dying.

All because of little things like her rice is too dry, the wine doesn\'t taste good, the noodles don\'t have salt or because she doesn\'t like the look of some explosive.

You never know when she will get angry and when she does, the blood runs.

"It\'s okay" Instantly regaining her smile, Gluttony turned her gaze to her workshop and continued "We still don\'t have directions, but it won\'t be long now, I can feel it in my blood."

Increasing her smile, Gluttony walked slowly with her hands behind her back and reached an iron door, then opened it with her fingerprint and looked inside with a creepy smile.

Every time she sees the inside of this warehouse, Gluttony can\'t help but wet her panties.

Hundreds of kilos of explosives, all carefully stored and preserved.

It wouldn\'t be an exaggeration to say that with all this, they could blow up all of New York and the surrounding area.

But not only would the explosion be extremely lethal, but many of the explosives have plutonium core structures, and although the bomb is nowhere near as powerful as a nuclear bomb, it would not be difficult to wipe out a small town and make it uninhabitable for several years.

Clenching her fists as her eyes sparkle with anticipation, Gluttony mutters "I know the time will soon come, he never disappoints me."

"..." Glancing at her boss, the woman at her back shivered slightly and looked around the warehouse with concern, then sighed and shook her head.


"Hello my dear lucifer~" Lying down on a couch, Lust crossed her legs and spoke sensually while holding her cell phone "You couldn\'t stop thinking about me and called me to hear my voice~?"

"Not at all, I\'m satisfied with those 900 images I have in my gallery."

Chuckling, Lust commented "I thought you would delete them."

"Delete them? I\'ll leave them as a national treasure"

"Heh, and to think you were playing hard to get in our early days."

"Have you thought about how creepy you are? No wonder I\'m the only man who wants to get close to you."

"Their loss" Smiling with amusement, Lust snorted.

Truth be told, Lust is the creepiest woman in the world.

If we flipped the genders, it would be no different than a man starting to sexually harass a woman in Christian\'s old world.

Groping, sudden nudity, peeping in bathrooms, getting into bed, even sending sexual images when the other person doesn\'t ask for it.

If Christian were to report this to the police, Lust would most likely end up in jail and with her records stained for life.

Especially considering that Christian was a minor at the time.

"I was calling to check on my slave, I will need her soon as I have a trip to Ireland."

"Can I come?"


"*Sigh*" Turning her gaze into the distance, Lust smiled slightly at the sight of his new roommate "She\'s practicing."


"Yeah, right now she\'s got a pretty thick cucumber coming out of her mouth...it\'s in her throat now."

"A cucumber?"

"I\'m working on her gag reflex."

"Why are you doing that?"

"Don\'t you want to use her too? She\'s pretty cute and has a hot body."


"I\'ll also prepare her ass and teach her some techniques, I\'ll have her ready for you" Knowing Christian\'s libido perfectly well, Lust rubbed her bare crotch and continued "Don\'t you like the idea~?"

"You\'re an unsaved bitch."

"I know, but this way it\'s more fun~"

"That\'s fine, though I don\'t plan on using my slave for that."

"Heh, I\'m sure you won\'t resist" Chuckling, Lust continued "She\'s quite obedient, she just listens and learns quietly, she\'s got potential"

​ "Don\'t confide in her, she\'s a poisonous snake"

"I know, that\'s why I\'m teaching her to use her tongue."



"Now that we\'re talking, I have a question... do you want me to keep her hymen? If we get it out of the way, I could teach her better."

"...keep it."

"Hahaha~" Laughing as her face blushes, Lust shoved two fingers deep into her hole and purred "You are certainly my master~"




"Lucifer?" looking at the cell phone screen, Lust clicked her tongue and tossed it aside "He left me talking to myself..."


Grabbing a cup from the cabinet, Christian quietly brewed himself a cup of coffee while humming happily.


Startled, Christian chuckles lightly and turns to the beautiful redhead who hugged him from behind "Was that spanking necessary?"

"Hehe~" Giggling childishly, Elisa replied "I can\'t help it, you looked so tasty."

"Is our little girl sleeping?"

"No, she\'s playing with Kitty\'s tail."

"I just made an incredible purchase" Turning within Elisa\'s embrace, Christian sat down at the kitchen island and continued "I sent out for baby costumes".

"Yes!?" With sparkling eyes, Elisa asked excitedly, "Which ones?"

"I ordered bunny, fairy, angel, panda, cat, bee, dinosaur and a vampire."

"Hehe, she\'ll look beautiful" Sticking her head on Christian\'s chest, Elisa smiled happily and continued "We could also dress up, it would be fun".


"Yes!" Lifting her gaze, Elisa looked at Christian with her bright eyes and exclaimed "Dress up as an angel!"


"Yes!" Nodding enthusiastically, Elisa continued "Just wear a white suit and buy yourself some wings!"

"Mmmm" Pursing his lips as he looked at the infantile woman looking at him with such expectation, Christian smiled playfully and nodded "Fine, but you\'ll dress up as a little devil"

"Diablita?" Raising her eyebrows with interest, Elisa asked "What would it be like?"

Lowering his hands, Christian squeezes Elisa\'s buttocks and whispers "You\'d be wearing a tight, short latex dress... obviously crimson"

"And what else~?" biting her lips sensually, Elisa asks.

"We can\'t leave out some beautiful horns on top of your head~" Biting Elisa\'s ear softly, Christian continued "We also have to prepare a pointed tail for you~."

"A tail?"

"Yes~" Gently pressing his finger on Elisa\'s anus, Christian licked her ear and whispered "It would come straight out from here~"


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown

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