
Chapter 218 Cleaning Up

Walking through the desolate landscape dotted with random ruins that seemed to be frozen in time, I was humming a melody that echoed in the vast emptiness around me.

I wasn\'t afraid of attracting attention, there was simply nothing that could cause me any danger.

My footsteps resounded against soft sand, creating a rhythmic beat that accompanied my tune.

"This day can\'t get any better..."

Wearing a small smile on my face, I swung a Shadowy Blade held in my hand, beheading a formless Shadow that lunged at me from out of the Darkness.

During my journey back, I was already attacked a few times, however, a single strike from my blade created by the Shadow Mana Art could behead these beings.

Also, during the past few hours I\'ve noticed that my Weapon Style is compatible with my Mana Art.

It\'s like every time I use my Style with the Shadowy Blade, its effects are greatly enhanced.

Although I\'m not sure, it\'s probably because both of them are of the same element.


Approaching the portal that led me outside, I took a deep breath and glanced back at the Dungeon behind me.

"I\'m no longer an extra."

Letting the last few words linger in the air, I took a step through the portal and into the sunlight.

For a moment, I was blinded by the warm, radiant light that enveloped me.


Groaning, I took a few minutes to adjust to the brightness before lowering my hands and taking in the sight before me.

Before me stood the same ruined village that I left behind, however, the massive Shadow looming over it was more transparent, allowing the sunlight to shine upon the landscape.

My eyes instantly went toward the twisting Shadows that were still present, lurking in corners and alleys.

Their obsidian eyes were locked onto me or rather the portal behind me, which was distorting and twisting, closing after I\'ve killed the Dungeon\'s boss.

"Come, attack me!"

I pointed the tip of my Shadowy Blade in the direction of the creatures, a fierce expression spreading across my face.

I was already planning on cleaning up all the Shadows that had escaped the Dungeon during its outbreak.

However, if all of them were to come at me at once...

This would require little to no time!


I lowered my stance, letting my muscles tense in anticipation of the imminent battle.

The Shadows, as if responding to my challenge, began to slither and glide towards me, their forms shifting and contorting in eerie ways. Their obsidian eyes gleamed with malevolence, and they moved with an unsettling fluidity that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

My grip on the Shadowy Blade tightened, and I could feel the dark energy coursing through it, ready to be unleashed. As the first Shadow lunged at me, I spun gracefully on my heel, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. With a swift and expert strike, I severed its head from its shadowy body. The headless form dissipated into a wisp of darkness, vanishing into nothingness.

The remaining Shadows closed in, undeterred by the fate of their companion. I danced among them, my movements a symphony of grace and power. Each swing of my blade was a lethal stroke, and Shadows fell one after the other. They tried to surround me, but I was always one step ahead, my instincts and combat skills honed to perfection.


I could hear the soft whispers of the Shadows, their voices like a chorus of despair. They were desperate to overwhelm me, but I was unyielding. The compatibility between my Weapon Style and Shadow Mana Art was proving to be a formidable advantage. Every strike I delivered was enhanced by the dark energy, making my attacks devastatingly effective.

The battle raged on, and I lost myself in the rhythm of combat. Time seemed to slow as I continued to cleave through the Shadows.


As the last of the Shadows closed in, I channeled all my remaining energy into a single, powerful strike. The Shadowy Blade cut through the air with a blinding arc, and the remaining Shadows were engulfed in darkness. Their forms wavered and flickered before dissipating entirely, leaving behind only an echo of their malevolent presence.

With a small smile, I stood amidst the fading shadows, victorious.

However, soon another shadow emerged from the darkness, its form, unlike the others I had just defeated.

It was the Blind Shadow Anaconda.

The Blind Shadow Anaconda emerged from the depths of darkness with a hiss that sent shivers down my spine. Its massive form was a sight to behold, a serpentine behemoth covered in glistening obsidian scales. The scales shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, absorbing the ambient light and reflecting it in a hauntingly beautiful display.

Its eyes, however, were hollow voids, devoid of sight, yet filled with a malevolent presence that made my heart race. This creature was no ordinary Shadow; it was a formidable adversary, and I could sense that this battle would test the limits of my abilities.

The Blind Shadow Anaconda lunged at me with astonishing speed, its jaws snapping shut with a deafening clap. I narrowly dodged its attack, feeling the rush of displaced air against my skin. The sheer power and precision of the strike were awe-inspiring.

I knew I had to stay focused, my instincts sharp. With a quick pivot, I countered with a powerful thrust of my Shadowy Blade. The blade pierced the Anaconda\'s scales, causing dark, oily blood to ooze from the wound. It let out a bone-chilling hiss of pain but showed no signs of backing down.

"Not so tough anymore..."

As the battle raged on, the Blind Shadow Anaconda proved to be a relentless opponent. It slithered and coiled, its movements unpredictable and maddeningly fast. Its blind eyes seemed to track me with uncanny accuracy as if it could sense my presence through some otherworldly means.

I continued to strike with precision, aiming for the gaps in its obsidian armor. Each strike sent tremors through the Anaconda\'s massive body, but it retaliated with a ferocity that was both astonishing and terrifying. Its jaws snapped at me, and I narrowly avoided being swallowed whole.

The Anaconda\'s blindness, while a disadvantage in some ways, also meant that it relied heavily on its other senses.

I decided to use that to my advantage.


I began to move with deliberate, rhythmic steps, creating a hypnotic pattern with my footwork. The Blind Shadow Anaconda, unable to see me, relied on the vibrations and sounds I generated. It followed my movements, its head swaying from side to side, trying to pinpoint my location.

With each step, I led the creature into a carefully laid trap. I feigned an opening, a vulnerability, and as the Anaconda lunged once more, I sidestepped with lightning speed. The massive serpent\'s head crashed into a crumbling stone wall, disorienting it for a crucial moment.


Taking full advantage of the opportunity, I delivered a devastating blow to its exposed flank. The Shadowy Blade sliced through the scales, cutting deep into the creature\'s flesh. Dark energy surged through the blade, intensifying the damage.

The Blind Shadow Anaconda let out a final, agonized hiss before dissipating into a wisp of darkness, its obsidian scales fading into nothingness.


Looking at the dissipating darkness, I smirked.

I was already aware of the many shadows approaching me, gathering from everywhere around.

But I was not afraid.

"Come... Come... I don\'t want to stay here any longer!"


A girl with blond hair and emerald eyes watched as the sight before her unfolded.

The flying vehicle was moving at such fast speeds that there was a blur of colors and lights.

However, her eyes shone with Mana, allowing her to take in all the sights.

"How much longer till we get to the place?"

She turned her head to the person sitting next to her, a woman with silver hair and a relaxed expression.

Sometimes Katarina wondered how her mother could keep calm although they were about to explore the new unexplored depths of the world.

A new element!

Never in her past tries had she known about such a thing.

"About an hour, why? Not enjoying the time with your mother?"

Steering the vehicle with ease, her mother gave her a playful smile.

Katarina grinned and shook her head.

At least her mother was the same.



I let out a deep breath as the last Shadow fell beneath my feet.

I had probably killed more than a few hundred of them by now.

At first various shadows that resided in the village came but after that they began to flood from the rivers and the forest, gathering in a never-ending stream.

It took me an entire hour to fight off the relentless onslaught, but I finally stood victorious amidst the sea of defeated shadows.

Although my Mana was depleted and my body fatigued from the prolonged fight, I was happy.

"Time to go back to the Academy~"

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