
Chapter 22 - Today, You're All My Test Subjects!

Simple, efficient explanation, that was all that Sebastian needed from the turtle before he understood what was happening. The explanations were somehow lacking, but he still got the gist of everything.

The Leroy lair was under attack, and they were already on the verge of succumbing to a complete wiping from their opponents.

Leroy said that the pact they both had was void and that he was free to escape if he wanted. \'Such a generous sacrifice\', this was the first thing that came to his mind, but no, he was not such a person.

Yes, back on earth, he was a savage anatomist and all that, but running away from an opportunity to dissect new sea creatures was not his style.

Most especially after he suddenly had such an outrageous increase in strength, running away now would be doing himself injustice. This was the perfect setting for him to test his new ride.


Even as he thought, the booming sounds were not subsiding as rumbling sounds of collapsing earth kept on echoing inside the army chamber, making the water vibrate like it was being boiled.

Having made up his mind, he quickly turned to look back at the turtle. He was surprised a bit as the fellow flinched a bit under his sudden gaze. "Is he afraid of me? That\'s weird".

He wanted to demand a weapon, but he quickly arrived at the sore fact again that none of the weapons in the lair could be used by him.

[You have activated skill: Double Reverse Swim.]


Not waiting for the turtle\'s reaction, he rapidly swam in the direction of the chamber\'s entrance. His face was still facing the turtle a moment ago, he didn\'t turn before swimming backward, leaving the sea creature in shock.

At this moment, he was practically reversing like a car, and at speeds that were far higher than his previous peak.

"See ya".

Mid swim, he steered his tail fin, prompting his body to make a rapid U-turn as he quickly reoriented his body and continued his swift swim outside the chamber.

When his head popped out of the chamber, the first sea creature that came before him was a snake. It was already ingrained at the back of his mind that the Leroy clan had no snake member, his instinct kicked in.


[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite.]

[You have killed a young Viper snake- Level 7: You have gained Experience points.]

[You have gained 2 Adaptation points.]

One savage bite was all that it took, and the young Viper didn\'t even leave much of its remains. Almost like he had a sucking ability, as he bit down, Sebastian also swallowed immediately.

After killing this fellow, his eyes finally surveyed the surroundings.

Blood, mutilated flesh, demolished lair, this was the first impression that came to him after coming out. Lots of dead fishes were floating in the water as the fierce battle continued, and a majority of the dead were members of the Leroy clan.

All around him, the battle raged without any intentions of stopping. He could not see far as his vision was covered from top to bottom with battling fishes and sea creatures.

Seeing this scene made his blood burn hot. He didn\'t know if it was because of the battle or the Viper that he just killed, but an urge to crush opponents suddenly erupted from deep inside him.

He closed his eyes almost reflexively, he could not stop the urge, he could not suppress it, it just came out like a flood.

He didn\'t know how he was even feeling it, but he could feel the mana flow inside of him. Just as if his adrenal gland was working non-stop, his magic organ started pumping mana rapidly through his body.

The Sting Tailers already noticed the newcomer. Seeing him, they all swam at him intending to finish him off.


Sebastian suddenly opened his mouth and roared which was strange for a shark. He was originally put into a conundrum of how he would use his magic abilities, but it seemed that his worries were unfounded.

He didn\'t need to learn it, the magic organ was in his body, and how to use it was somehow mysteriously implanted into him by the system\'s strange voodoo-like abilities.

[You have activated ability: Magic Teeth.]

[You have activated ability: Battering Ram.]

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

Sebastian just opened his mouth wide, and his teeth shot out like arrows coming from an ancient bow. The unprepared opponents suffered from it; in seconds their bodies were riddled with holes.

Even as the teeth shot out, his mana flowed into his mouth, regenerating and replacing them at a science-defying speed.

And even as his teeth shot out of his mouth at the pace of a machine gun, Sebastian had no intentions of staying idle. Consumed by the bloodlust of battle already, he rushed out speedily.

He finally saw it; the color of his magic was green. The green color enveloped his body as he swam forward like a moving train.


He slammed into the first fish like a battering ram, the poor fellow burst into a bloody mess immediately. Not paying attention to it, he continued his bulldozerlic ride across their ranks without a care of the world.

Dozens of fishes died to him immediately, the difference in stat points was just too wide for the poor fellows to tie him down.

Even as he rammed through them like a god\'s hammer, he still shot out his magic teeth to deal support damage.

After clearing a large hole through the formation of the opponents to make his debut into the battle eye-catching, he finally reverted to the ways of a shark, the taking it close and personal strategy.

He shuddered excitedly as the mana flowed through his body like electricity, directly flooding him with an abundance of it.

As soon as he got saturated with it, it materialized in the physical as green magic empowerment. He felt like all his organs and skills were empowered, he felt like he just received the mild blessing of the legendary milkmaid.


His sharp teeth clapped the air hungrily as he felt power flood his body. With a crunch sound reverberating and a wolfish being torn into 2, he started his massacre across.

Green magic energy flooded his teeth as he bit left and right savagely.

[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite.]

[You have inflicted your opponent with the vampiric effect: -3 HP for 5 seconds.]

[You have killed a mature Grouper fish-level 10: You have gained Experience points.]

[You have gained 2 Adaptation points and 4 Skill points.]

Drinking the blood of his opponent, Sebastian turned his already red eyes to survey more prey. Just like an instinct in him, as soon as he willed it, the pair of spikes jutted out of the side of his body, poking 2 poor fishes to death.

Opponents bit at his skin, but most of the bites just bounced off. His Hard dense skin adaptation was a beast mutation, he felt like the juggernaut, he could smash them apart and they could not bite through him.

"Today, you\'re all my test subjects!"

He turned his head and dived deeper into the denser parts of the battlefield, his spikes slicing fishes and sea creatures apart in the process.

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