
Chapter 157 Aftermath

Chapter 157  Aftermath


As the echoes of battle subsided, the survivors began to emerge from their hiding places. Awakeners cautiously stepped out from the ruins, their expressions a mix of relief and sorrow. They began to lift the rubble, searching for any signs of life amongst the fallen buildings.

Many were crying as they uncovered their loved ones, either miraculously alive or lost forever to the devastation. The scene was heart-wrenching, as families were reunited in tearful embraces, and others mourned the loss of those they could not save. The city\'s once vibrant spirit was replaced with a solemn aura of grief and disbelief.

Amidst the wreckage, there were stories of incredible survival. Some had sought refuge in underground bunkers, shielded from the chaos above. Others had been saved by Awakeners who used their abilities to create protective barriers, guarding those trapped within the collapsing buildings.


Lucius Throne, the hero of the day, descended from the rooftop where he had battled the formidable demon. His grey hair and beard were now streaked with dirt and sweat, and his robes were tattered from the intense conflict. Yet, he carried himself with a sense of purpose and responsibility.

As he walked through the devastated streets, people approached him with gratitude and awe in their eyes. They thanked him for his courage and strength, for standing up against the demonic invasion and saving their lives. But Lucius was modest in accepting their praise, knowing that the battle was far from over.


His old features were cold and unfeeling, and his eyes betrayed a depth of rage that only a few could feel.

It was like a crushing Aura and everyone had the strange feeling to avoid being in his presence for too long.

Well, except for a lone man that stood right beside him, looking at the Dragon-like Creature that had crashed into the skyscraper and was stuck there, its corpse twisted and lifeless.

"Annoying aren\'t they?"

He spoke, picking up a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it with a flick of his lighter.

The man\'s expression was also cold as if it didn\'t concern him how many of the people died, however, strange wind currents were rippling around him as if displaying his inner feelings.

"How many of our students are dead?"

Seeing Robbin\'s expression, Lucius spoke in a calm yet stern voice.

Both men were eyeing the crushed wreckage of the massive building and people retreating toward the Academy, where they could get temporary shelter until order in the city was restored.

"304 Students are dead and 162 still missing..."

Robbin puffed out a cloud of smoke, watching as it was instantly carried away by his fierce wind currents.

Lucius\'s face tightened with grief and anger, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"How is the \'Golden\' four?"

His hands clenched into fists.

He couldn\'t lose the future of humanity, the four most promising students in the Mage Academy...


In the entire world!

Nobody had such talent as those four individuals.

They were all monsters in their own right!

"3 of them are alive and accounted for..."

Robbin spoke with another puff of smoke.

"And the Elven Princess is slightly injured and currently within the Academy\'s healing facilities."

Hearing his words Lucius let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the future of humanity still had a glimmer of hope.

Losing such talents would be a devastating blow to the Mage Academy and to the world as a whole.

"Any trails on how one of the Noble families had come into our realm?"

He touched his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Demons could only traverse through the realms through voids, however, there was no way such a massive army of these disgusting creatures could just appear out of thin air.

"I think that \'he\' managed to open a Void on his own..."

Robbin barely murmured, his voice echoing through the street.

Lucius, however, didn\'t have anything else to say. This was the most probable theory, considering the magnitude of the invasion and the sudden appearance of the demon army.

Only the Patriarchs and the Demon God had the power to open a Void to another realm, so it was the most probable explanation.


How did no one notice Dark Mana gathering somewhere in the city?

Scratching his beard Lucius sighed in resignation. There was obviously a traitor within their midst, someone who had been secretly working with the Noble family to orchestrate this devastating attack.

However, this was no time to root the traitor out.

First comes the urgent task of ensuring the safety and recovery of the surviving students and the city\'s inhabitants.

"I\'ll have to take the leave now..."

Turning toward Robbin, who was still busy mingling a cigarette in his mouth, Lucius clicked his fingers, extinguishing the flame.

Turning around, he kicked the ground, using his sheer strength to propel himself into the air, leaving behind a trail of dust and debris "Stop smoking and go make sure that no Demon is left..."

Turning around, he kicked the ground, using his sheer strength to propel himself into the air, leaving behind a trail of dust and debris as he darted into the sky, leaving Robbin standing alone.


Robbin glanced at the frozen cigarette in his hand before sighing and dropping it to the ground.


A gust of wind swept through the desolate streets as if scanning the area, while Robbin closed his eyes and focused his senses, attuning himself to the wind, making it his eyes and ears.

Robbin\'s eyes remained closed as he attuned himself to the wind\'s whispers, feeling its currents brush against his skin and carry the faintest of sounds to his ears. He became one with the wind, a silent observer in the chaos that unfolded below.

The wind whispered to him, revealing the presence of Demonic creatures lurking in the shadows of alleyways and abandoned buildings. He could sense their malevolent aura, a darkness that contrasted sharply with the remnants of the city\'s once vibrant energy.

Without hesitation, Robbin disappeared into the wind, moving at astonishing speeds through the city\'s streets. He was a blur, a phantom that the Demons couldn\'t even hope to catch with their keen senses.

His presence was marked only by the swift swishing sound of his Wind Blade technique. With a mere flick of his wrist, the air around him became a lethal weapon, slicing through Demonic creatures with ease. They never saw him coming, cut down before they could even react.

He appeared and disappeared, a ghostly figure darting through the destruction, protecting the city\'s remaining inhabitants from the lurking dangers. The wind carried him effortlessly from one location to another, and with each step, he left behind a trail of shredded Demonic corpses.

The wind became his eyes, revealing the exact location of his enemies even before he could see them. It guided him to those trapped under debris, and with gentle currents, he helped lift the rubble to free survivors.

Amidst the chaos, Robbin could feel the fear and despair of those he rescued. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he witnessed the pain and loss that had befallen the innocent. Yet, he couldn\'t afford to break down. He had a duty to perform, a responsibility to protect.


He continued to move, the wind always whispering its secrets in his ears. With each gust, he detected the faintest of disturbances, locating Demonic creatures that thought they could hide from his senses.

They lunged at him with ferocity, but his mastery over the wind allowed him to effortlessly evade their attacks. With precision and grace, he retaliated, cutting them down before they could even touch him.

The streets became a battleground, and Robbin was the wind\'s Slash...

instrument of justice. His Wind Blade danced through the air, striking down Demons one after another. The wind howled with fury, a reflection of his inner emotions, as he fought to protect what remained of the city.




The wind sang with each swing of his blade, a symphony of destruction that echoed through the city. His movements were fluid and swift, a testament to the years of training he had undergone to master the Wind Element.

His agility allowed him to dance between the debris and wreckage, effortlessly navigating the obstacles while delivering precise and deadly strikes.

Being an assassin allowed him to quickly eliminate his targets, eliminating them before they could regroup or mount a counterattack.

Within a few minutes, he had been to every corner of the city, eliminating threats and ensuring the safety of the remaining inhabitants.

Since most of the stronger Demon forces had retreated Rabbin had an easy time dealing with these C and D Rank beings.

He didn\'t even break a sweat during the battle, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the chaos around him.

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