
Chapter 221 Weird Realm

Chapter 221 Weird Realm

Time to enhance my mind!

Looking at the Cerberus fang in my hand, I narrowed my eyes, observing its sharp curved edges and triangular blade structure.

The purple hue of the fang glimmered in the dim light, making it seem both fascinating and mysterious.

"Well, the faster I do this, the faster this is over..."

I muttered to myself, unbuttoning my shirt and raising the fang with both of my hands.


With a powerful thrust, I plunged the purple fang into my chest, feeling a surge of pain and adrenaline coursing through my body.


At first, I simply lay there in bed, waiting for something to happen, unsure of what to expect.

In the game, the effect of using the fang was instant, however, this is real life.

"It\'s starting..."

Suddenly, sharp pains spread across my upper back as my body began to shudder uncontrollably.

I could endure the pain, however, I couldn\'t stop my body from shaking.


Looking at the fang embedded into my chest, I noticed that it was slowly losing color and fading into a dull gray.

It was as if the purple hue of the fang was being absorbed into my body, merging with my essence.


Soon the pain was evident everywhere in my body except for my head.

My neck and limbs twisted and contorted, muscles strained and stretched beyond their limits.

However, I could firm this.

"It\'s starting..."

Slowly, I felt the pain traveling up my neck and the back of my skull began to ache.

It didn\'t take too long for the pain to reach its peak, causing a splitting headache that felt like my head was being crushed in a vice.


Letting out a groan, I felt my consciousness slipping away.

I was soon taken away by the darkness.


"Why am I here..."

Looking around the unfamiliar realm, I could see nothing but Darkness.

"Hey, Demon, are you here!"

I shouted into the void, hoping for some kind of response, however, my voice seemed to echo off into nothingness.

\'I guess I\'m here alone...\'

Clicking my tongue, I began to move, moving my legs forward cautiously in the dark expanse.

No matter how much I\'ve walked, however, there seemed to be no end in sight.


At one point, I reached the edge of a vast, still lake.

Although I couldn\'t see due to the darkness, I could feel the warm liquid caress my fingertips as I dipped them in.

\'I wonder...\'

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind and I began to channel Mana, drawing upon the energy and directing it toward my eyes.

\'Mana Perception.\'

For a moment, the world around me shone and revealed its secrets.

A myriad of colors and shapes came into focus, revealing a vibrant and bustling realm hidden within the darkness.

\'What is this...\'

Looking around, I found myself standing before a massive lake or rather a still sea.

In every direction I looked, there were dunes of sand, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

Although the sand was of dark appearance, it seemed to emit a faint Mana glow, casting an ethereal light over the surroundings.

\'It\'s almost blinding...\'

Narrowing my enchanted eyes, I turned my attention back to the sea, looking at the dark expanse of water before me.

I couldn\'t see anything beneath the surface of the sea.


However, this didn\'t prevent me from diving into the water and opening my eyes.

As I submerged my entire body, my skin felt prickled by needles.

It was painful but bearable and I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by a world of underwater darkness.


The view beneath the surface was a bit better than what I expected.

Although I couldn\'t see as far as I would have liked, the faint glow of Mana still illuminated the underwater world.

From what I could gather, there was not a single being in the water, however, in the distance, I could see faint outlines of coral reefs and underwater plants swaying gently with the current.


Pushing myself to the surface, I took a couple of deep breaths.

I didn\'t know what I was supposed to do here.

However, as I was about to swim back to the shore, I noticed that there was no sign of the land anymore.

"What the hell!"

Cursing, I realized that something was wrong.

There was no way I drifted that far from the shore just in a few moments.


Diving beneath the surface once again, I felt a surge of panic rising within me.

The view underwater was also different from before.

The underwater realm was now teeming with life, various large and small creatures swimming and darting through the water.

It didn\'t take a lot of time for one of the bigger beings to notice me and come closer.


Many rows of teeth appeared before me, making a shiver run down my spine.

\'How the fuck is that within my mind!?\'

Looking at the leviathan casually hovering before me, I almost took a deep breath, forgetting I was under the water.

The Creature\'s body was enormous, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly iridescence.

There was a reason these beings were called Kings of the Oceans, Dragons of the Seas.

\'Don\'t attack me... Don\'t attack me... Don\'t attack me...\'

Praying in my mind, I tried suppressing my Mana as much as possible, hoping for the being to ignore my presence.

I was already nothing more than an ant in its immense underwater kingdom.

Maybe it would allow me to live...

Looking at the Leviathan from the corner of my eye, I noticed its gaze lock onto another massive whale-like creature that was swimming in the distance.

Its massive body twisted and it completely forgot about me, dashing toward its prey with a thunderous force.


The force was so strong that I was launched out of the water, only to be plunged into the warm embrace of the ocean once again.


This time, the ocean was back to its former self and I found myself floating in the calm and serene waters.

With a calm and collected mind, I began to slowly swim toward the shore and only when I was near enough to touch the sand did I finally feel a sense of relief wash over me.

"Fuck... What was that..."

Emerging from the water, I quickly took a couple more steps from the dark sea and exhaled a sigh of relief.

However, I didn\'t have time to rest as suddenly, the distant sound of sand being moved echoed through the desert.


Of course, I was not alone.

In the distance, I noticed a massive sandworm emerging from the desert dunes.

Its mouth was so large that it could devour cities with a single swallow. It was filled with sharp teeth that could pierce through anything, even harm the strongest Dragons to some degree.


Looking at the creature in the distance, I couldn\'t help but shake my head.

Why was I meeting all the legendary creatures in a span of a few minutes?


Looking at the distant beast, I suddenly felt a strange pull, forcing me to look toward the north, where the dark and massive mountains of sand loomed over the horizon.

For a second, my vision disappeared and I was transported to the top of one of these mountains.


Feeling the adrenaline, I let out a deep breath.

I didn\'t expect to be teleported.

"What the hell..."

Looking from the top of the mountain, I suddenly noticed a massive sandstorm approaching from the distance.

However, it wasn\'t approaching me, it was nearing the dark and massive sea.


Looking as its massive body plunged into the depths of the water, I turned around and started walking down the mountain.

I wasn\'t planning to see a fight between two goliaths since it would surely be very destructive and might even reach me.

"Escape... Escape..."

By the time, I reached the bottom of the mountain, the sound of distant rumbling grew louder, signaling the impact of the sandworm and the Leviathan colliding.

By sheer luck, I managed to avoid a massive wave of sand that was sent flying into the air from the clash between the sandworm and Leviathan.

Although they were probably a dozen kilometers away, the sheer size of both beings sent vibrations that altered the surrounding environment.

"Clash of the Titans..."

I muttered under my breath, continuing to walk further north, away from the destructive aftermath of the clash.


After an hour or so, the sounds of battle no longer reached my ears, making me sigh in relief.

"What now?"

Taking a seat on the dark sand, I looked around the area.

I was not sure how should I escape this dream-like state.

"Should I?"

Slapping myself in the face, I tried to awaken, however, I found myself still stuck in the dream.

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind and I placed my hands on my chest, exactly where the plunged fang of the Cerberus was supposed to be embedded.

"Time to wake up."

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