
Chapter 198 Second Floor (2)

As the creature emerged from the wreckage of the burning bookshelves, it became apparent that my previous attacks had only scratched the surface of its scales.

It stood tall, its waxy skin now oozing a viscous, molten substance that seemed impervious to the flames engulfing the library.

This Draconic creature was not to be underestimated.

With a snarl, it lunged at me once more, its claws swiping through the air with blinding speed.


I parried as best I could, but the force behind its attacks was overwhelming. Each clash of our weapons sent shockwaves of pain through my arms.

I needed a plan, and I needed it fast.

As the creature\'s claws closed in on me, I noticed a nearby pile of debris from the fallen bookshelves. It was a long shot, but I had to try.

With a quick twist of my body, I evaded its strike and sprinted toward the pile of wreckage.

The creature pursued, its shadowy eyes locked onto me, hungry for my defeat. It lunged again, but this time, I leaped onto the pile of debris, sending it cascading toward the creature. It roared in fury as the makeshift avalanche crashed into it, burying it beneath a mound of burning books and shattered wood.

"Is it wounded?"

This bought me a moment of respite, but I knew it wouldn\'t be long before the creature broke free. I needed a way to finish this battle once and for all.

The Draconic creature\'s muffled roars echoed from beneath the wreckage, but I couldn\'t afford to be distracted.

As the creature\'s roars grew more desperate beneath the pile of debris, I seized the opportunity to catch my breath and assess the situation. The library was a charred and chaotic battleground, with flames dancing around us, casting eerie shadows on the crumbling shelves and scattered books.

I knew that the creature\'s resilience was far beyond ordinary. Its resilient scales and razor-sharp claws were formidable, and I had to find a way to exploit its weaknesses.

My eyes scanned the room for anything that could give me an advantage. And then, I saw it - a series of massive chandeliers still hanging from the ceiling, weakened by the flames.

"Should I do it the second time?"

A small smirk appeared on my face.

Summoning all my strength and determination, I sprinted towards the nearest chandelier. The creature, still trapped beneath the wreckage, struggled to break free, its shadowy eyes filled with rage and frustration.

With a swift strike of my longsword, I severed the chandelier\'s chains. It crashed down towards the creature, who managed to roll out of the way just in time. Shards of crystal and metal scattered in all directions, and the creature let out a pained howl as it was struck by the debris.

I took a moment to catch my breath, sweat pouring down my brow. The creature, though injured, was far from defeated. Its molten skin oozed and sizzled as it slowly rose to its feet, a sinister glint in its shadowy eyes.

The library had become a battleground of desperation, the clash of elements and steel filling the air. The creature\'s determination was matched only by my own, and I knew I had to end this battle swiftly.

I circled the creature cautiously, watching for any sign of weakness. It snarled, its smoky aura wavering as it struggled to maintain its strength. This was my chance.

With a fierce battle cry, I closed the distance between us, unleashing a flurry of strikes. My blade found the gaps in its tough scales, and each blow inflicted more damage, causing the creature to howl in agony.

But it was not one to go down without a fight. With a surge of energy, it unleashed another torrent of fire from its maw. I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the searing flames that scorched the ground where I had stood.

The flames consumed more of the library, and I knew time was running out. I couldn\'t rely solely on brute force; I needed strategy and precision.

Ducking under the creature\'s next attack, I countered with a swift kick to its midsection, causing it to stagger back. It hissed in pain, and for the first time, I noticed that its smoky aura was dimming, indicating that it was nearing its limit.

This was my moment of opportunity.

With a burst of speed, I closed the distance once more, my blade slashing through the weakened aura. The creature recoiled, its waxy skin now marred with deep gashes.

Before it could retreat or unleash another fiery assault, I was upon it, striking its side with a powerful punch that sent it crashing into the smoldering remains of the bookshelves.

The impact resonated through the chamber, and a cloud of ashes and embers filled the air. But I knew it was not enough to end such a formidable foe.

I could see the creature rising from the ashes, its molten skin glowing brighter with newfound determination. It was not willing to surrender, and I could feel its relentless fury.

With a growl of frustration, it advanced toward me once more, its claws extended, ready to strike. This was a battle of endurance, and I was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

The library continued to burn around us, the flames reflecting in the creature\'s shadowy eyes. It was a battle of wills and strength, and I knew that only one of us would walk away from this fiery ordeal.

With a primal roar, the Draconic creature lunged at me, its claws slashing through the air like deadly talons. I braced myself, my longsword raised to meet its attack. The clash of our weapons sent sparks flying in all directions, and the force behind its strike threatened to overwhelm me.

As the battle raged on in the heart of the burning library, I could feel the weight of exhaustion pressing down on me.

Each clash with the Draconic creature had taken its toll, and I knew I couldn\'t keep up this relentless pace much longer.

The creature\'s relentless attacks continued, and I was forced to dodge, parry, and counter with every ounce of my skill and strength. It was as if we were locked in a deadly dance, our movements precise and calculated. Every strike from its claws sent tremors through my body, and I could feel my muscles screaming in protest.

But I couldn\'t afford to give in to fatigue.

I watched for any opening, any sign of vulnerability in its defenses. And then, I saw it - the creature\'s scaly skin was starting to crack and splinter in places. The constant strain of the battle was taking its toll on its formidable defenses.

With renewed determination, I focused my attacks on those weakened areas. My sword found its mark, striking at the cracks in the creature\'s scales with precision. Each strike caused the molten substance to ooze and sizzle, and the creature howled in pain.

But it wasn\'t done yet. With a final burst of strength, it unleashed one last fiery breath, a desperate attempt to incinerate me. I knew I couldn\'t dodge this attack, so I raised my sword in front of me, using it as a shield against the searing flames.

The flames engulfed me, and I could feel the intense heat scorching my armor. The pain was excruciating, but I held firm, refusing to yield to the inferno. I could hear the creature\'s triumphant growl, thinking it had finally bested me.

But it had made a grave mistake. As the flames subsided, I emerged from the fiery inferno, my armor charred and smoking, but my resolve unbroken. The creature\'s eyes widened in disbelief as it realized I was still standing.

Now was the time to strike. With all the strength I could muster, I charged forward, my sword blazing with determination. The creature tried to defend itself, but it was too late. My blade pierced through its cracked and weakened scales, driving deep into its heart.


A deafening roar of pain echoed through the library as the Draconic creature writhed in agony. Its molten skin sizzled and bubbled, and I could see life draining from its shadowy eyes.

With a final, desperate strike, I severed the creature\'s head from its body, and it fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. The battle was over.


I stood there, panting heavily, surrounded by the burning ruins of the library. The flames continued to rage, but the threat of the Draconic creature was finally extinguished. I had emerged victorious but at a great cost.


Looking at my burnt hands and charred skin, I cursed knowing that this would take a health potion to fix.

I was only on the second floor and yet I was already struggling.

"I\'m quite weak..."

Letting out a giggle that lacked any mirth, I took out the potion and quickly brought it to my lips.

Only three floors were left.

There might also be a demon but I wasn\'t willing to think about it yet.

First, I should focus on completing the floors since it\'s becoming fairly obvious, I\'m not yet prepared for this dungeon.

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