
Chapter 42 Genoforce, Urth's best forces.

"Teleporters have a restriction and it\'s our bodies!" Derek\'s voice quaked, such powerful ability just had to be restricted by the same body that possessed it. "Wait if it reduces does that mean our cells can also replenish it?"

"Of course!" William nodded as he answered Derek\'s question.

"Let\'s go," Will said and walked towards the door, though filled with questions Derek quickly followed him, the door slid open and both of them came out to a wide corridor with people mostly wearing white walking past them.

The corridor was five meters wide and the ceiling had a long glass-covered opening in the middle that stretched to both ends, the lights were embedded behind the glass, and the white metal wall did well to enhance the scientific atmosphere whilst both scientists and a few soldiers constantly moving through the corridor.

As they walked, Derek questioned William about their destination but William kept shut and quickened his pace, although Derek was suspicious he had no choice but to follow William.

The sync marching of tall men in deep black combat clothes, echoed throughout the corridor as they easily caught Derek\'s attention though others ignored them, they were already used to it.

The sight of their gleaming golden-hilted dagger strapped to their thighs was proof of their first identity. They were almost like the men who brought him here, though these were different, they wore military uniforms.

William smiled when he saw Derek\'s stunned expression "They\'re the Urth federation\'s top special forces, nurtured from an infant and given the latest state-of-the-art gadget, pretty much the best power on our continent and the best part is… they are all teleporters! "

 William\'s proud words were all for a single moment which Derek had grabbed since the beginning "You do know I won\'t join the government"

"I know but it doesn\'t stop me from trying, and I also know the cyber holdings are the ones responsible for stronghold eleven don\'t blame the federation."

William stood before a door and a blue transparent screen appeared, he grabbed it and began typing on the transparent keyboard while talking "While you were asleep I checked your files and my opinion is, don\'t have any stupid thoughts about the cyber holdings, you\'ll be crushed"

"What are we doing here?" Derek queried ignoring William\'s words.

William was expecting an angry Derek but it seems he judged wrong. his fingers left afterimages as they danced on the transparent keyboard, the blue light reflected on his eyes and his lips slowly curled up "Well, we\'re here for something big, especially for you"

William\'s words made Derek look at the door with rapt attention, the transparent keyboard glowed green and the door slid open with a low mechanical sound and a spacious room was revealed.

There were screens on the four sides of the wall and a vast metal chair was in the middle, the armrest was wide and had silver gleaming cuffs. A machine sat right next to the chair, it was huge and round with a small hole big enough to fit an arm in the middle.

A small square hologram hovered above it with some strange algorithms on the screen.

"Stand on the platform over there," William said while pointing towards a small round platform that wasn\'t even half a meter tall.

While instructing Derek he walked towards the screens and began setting instructions, his hands waving about whilst different options appeared on the four massive screens.

His entire aura changed as a little frown formed on his forehead with his eyes moving about.

Derek stared at the guy who was nothing like his former yapping self with arched brows, he liked this new guy more "So what am I supposed to do?" Derek queried while he stood on the platform.

"Nothing" William\'s short words made no sense to Derek, he was about to speak when the platform suddenly lit up whilst a sudden shock shooting through his feet to his head.

Instantly a human image appeared on the screen with various detailed information appearing, Derek watched with fascination as an iconic image of his heart appeared with wave-like patterns being read.

"That was quite painful" Derek mumbled as he came down from the platform while rubbing his neck, he felt like a lightning bolt ran through his body, the harmless one if that ever existed.

"That\'s just the beginning, go to the chair and put your right arm in the G. G. M."

William spoke while concentrating on Derek\'s results, he enlarged some and swiped a few out.

"Haven\'t we done this test before? Why repeat it?"

"Because the last test was to know when you\'ll be dead.." William couldn\'t finish as Derek exclaimed "WHAT!".

".. I\'m not done bro, let me finish for once... I was going to say if your Genoforce had depleted and your cells were dying we would have loved to know your death date which would have not been long had your cells had issues" William completed his words while staring at Derek who stood rooted to the floor with different emotions flashing through his eyes.

Derek didn\'t know what to feel right now "I prefer the silent William, he\'s a lot more fun" he finally said with William shrugging.

Derek sat on the chair and both his legs and one of his arm was cuffed "Why the cuffs? I can handle the pain."

Derek had three months of unpleasant experiences to back up his words.

"Derek, not even your experience will make you phase through this one, and no machine on Xon is more horrifying than the G.G.M beside you, this is the beginning of your path to becoming a barely manageable teleporter.

"Barely manageable teleporter... What makes you say that, I\'m the only one with two mediums!"

"That\'s your first problem, pride, it\'s not that bad but it\'s for high-ranked individuals. If you don\'t lose it becoming a level one diamond teleporter will be something"

William retorted with an annoying look that make Derek feel the urge to punch him.

"See that look, you hate being reprimanded or told something that doesn\'t go well with you, how do you expect to be taught with such an attitude?"

His words made Derek calm down, confusion clouded his eyes as he began to think about when he developed such an attitude, he was pretty much a silent guru before, he was often bullied and used by girls in high school and there wasn\'t an inkling of pride even when he was praised.

Unable to come up with anything, he shoved his arm into the machines and his hand came out the other end, the square hologram glowed and a mechanical whirring sound rang out as William put his hands into his coat and brought out a pair of earpieces and gums, he blocked his ears and threw the gum into his mouth.

He began nodding his head and a smirk formed on his face as his jaws kept on moving, the sweet fruit taste of the gum flowed into his throat enriching his already happy feeling "You don\'t know this Derek but I always enjoy this part, just like the others your lucky this room is proofed, or your screams would have shaken the building"

Turns out William had a weird fetish of enjoying seeing people who try to endure the pain, scream as the G.G.M pierce into their souls.

"What," Derek said bewildered, his confusion evaporated when he saw his arms inside the machine, shit! He had forgotten about the machine! But he still didn\'t believe William\'s exaggerated words.

"In five, four.. three.. two..."

"You are ridiculous" Derek scowled with arched lips, but William\'s last number somehow sent shivers down his spine.


Derek turned to the silent machine and nothing happened, he shook his head and faced William "Could you stop tri... "Derek\'s words turned into deep grunts as he felt metallic arms gripping his arm whilst something injected into his bones, the pain shot through his entire body.

His body began to spasm but the chair held him tight, veins appeared on his neck and his face turned red, Derek\'s eyes bulged as he saw William bring out a thick leather material that he should have given him to bite on, it turned out their discussion had made him forget.

Suddenly metallic.....

okay, I\'ve decided to join both volumes together, so the next expected volume will be after the 100th chapter.

pls vote and support me, thanks.

Power stones ranking


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