
Chapter 231 - Arrival Of The Black Mamba Division Fleet.

At the military base that was established by the Crimson Fleet.

Inside a room of the military base, all the leaders of the fleet were gathered including Staff Sergeant Barnes. At this moment, their eyes were focused on the green dot that was blinking on the virtual screen that was before them.

This was the deduced location of their target, where the Sea King inheritance would land on. They pinpointed this location as soon as the data was sent over by the superior Black Mamba Division Fleet.

After his second consecutive defeat to the Megalodon, as a veteran soldier, Staff Sergeant Barnes did not fall into depression but the results still affected his mental state significantly.

To fight off the awful state that he was left in after the battle, he devoted all that he had to this new priority mission that was sent by the headquarters.

He left the Megalodon to the elite unit that was specially sent by the Black Mamba Division Fleet to eliminate it. 

He believed that against such opponents, no matter how many cards the Megalodon had, the Lieutenant and his companions would still come out on top.

Though since the Lieutenant and his crew left, he hadn\'t heard any word of communication from them, he was still confident in their abilities. 

His reasoning even told him that the Megalodon was dead already but the Lieutenant disdained to spread the information to him deliberately.

With such a mindset and reasoning, he no longer cared about the Megalodon which helped him to give full attention to the priority mission.

For the past few days, though he had not raided the seamount yet, he kept on sending scout soldiers to go scour and provide a comprehensive picture of the whole seamount for both himself and his superiors to see.

Through this, he was able to get an overall idea of the situation in the seamount, including the number of beasts, their basic strength, and the most important layout of the seamount.

The layout of the seamount was the most important part of his mission.

Due to experience from other monster inheritances that they\'ve encountered, Staff Sergeant Barnes knew that inheritances were mostly set up in the richest part of a region in terms of mana and other minor parameters.

Through the layout of the seamount, Staff Sergeant Barnes wanted to thoroughly examine them to try predicting where the Sea King inheritance would be placed on.

This was what he had been doing for the past few days, and his effort paid. Though he was not sure, he identified 9 places in the seamount which was ideal for a monster inheritance.

Considering that this monster inheritance belonged to a Sea King, he increased his expectations a bit and further narrowed it to 5.

Though he was not sure if he was correct, exploring these 5 locations to know-how inside them looked was still better than nothing. 

At this moment, inside the room where the last pre-mission gathering commenced after the leaders came to a consensus on the mode of operation, they finally all stood up to leave.

As soon as they swam outside the room, the heavily armed group of soldiers that were waiting for them reacted as they started tightly escorting them out of the military base.

Throughout the swim outside the military base, they encountered no other Atlantians apart from the soldiers that escorted them. The military base was already deserted by the soldiers and civilian crew.

On swimming outside, the Crimson Fleet was finally presented before them in its full glory. All 17 warships of the Crimson Fleet were already revving their powerful engines, all eager to move.

As soon as the leaders entered the warships, the fleet left.

The Seamount turned more turbulent and dangerous by the hour.

Perhaps, it was their intuition warning them of the impending crisis, but the mutated beasts on the seamount were slowly turning restless. 

Groups of mutated beasts agitated for no reason sprang up and started engaging each other in terrible battles. Stimulated and agitated more by the blood of the others, even more, mutated beast groups joined the brawl.

Mutated Giant Crabs attacked with their giant pincers and claws, while the other mutated beasts retaliated with their adaptations as blood flowed in waves.

The main thing had not arrived yet, but its impending arrival was already causing a bloodbath among the mutated beasts that were inside the seamount.

The only group of mutated beast predators that didn\'t engage in the pointless battle due to the pressure was the Draconic Lizard kingdom and other predators with powerful mutated beasts as leaders.

Despite not participating, every single beast kingdom in the seamount was in a state of constant pressure and extreme alertness.

Most of them didn\'t know what was happening, all they knew was that something was happening, their senses just kept on messing with them.

While the unrest continued, that same day that Sebastian and his group arrived at the seamount, the Crimson Fleet also arrived with frightening grandeur.

17 enormous Atlantian warships suddenly arriving at the seamount was a big deal and was definitely eye-catching. Practically every beast group saw the entrance of the tyrannical newcomers.

Of course, such an arrogant entrance irritated some of the beasts and they went along to act as the scapegoats to test the strength of these newcomers.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just a few shots from their warships were all it took for the Atlantian fleet to wipe out the group of mischievous beasts. Their strength was clear for all to see, and the mutated beasts respected that.

They cleared a path into the island with their enormous warships as Staff Sergeant Barnes immediately ordered the fleet to move toward the 5 locations that he marked. 

He did not waste time; he started his work immediately.

While killing every mutated beast that obstructed their path, it did not take them long before they arrived at the first location. Staff Sergeant Barnes came down with his soldiers, armed to the teeth as they broke their way deep under.

It did not take them long before they found that this place of the seamount was just a crater that was slowly being recovered into the normal ground again.

There was nothing special about it, so the fleet moved on to the next location. They continued like this until they arrived at the fourth location.

On getting to this location, Staff Sergeant Barnes and his companions immediately noticed a difference that was not present in the others.

This was a huge crater just like the first location that he discovered, but this one was different. From what was on display before him, this was a crater that survived an astonishingly fierce battle.

The signs left by the battle showed how intense it was.

A lava pool was at a corner of the crater but perhaps due to the battle, the lava was now disorderly as it flowed through the cracks that were induced by the battle into different parts of the crater.

The strangest fact of this location was that the mana density was higher than in other locations which were not normal. 

As mage soldiers, Atlantian soldiers trained on harnessing and controlling the power of mana all their life so distinguishing the density of mana in an environment was not too hard a task for them to do.

An area with increased mana density translated to faster training speed for an Atlantian mage, with a lot of other benefits as supplements. 

This fact itself already revealed that this crater was special, Staff Sergeant Barnes\' interest was aroused and he probed deeper without hesitation.

About a minute later of thorough searching, they discovered a deep dark abyss-like hole in the crater. This hole looked spooky enough, but the thick chain that floated lazily in it which glowed in a faint rainbow color made it spookier.

To the other soldiers, this hole and the constantly dangling chain were spookily suspicious enough but Staff Sergeant Barnes thought otherwise, he was shocked on seeing this.

"A pair of magic boxing chains, rainbow-colored magic power…, it can be no one else, I can\'t believe it".

"This belongs to the legendary Boxing King, Colonel Tada!"

Staff Sergeant Barnes was about to speak more due to his excitement but he was interrupted by his subordinate.

"Staff Sergeant, the Division Fleet is here".

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